So more plots, with added Assasins.
If the sky D are watching the fleet, wont they do something if he boards it. Will we see ther first dragon death scene with marnes shooting down a sky drake attaking our super dragon spy. So radar and sonor might pick up his approch, what was the fleet commander to do when a dragon approached for contact. Also if a bunch of sailors learn about dragons, be all over the military in days. At least out favorite drake is immune to bullets, even if any of the navy get trigger happy.
Kiribati is the closest human Nation, and will love the dragons as their presence could be a means of getting money in many different ways. This island is very limited in current times.
Food issue would be pack shipping containers with food, then dump in oceon, but if the other dragons learn of it, they may take them for their own.
With no power wont they attack and destroy the factories, if they started with power, why not continue. People will be hounding for lights and refrigeration, so allow power tp return. In fact can use this to focus the factories onto needed materials, instead of luxury goods ordered.
will they detonate a bomb on the sea bed to allow that pocket of magma to escape, ahead of schedual. So less danger ue to uncontrolable lava.
So the city wont connect with the village system directly, a swim will always be needed. If they can build an under ground power plant, and food storage, much easier to outlast the enemy, so able on concentrating on getting all materials, needed to forge their city under ground. With all these tunnels, will they be able to guard them all. Can dragon use guns, as if they borrow some they could make sure no dragon get in to the tunnels they dont want. possibly even used land mines or other explosives.
What would the council think is more important, earth dragon issues or a human fleet trying to sail straight through tthe island.
Earth Bond, chapter 5 discussion
Moderator: Sennadar Moderators
Earth Bond, chapter 5 discussion