Shadow Walker Chapter 20

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Shadow Walker Chapter 20

Post by NSC »

Ok, I'm reading this chapter now and came across this when the Shadow Fox is giving a history to Kyven:

“Often it is thus that those who bring doom upon others do not understand the consequences of their actions until it is too late,” she told him evenly.

Her statement and the way she said it (evenly), combined with Kyven's recent actions, makes me wonder if there's more here than meets the eye?
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Re: Shadow Walker Chapter 20

Post by SYED »

Who wants to bet that little cavalry will get ambushed and their gear added to arcan stores? If not killed, send them back naked. Steal even the boats! The attack group, should experience canon fire, the arcans taking the canons early, claim they were believed to be loreguard. Find a big enough crystsl and use that to freeze the river whole. Will the human arm start to loose stores early.

So say they stop the army, and make them swear an oath. Why not spread a rumor that carin is looking to build their army, so looking for experienced soldiers. All those in it for the money would go there. How big is the army, sounds like they stocked the barges already. They are waiting for the last second to evacuate, so steal thebarges and leave them stranded.

Annihilators destroy all organic material, correct, so it would destroy wood. So take the black crystal from the death fog device, and use it to eliminate the greatest amount of wooden defences. The alchemy traps, can they be set off to cllear a path. Spirit sight sees only living thing, which include crystals, asa form of pseudo life. Can black crystal weapons be aimed at crystal in general. Imagine the harm it could do, could force the human wars earlier.

So the crystal will increase in value till they disappear, so economy be based on preacious metals. So carin arranges for the banks and houses and government to exchange their money for the gold and silver. So when crystals are gone, their economy survives. If carin has sold their slaves to haven, then it is reasonable that they woud be purchasing more. Each time they get more, haven pays them in crystals and metals. So he keep his nation stable, while collecting reserves. Currently, the armies are dependant on alchemical devices, with some poor guns. If carin can fully equip his small nation with briton weaponry, while a ggood supply of chemy, he is likly to keep safe. who does riyan belong to?, couldbe easily aquired by carin at this point

The arcan slaves cant be kept too close to a grounder or colars fail. So what if kyvern slowly arms or swap them out. So enemy they wont expecting to be able to do anything. So imagine the effect of no arcan slave labour, no arcan meat or arcan furs. Entire industries are gonna colapse.

The allied army has yet to see the stealing abilities of kyvern, so wont have prepared counter measues. Likly to have guards, but not looking in side for thieves. Target for theft are the briton artilary. To slow down armies, use annihlators to destroy food supplies, cant march with no food. The mines are captured and likly booby traped. Use them to buy time till winter coming, then blow them. Then run to fall back. fight gurillla war as enemy army marches. The army would look like a great source of food for the local monsters.

Danna is now knocked up, will her kits be pure arcan or shape changers. Can other shaman get or make shape shifting medallions. How big is arcan army, on an open plaim with clear range of sight, the weapons with longer range could destroy armies. Haven could end up with the largest standing army in nor am, while humans are fighting, find the choke points where humans must go through to reach haven, passes and rivers and fortify them. The arcans do represent a huge work force, so a place like carin could hire them to build canals and roads, ot fortications and get the results quick.
If nor am is gonna explode into war, you are gonna get a lot of refuggese heading for safety, so over the oceons, or in to arcan territory, the only place the armies of the land would hesitate before going. Now the loremasters are in choas, rob thing not neccessary for war, like preacious metals, liabries, jewels. crystal and alchemy are gonna become rare and valuable, so could use carin as a front here. alchemists need crystals, so may head for haven, no war and safer, with more food.

I wonder if kyvern will recogise the location, and figure out what buried there.

What if he offered to kill some shadow creatures, would that earn his back a seal. He cant touch shadow fox, but shadows can, threaten her with a grounder when trappes.

Can any artist reading this, pleace help out and make a map, sometimes i am still confused.
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Re: Shadow Walker Chapter 20

Post by ANTIcarrot »

That's not how EMP...
<sigh> Never mind...

Out of interest, when Shadowfox says there is nothing left of the Ancients, is she lying, simplifying, or genuinely ignorant? The Apollo 11 site is still there for example.

I wonder if some nations of Noram aren't named for Cities or States, but ships named for Cities and States. Nuclear powered ships and submarines have (some) manual backups in case of EMP. (Technically a sub more than 20m underwater is completely immune to EMP*.) Nukes after all aren't electrical, they're heat engines controlled by mechanical valves. Even crippled, once back at port or anchorage, they would be natural centres for post apocalyptic civilisation.

Does Shadowfox realise that in giving Kyven all the contextual knowledge to read anything written in English, she's also taught him the pronounciation and meaning of IUD? (A simple coil is well within arccan industry, and it can be implanted via shadow portals.) In fact, Kyven might have access to all sorts of knowledge, locked away in the language centres of his brain... Maybe he should brainstorm, or talk to a doctor?

*Subject to Author's Saving Throw.
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Re: Shadow Walker Chapter 20

Post by expedient »

ANTIcarrot wrote:That's not how EMP...meaning of IUD...Subject to Author's Saving Throw.
LOL. So funny :lol:

re: vision, Kyven straddles three worlds; human, arcan, monster. Does the Shadow Fox intend for him to choose a role as overseer/overlord?
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Re: Shadow Walker Chapter 20

Post by ANTIcarrot »

Happy to have brought some cheer into your life. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Further speculating on what NSC said, did Shadowfox have anything to do with the Great Ancient Machine? She does admire cleverness after all, and though we can argue if it was wise or not, for humans to build the GAM without spirit help was *very* clever. Did shadowfox possible encourage, poke at, or try and shut the machine down/trick someone else into doing it?
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Re: Shadow Walker Chapter 20

Post by SYED »

Has there been a more kick ass shaman than kyvern!

This ambush, wanna bet it gets both ambushed first, taking the suppliers for the arcans from the humans. Will the soldiers be killed, or sent away naked after making an oath. If the loreguard is planning on evacuating via barges, then a good deal of their supplies would already be on board. So instead of stopping the barges just steal them first, put a shadow portal to suck it up and put it safe. If they capture the army, inform them carin is hiring for a larger army to defend themselves

Grounders can be kept on near devices or crystal if you want them to continue working. So arcan collared cant be kept in a grounded area. Our awesome shaman can shadow walk weaponry to these arcans and drain their collars, if they break out at the right time it would be really useful. THey could quitly help capture loreguard supplies while everyone is occupied. I wonder if that device to freeze a river was ever finished, steal it and the army can march straight to the loreguard island.

Spirit sight can only see the living, spirits and animals, but also crystal a sort of energy of life. So i wonder if black crystals and their devices be altered to harm crystal only. Use the death fog crystal, to destroy the alchemy traps. Or places the death fog machien near the barges so no one can boards them. Annihlators destroy organic material correct, so wood would become ash. Be a quick way of dealling with wooden impediments.

I wonder when, our hero will head to where the experiment was carried out. His language skills could allow him to decode a lot, I wonder what if instead of draining energy from the spirit world, it could works in combination woth a shaman. I wonder how many books the loremasters collected but never understood, their libraries should be robbed now as who would be guarding them now, and help aid the future.

Noram is based on a chit economy, just how much can it buy in preacious metals, so say carin becomes a trading centre, a front so haven can ease the human turmoil. Crystals and food, so they with the chits they earned, use it to buy increasing amount of the so called cheap trinkets. Thus have money to trade over the oceon.

When they get to the city, they will be at the site of the largest battle since the war in which arcan were created. Part of the mission is ensuring the timing works, so the humans cannnt reach haven due to the coming winter snows.

There is a road straight to atan from the city, so i wonder if that would allow the army un parraled spped in travel. THe end of summer rains will be comming, so bog down marches, espeacially logistics. War time use of crystals and conomic demands on crystal would drain the reserves, add to the fact the mines are about to be blown, so the crystal market will drasticly colapse. Is deep river now more heavily fortified.