Coolest Leading Man

Fel's "Coolest" Leading Man

Tarrin Kael
Jason Fox
Fox the Wanderer
Kitstrom Lucas Vulpan III
Kyven Steelhammer
Total votes: 39

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Coolest Leading Man

Post by Ledsmith »

I'm sure there has been posts discussing this in the past but lets getting things going again.

My vote is for Jason.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by Weresmilodon »

Well, it's somewhat unfair to include Fox the Wanderer in this, what with how little we've seen of him yet compared to the others. Other then that, Kyven.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by Mistra »

i'd have gone for tarrin if he weren't so stubbornly feral (for someone strongwilled he's awfully reluctant to will himself to not be feral)

so my vote goes to jason for having sex with multiple hot blue aliens and splattening bigass bugs.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by dellstart »

Mistra wrote:i'd have gone for tarrin if he weren't so stubbornly feral (for someone strongwilled he's awfully reluctant to will himself to not be feral)

so my vote goes to jason for having sex with multiple hot blue aliens and splattening bigass bugs.

Dittos, cant disagree with that sentiment. Vote for jason Karrine it is!

Kit should get an honorable mention, cause hes the ma n!
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by dellstart »

Guess next category will be coolest leading lady , well now that could prove interesting :wink:
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by DigitalMaestro »

That discussion could spawn some fun debates on actual character roles....
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by GBLW »

Overall, I have to say that it's a darn tough choice.
Sorry folks, minor spoiler edit!
Tarrin Kael is both stubborn and fearful throughout most of the books, but finally becomes a 'real' man and owns up to his faults and fears in the last few chapters of the last book, but even then, he's not my choice.

Jason Fox has a helacious temper and can be brutal as well as uncaring when provoked. He burns too many bridges behind him, then has to rebuild them, so nope, not my cup of tea.

Kyven Steelhammer starts out as a wimp until he is goosed by a spirit, then he grows up somewhat, but even then he has a tendency to overcompensate for any fault. On top of that he can't seem to grow up and accept that he brought on his problem with the shadowfox spirit by being prejudiced, which puts him on my questionable list - at least until we see more of his story.

I really don't know much about Fox the Wanderer, except that he is supposedly a rough character in a fight, something of a magician and quite a lover. Unfortunately I haven't seen enough of his character to vote for him.

Kit Vulpan has lived a rough life throughout his childhood and early years, but he has still managed to maintain his sanity and his key values. On top of that he uses his head for something besides a hat-rack. In my view that makes him the clear winner - so far!

Last edited by GBLW on Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by boballab »

GBLW wrote:Overall, I have to say that it's a darn tough choice.

Tarrin Kael is both stubborn and fearful throughout most of the books, but finally becomes a 'real' man and owns up to his faults and fears in the last few chapters of the last book, but even then, he's not my choice.

Jason Fox has a helacious temper and can be brutal as well as uncaring when provoked. He burns too many bridges behind him, then has to rebuild them, so nope, not my cup of tea.

Kyven Steelhammer starts out as a wimp until he is goosed by a spirit, then he grows up somewhat, but even then he has a tendency to overcompensate for any fault. On top of that he can't seem to grow up and accept that he brought on his problem with the shadowfox spirit by being prejudiced, which puts him on my questionable list - at least until we see more of his story.

I really don't know much about Fox the Wanderer, except that he is supposedly a rough character in a fight, something of a magician and quite a lover. Unfortunately I haven't seen enough of his character to vote for him.

Kit Vulpan has lived a rough life throughout his childhood and early years, but he has still managed to maintain his sanity and his key values. On top of that he uses his head for something besides a hat-rack. In my view that makes him the clear winner - so far!

For the most part agree with you except about Kyven. You are holding his predjuice against him without considering the backdrop. Take someone that lived in the 1920's out in the backhills of Kentucky, that can't make friends because he "see's" things. On top of that everyone around him thinks blacks are just a slightly more intelligent animal and teaches him that from childhood. This person for all his life is expecting to grow up in this community, get a job in a nearby coal mine and die in that community. Now thrust that person into the situation that one of his visions turns out to be real and leads him to Harlem. Hmm I don't think that person is going to looking at himself right off for any problems that accrue from being surronded by what he was taught was nothing more then slightly more intelligent animals.

The big difference between Kit and Kyven is that Kit has already completed the journy Kyven is making. Kit would have prejudices of his own comming from a wealthy family and isolated to them and growing up among the attitude of being better then the little people. He learned different in his travels, Kyven is still on his.

How I went is like this:
Firestaff and Pyrosian was bascially the story of Tarrins journey to accepting who and what he is. With the end of the journey we now have the complete Tarrin but little more of how he operates after that so that leaves a big ?

Jason has completed his journey of discovery but to me at times is a whiny bitch, that clings to Denmother Zaa's apron strings too much.

Kyven is still on his journey of discovery and is still changing.

Kit is complete, his only one real flaw is his irrational fear that somehow the family money will change him, not possibly, but will change him. He has definite mores and values and acts according to them and is not afraid to stand his ground when he believes he is right, but will listen to reason from others. Tarrin had Niami to lead him by the hand, Kyven the Shadowfox and Jason the Denmother on their journeys while Kit only had himself. To me that is why Kit right now is the "coolest".
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by GBLW »

Ahhh, but I did say that we hadn't seen enough of the story to see how Kyven turns out in the long run. You never know, I may change my mind, but at this stage of all of the stories, I prefer Kit's personality and his actions.

Perhaps I do have another 'small' reason. You see when I was finished high school I left home and moved away from my family for personal reasons very similar to Kit's. I left behind a family who bought Cadillacs and huge pickup trucks, lived in new houses and owned large properties, but at the same time they had opinions and viewpoints which I couldn't stand. So I moved away, got married, built a business, raised a family, put the kids through University and now I can look at my former family and say that I agree completely with Kit, money can ruin some people.
Last edited by GBLW on Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by garion »

:D :D :D
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by garion »

GBLW wrote:Overall, I have to say that it's a darn tough choice.

Tarrin Kael is both stubborn and fearful throughout most of the books, but finally becomes a 'real' man and owns up to his faults and fears in the last few chapters of the last book, but even then, he's not my choice.

Jason Fox has a helacious temper and can be brutal as well as uncaring when provoked. He burns too many bridges behind him, then has to rebuild them, so nope, not my cup of tea.

Kyven Steelhammer starts out as a wimp until he is goosed by a spirit, then he grows up somewhat, but even then he has a tendency to overcompensate for any fault. On top of that he can't seem to grow up and accept that he brought on his problem with the shadowfox spirit by being prejudiced, which puts him on my questionable list - at least until we see more of his story.

I really don't know much about Fox the Wanderer, except that he is supposedly a rough character in a fight, something of a magician and quite a lover. Unfortunately I haven't seen enough of his character to vote for him.

Kit Vulpan has lived a rough life throughout his childhood and early years, but he has still managed to maintain his sanity and his key values. On top of that he uses his head for something besides a hat-rack. In my view that makes him the clear winner - so far!

man my thoughts exactly thanks i couldn't find the words
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by Cougar2k2 »

I had to pick Kit Vulpan. He is the average joe in my book, the underdog (underfox?). Anyway, they all have their good and bad points but for some reason Kits character just seems to be the one I can relate to the most most likely because of the story's settings.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by boballab »


I come from the other end of the spectrum, with similar surrondings as Kyven. I grew up poor in rural Pennsylvania, in an all white town surronded by farms. There was no overt racism but luckily the school I attended had blacks from a town 6 miles away. I also grew up in a family that was in the commerical mushroom business and met a lot of Puerto Ricans. However my parents and grandparents generations (WWII and before) had that jaundiced view towards Blacks and Puerto Ricans. Most kids expected in high school to basically marry their sweethart and take over the farm, however I was different I was the school geek. I joined the Navy with the express purpose of being able to see the world and different cultures something totally alien to my family, schoolmates and neighbors. So I can see where Kyven is comming from and also Kit but from the opposite view. Kyven would be like one of my schoolmates suddenly being dropped in Africa, where Kit is like me just can't follow in the path laid out that all those around him follow, it's just not him.

However like you I voted for Kit since he has found himself, blazed his own path without the help and hand holding that the other characters got along the way and became his own man. Something I did when I joined the Navy, found my own way without help from others, I rose and fell on my own merits and learned alot along the way.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by D.F. Thompson »

For me it'd have to Kit.
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Re: Coolest Leading Man

Post by Wiz »

Tarrin, no contest. He's a bad @ss Mo-Fo that don't take crap from anyone, not even gods.

As far as everyone saying Kit Made it on his own without help, that's true. Uh except for when his sister gave him that car ... or two ... and airplane ... and flying lessons ... and enough money to never have to work again ... and a job on the board of an huge international company.
He keeps saying that he doesn't want anything to do with his family's money, but every time he turns around, hes accepting something from his sister. Nothing but a weak willed hypocrite.