Babar Reference?

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Babar Reference?

Post by Fiferguy »

So I was rereading...again... And I noticed something new...again... ;)

In Chapter 2 of Demon's Bane, Fel wrote "and also spied a creature that looked like a bipedal elephant, twelve spans tall and with an oversized head, wearing some kind of blue military uniform and a monacle over its left eye."

Would this be a reference to Cornelius in the Babar cartoon?
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Re: Babar Reference?

Post by Spec8472 »

You watch entirely too much kids TV. :P

That said, once you pointed it out - yeah, it's very much sounding like a Babar reference.
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Re: Babar Reference?

Post by Fiferguy »

That show was on when I WAS a kid. :twisted:

Posted from my iPhone.