The Bush Bashin' Thread

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The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Spec8472 »

This was split from the "What is your Opinion of Religion" thread.

If you're not offended by pro-bush commentary, or those err... less than pleased with the current US President's administration, feel free to go for it here.

If you are offended by it, please don't read any further.

No personal attacks (either against Bush, or other members of the forum) - just the policies, actions, and inactions of the current US President.

Flame on (civilly).
Last edited by Spec8472 on Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by codewarrior »

Hell I know someone is watching me actually probably a lot of people...The CIA, The FBI, RIAA, MPAA and I am sure a host of other abbreviations and no I am not paranoid i just realize that Bush has given to much power to them to intrude on our privacy. And I don't really think that Bush count as God...well may be in his mind but that is a discussion for another topic.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Trekkie »

codewarrior wrote:Hell I know someone is watching me actually probably a lot of people...The CIA, The FBI, RIAA, MPAA and I am sure a host of other abbreviations and no I am not paranoid i just realize that Bush has given to much power to them to intrude on our privacy. And I don't really think that Bush count as God...well may be in his mind but that is a discussion for another topic.
*Sigh* Bush bashing already?
When all else fails, blame Bush :-P
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Fiferguy »

Trekkie wrote:
codewarrior wrote:Hell I know someone is watching me actually probably a lot of people...The CIA, The FBI, RIAA, MPAA and I am sure a host of other abbreviations and no I am not paranoid i just realize that Bush has given to much power to them to intrude on our privacy. And I don't really think that Bush count as God...well may be in his mind but that is a discussion for another topic.
*Sigh* Bush bashing already?
When all else fails, blame Bush :-P
We should move any Bush Bashing to a new'd probably see in the neighborhood of 2.5 X 10^3000 posts every day... ;) And as for Bush... get your theocracy out of my democracy.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Fel »

Trekkie wrote:
codewarrior wrote:Hell I know someone is watching me actually probably a lot of people...The CIA, The FBI, RIAA, MPAA and I am sure a host of other abbreviations and no I am not paranoid i just realize that Bush has given to much power to them to intrude on our privacy. And I don't really think that Bush count as God...well may be in his mind but that is a discussion for another topic.
*Sigh* Bush bashing already?
When all else fails, blame Bush :-P
Speak not the evil 4 letter B-word in my presence.

Unless you want a 15 page diatribe about this $%@#@#&#%^#%^ and why he must be remembered as the one American historical figure that should only be used as an example of how to wreck a nation.
Just another guy from the shallow end of the gene pool.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Fiferguy »

I think I love you Fel...
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Journeywoman »

Fel wrote:
Trekkie wrote:
codewarrior wrote:Hell I know someone is watching me actually probably a lot of people...The CIA, The FBI, RIAA, MPAA and I am sure a host of other abbreviations and no I am not paranoid i just realize that Bush has given to much power to them to intrude on our privacy. And I don't really think that Bush count as God...well may be in his mind but that is a discussion for another topic.
*Sigh* Bush bashing already?
When all else fails, blame Bush :-P
Speak not the evil 4 letter B-word in my presence.

Unless you want a 15 page diatribe about this $%@#@#&#%^#%^ and why he must be remembered as the one American historical figure that should only be used as an example of how to wreck a nation.
I'm right there with you. But since we're targeting B@$#, might as well extend it to the b@$!@*% Bonsai (small B@$# / John Howard) as well. He insists on kissing B@$#'s butt and making Australia less safe! They have real nerve making the majority hate the Muslims, who are now an integral part of our community! It's like beating up a kid at school because they are different! We need community in this day and age, not the Crusades! It was a very sad day for Australia when the Cronulla Riots occured and for what... so we blindly follow America to war so it can get control of Middle East Oil :?::!:
What has our world come to :evil: :?::!:

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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Spec8472 »

Journeywoman wrote:But since we're targeting B@$#, might as well extend it to the b@$!@*% Bonsai (small B@$# / John Howard)

As a friend of mine calls him: Mullet Mouth... either that or "the little grey bastard".
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Fiferguy »

I just wonder--is there a country that doesn't hate Bush? And by country, I mean the people of the country.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Trekkie »

/me shakes his head. You know, this thread is pathetic.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Spec8472 »

Fiferguy wrote:I just wonder--is there a country that doesn't hate Bush? And by country, I mean the people of the country.
Funnily enough, I was listening to a podcast recently which had a whole bunch of (American, British, Australian) social commentators on a panel discussing America's "bad image".

This question was asked too - the answer was "Yes", however it's somewhere in western europe - a former soviet state, from memory :) They love everything American.

But seriously - there has been a major turn for the worse (in terms of global opinion) in the years since Bush has been the US President.

Bush, himself, may be a decent kinda guy - but there's been a large number of decisions which he* has made which have caused public opinion to drop like a stone.

There really does seem to be a view that America (or the institutions that control the country) is/are becoming hyper-xenophobic.
I would love to go visit - but the visa entry requirements are far too painful, and the treatment I would likely be subjected to is unreasonably harsh.

Yeah, there are a lot of good things that the US does, in terms of international disaster relief and funding, but that is countered by apparent (and proven) massive corporate greed/corruption.

Australia doesn't exactly have a clear slate either - and for that I am truly ashamed.

* = Him, or his administration - for which he is ultimately responsible, given that no one person outranks him.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by fear1222 »


You can talk politics.......

You can talk to your friends......

But don't talk politics with your friends......

You end up losing them or creating a rift because of it.

People need to accept that everybody has different opinions of how things should be done and no matter how different the ideas are......their ideas are always the best ideas that should have been used.

Why stir up the hornets nest unless you are into that kind of pain?

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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by afrigeek »

At the same time, to be fair, we need to consider that people make decisions on the basis of the knowledge available to them at the time. While everyone who will bash Bush has the benefit of hind sight form which to do it safely, Bush does not have that priviledge.

When things are going steadily worse, sometimes people conveniently forget that at the time they actually supported the decisions and only make noise now that it seems they were actually either based on wrong information, analysis or advice.

People talk of him taking away their freedoms but it is their congressmen and senators who voted those actual measures in place supported by a population that was hysterical at the time in the aftermath of 9/11.

Everyone wanted the president to do somethign big to get back at the people who had struck America at its very heart, however when the consequences of such unilateral actions rebounded, now everyone wants to blame him for doing what his electorate at the time wanted. Public opinion is so fickle.
"Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others." - Oscar Wilde

What actually happened was that George Dubya Bush saw an Iraqi maths teacher carrying a geometry set, accused him of being a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement, and charged him with possessing weapons of maths instruction.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by Fel »

fear: your post quite succintly sums up why he's such a polarizing figure.

You either love him or hate him. I do not think there is anyone in America that has a "neutral" opinion of him.

And I will say this about your statement: if you lose a friend over politics, he/she was never really a friend. True friendship is about more than philosophical viewpoints. True friends can argue like banshees over something stupid like politics or religion, then head out to the pub for a pint afterwards.

You take people as they are, not as how you want them to be. And not everyone is going to see things the same way you do.

One of my IRL friends is a Bush supporter, and I love harassing him over it, just as he loves baiting me into arguments. But at the end of the day, we just laugh and go on about the business of friendship.
Just another guy from the shallow end of the gene pool.
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Re: The Bush Bashin' Thread

Post by fear1222 »

Fel wrote:fear: your post quite succintly sums up why he's such a polarizing figure.

And I will say this about your statement: if you lose a friend over politics, he/she was never really a friend. True friendship is about more than philosophical viewpoints. True friends can argue like banshees over something stupid like politics or religion, then head out to the pub for a pint afterwards.
Good point there about friends. Unfortunatly some people that are good friends don't know when to let things go and it does ruin a good friendship is what I meant. But that is very rare I would think. Most normal people know that talk is talk and leave it at that. My cousin is a bleeding liberal with no morals or positions on anything so I love to get his goat all the time. Royaly pisses him off when I call him Dick Bush :D
Fel wrote:One of my IRL friends is a Bush supporter, and I love harassing him over it, just as he loves baiting me into arguments. But at the end of the day, we just laugh and go on about the business of friendship.

On that note...........I am a Bush supporter in most things that he does but sometimes he just angers me too much. That crap with flying onto the aircraft destroyer in a jet and declaring " Mission Accomplished" was PURE B.S.!! I can understand if he wants to do that to boost troop moral or to tell them that they are doing a great job. But don't say something stupid like that knowing that we will still be there years later. I understand that we can't just pull out and leave the Iraqi people to the whim of the terrorists but come on, get us out already. My best friend has been over there for almost 2 years now and I am tired of his life being in danger while his wife and kid are here. I am happy to provide support for them cause they are like family to me but enough is enough already. Hell, my brother in law was a siper in the Marines but he got tagged in the chest and fell 20 feet from a building over a year ago. He will walk with a limp and only has 80% of his heart working properly now. I am sure we all have someone we know and would like it to end.

OK, I am done ranting now. Sorry about that I guess it was a little pent up there. WHEW.....hmmm...I feel better now.