Two continuity issues. (Spoilers)

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Two continuity issues. (Spoilers)

Post by 2p1k3 »


I just wanted to say that I have absolutely adored your writing. I am sure I am not the only one. I wanted to mention two continuity problems though between the firestaff series and the initial book afterwards (I'm not completely caught up).

1.) the first time that Tarrin was at Mala Myr (the dwarven ruins) it was mentioned that there was a priest spell still active consecrating an area that Sarraya was. This is what protected her from the Sandmen before Jegojah recovered her. After this realization Tarrin figured that there still had to be Dwarves because their gods were Young Gods and wouldn't exist without followers. If their Gods didn't exist then that priest spell would not still be active. Yet in the "Dwarven Axe" book he acts as if that never happens and says frequently that all the Dwarves are dead.

2.) After Kerri gives birth to her child Tarrin says that Faalken (Kerri's child) was the tenth Sui'kun and that there were only supposed to be two Sui'kuns in reserve. In the Firestaff Collection the Goddess tells him that she was allowed to have 'three' extra not 'two'. The reason for the three is obviously that neither Tarrin, Sypder, or Jasana were going to have the temperment to control a tower for long periods of time. Since she wanted seven towers again that means she needed seven sui'kuns who would run those towers. Seven plus Tarrin, Sypder, and Jasana equals ten. not nine. :)

I am not finished with your "Dwarven Axe" book so I perfectly understand that there 'could' be some reason for the first point. Afterall you never 'wrote' Tarrins plan until it was time for him to 'perform' the plan. Thus treating anything that was written and the reader knew as what the 'Gods' knew. But I don't see how the second could just be a play on what the 'reader' knows. Again though, I want to stress that I 'love' the story and characters you have created and the stories you have written. I am sure I am not the only one with that opinon but I figure you can never get to much of a good thing. :) I have been trying to write my own story but it feels like trying to find the exit in a stadium in perfect blackness and no lights. lol I really think you should try to get this story published though because it truly is excellent. There are some publishers out there that don't care what you do with your story on the internet so you wouldn't even have to worry about the website if you did not want to. I am sure you have heard this before though. This message is getting to long though and so I will bid the goodbye and wish you good luck and godspeed.
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Re: Two continuity issues. (Spoilers)

Post by Fel »

The first question is answered later in Axe of the Dwarven King. Since you asked, I'll go ahead an answer it for you.

Yes, the Dwarves are all dead, but the Gnomes also worship that god. Because they do, he's still active on Sennadar. Mala Myrr was one of those LONG foreshadows, one of those things I bury in a book that you don't remember, but if you go back and reread, you see it and go OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

The second question: hmm...not sure there. Sometimes even I forget stuff, it could be an error. Either I put down the wrong number, or I excised a block of writing that had the material in it (I'm bad about that...I'll write entire pages then throw them out because I don't like it, but that block of material had an important plot device in it. Then I'll just keep going thinking that I've already put that device in, because I'll remember writing it but forget I threw it out with the ditched material). I'll have to look at it. If it is, then I'll correct it, and you get a coveted COOKIE.

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Re: Two continuity issues. (Spoilers)

Post by Super C »

1) All the Dwarves on Sennadar ARE dead. The particular god in questions was a SHARED god between the Dwarves and the Gnomes. Gnomes are still alive on Sennadar (barely), therefore that god still has power to support the spell.

2) I'm not sure where but it was stated that Tarrin is pretty much out of the picture when referring to the 9 sui'kun. He's an 'extra' to the extra sui'kun (Spyder and Jasana). This is most likely due to the fact that he's a demigod as well.
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Re: Two continuity issues. (Spoilers)

Post by 2p1k3 »

a cookie? niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice... damn it, now I am hungry. lol
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Re: Two continuity issues. (Spoilers)

Post by Shadowhawk »

If you wouldn't mind, please add the errors you have found to Sennadar/Error List (of course after registering at Sennadar Wiki).
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")