Non-telpaths Fighting

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Non-telpaths Fighting

Post by ViceMan »

So I was thinking about how Jason and his house where only taking telepathic humans into the armed forces. Now I understand some of that becuase of the there gestalts and interfaces and fighting other houses. But I was thinking what about fighting non-Faey? Because I seem to recall that in one chapter that it was explained that other races have like 1% of there population that are telepathic and most of those are like in diplomacy, secret police and watching Faey when they are in a non faey starport. Also the fact is that the fighting race from the Andromeda galaxy don't seem to be telepathic why not use humans from the former fighting forces especially in the star fighters and not only in the big warships, against non-telepathic species? It seems like a no-brainer to me. One last thing, it has been said in the subjugation universe that no one has found a way to shield the mind from a telepathic person. I was thinking however since no matter how telepathy works the brain is still a electro/chemical unit. Why wouldn't a very low mil-ivolt current run into the skin around the skull shield a mind from a telepath? Just some things I have thought about. what do you think about this?
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Re: Non-telpaths Fighting

Post by expedient »

All indications are that many more non-telepaths will be soon joining the Karinne armed forces. There are already non-telepaths on ships with Kizzik and Makati. Non-telepathic pilots have been at a disadvantage but with the new cyborgization technique that will change.

That the brain works with electro-chemical processes (simplification) does not make it easy to shield from strong electrical signals with an electromagnetic net. You may as well just wear a tinfoil hat.

*If* telepathic powers worked using EM radiation then the Faey (and everyone else for that matter) would have been able to detect and protect against psionic attacks long ago. So far only Karinne tech has been shown to either detect or generate psionic signals.

You would be better served by thinking of the brain as an engine which can in some species generate psionic energies. Much like the chemical potential of gas can be exploited to generate mechanical energy or electricity in our world.

This naturally gives us energies that no one else can detect and probably extra dimensions that no one else can detect. Why extra dimensions? The telepaths and telekinetics do not suffer from the relativity delays that space-time would impose upon them. All psionic events appear to happen instantaneously. Thus any barriers erected in "real space" would have zero effect on psionic abilities unless they also spanned into psionic dimensions. (Similarly to the hyperspace spanning materials such as Teryon.)

If the question is what are telepaths affecting in the brain and your solution is to help maintain brain function then I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Telepathy evidently transmits straight through solid objects and with enough power to work over many miles. The energies involved must be fairly substantial and more than enough to create the primary effects. Inputting more energy into the brain to keep it going is more likely to speed up the process of disorientation or physical damage.

The other side of the coin is that if the brains of telepaths are generating energies in extra dimensions then do *all* brains have some extra dimensional component? The structures in the brain forming some sort of higher dimensional pattern. Therefore part of what telepaths, in this instance, are affecting is the pattern of the conscious mind or perhaps the soul. The powers the Parri shaman and energy beings exhibit seem to suggest that this is a possibility.

I've only read through all the above quickly so I'm sorry if it's rambling. :wink:
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Re: Non-telpaths Fighting

Post by SYED »

I wonder if biogenetic systems could allow for mind shields to protect ship.

THe project was for greater telepathic strength, what else did they discover but did not realise they had, and could they produce more than expected. JAson has already partial shamanisitic skills, i wonder if that is a result of the program, and i wonder if humans have it naturally.
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Re: Non-telpaths Fighting

Post by Seastallion »

expedient wrote:All indications are that many more non-telepaths will be soon joining the Karinne armed forces. There are already non-telepaths on ships with Kizzik and Makati. Non-telepathic pilots have been at a disadvantage but with the new cyborgization technique that will change.

That the brain works with electro-chemical processes (simplification) does not make it easy to shield from strong electrical signals with an electromagnetic net. You may as well just wear a tinfoil hat.

*If* telepathic powers worked using EM radiation then the Faey (and everyone else for that matter) would have been able to detect and protect against psionic attacks long ago. So far only Karinne tech has been shown to either detect or generate psionic signals.

You would be better served by thinking of the brain as an engine which can in some species generate psionic energies. Much like the chemical potential of gas can be exploited to generate mechanical energy or electricity in our world.

This naturally gives us energies that no one else can detect and probably extra dimensions that no one else can detect. Why extra dimensions? The telepaths and telekinetics do not suffer from the relativity delays that space-time would impose upon them. All psionic events appear to happen instantaneously. Thus any barriers erected in "real space" would have zero effect on psionic abilities unless they also spanned into psionic dimensions. (Similarly to the hyperspace spanning materials such as Teryon.)

If the question is what are telepaths affecting in the brain and your solution is to help maintain brain function then I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Telepathy evidently transmits straight through solid objects and with enough power to work over many miles. The energies involved must be fairly substantial and more than enough to create the primary effects. Inputting more energy into the brain to keep it going is more likely to speed up the process of disorientation or physical damage.

The other side of the coin is that if the brains of telepaths are generating energies in extra dimensions then do *all* brains have some extra dimensional component? The structures in the brain forming some sort of higher dimensional pattern. Therefore part of what telepaths, in this instance, are affecting is the pattern of the conscious mind or perhaps the soul. The powers the Parri shaman and energy beings exhibit seem to suggest that this is a possibility.

I've only read through all the above quickly so I'm sorry if it's rambling. :wink:
I think it is fairly likely that the TP and TK of the Subjugation universe, are very likely effects of Quantum Mechanics. I would also include the abilities of the Consortium energy beings and the Parri as well, although perhaps on different 'frequencies' so to speak. In addition, humans have on occaison demonstrated abilities similiar to those of the Parri and energy beings as well. Such as remote viewing, and other paranormal mental abilities.

A disciplined human mind can accomplish incredible things. I would be very interested to see how Fel might use the concept of Chi in martial arts in relation to the Faey and others. Martial Arts masters have disciplined minds (as Jason himself demonstrated early on) and can accomplish amazing thing using Chi. M.A. Masters can use Chi to guide an opponents body to their own advantage, or to even focus the location of intended damage. Such masters are able to do things like striking a stack of bricks and break only one brick in the stack of their choosing. I can't help but wonder what the human race has to offer in terms of hand-to-hand combat ability, as the Faey Elite were very impressed by Jason's ability shortly after he met the Empress. I would argue that the field of hand-to-hand combat probably didn't evolve as far among the Faey as it did among humans. While Jason is a very good martial artist, an expert even, I think it unlikely that he is a true master. There are plenty of human masters that could kick Jason's butt without his talent. The Faey would fall back on their telepathic abilities, and as such it would have guided their development of martial arts.

I would suggest that even the best Faey martial artist would absolutely lose against an expert Human martial artist, without her telepathy to protect her. The fact that the Faey are from a somewhat heavier gravity wouldn't help either, as an expert martial artist wouldn't rely on strength to win. The Faey similiarty to human physiology would work against them, because the known pressure points would make Faey as vulnerable as any human. As long as humans could be trained in the pressure points of alien species, they could effectively combat them in hand-to-hand should it come to it. That would be unlikely however, given the high tech world of Subjugation.
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Re: Non-telpaths Fighting

Post by SYED »

Using biogenetic computers, they can augement telekinesis, also as they are masters of space manipulation, could they develop the ability to teleport.

If armour can have shields, it lets them get in close, mind skills always work better in up close.