Spirit Walker - Spoilers - Chapters 1 through part of 14

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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Metatrone wrote:The Great Fel, Guardian of the Sacred Cookies, Mater of the Glass of Milk.

I was wondering if I should tell Phantom that his enthusiasm is badly misplaced and the more he guesses the less likely he is to get a cookie but...
Who needs Cookies when you have Tin-Foil.......Besides Cookies are the Evil Minions of Web masters who
change Font sizes for fun Muhahahahahahaha
TLGG wrote:Perhaps having arcan blood in her will give her some protection in Haven, with arcans seeing her as somewhat related, ala Kimdori and Karinnes. However, it just may literally be a seed.

A bit of a wild idea, but the fox may be forming a strike team, Kyven, a human Shaman, add in Toby and a loreguard captain (maybe with the rest of her team) and you'd have a pretty formidable force, if they pool their resourcefulness. I seem to remember that Fel mentioned Kyven having a task that could only be completed as an Arcan, that may be protecting the others long enough to enlist them in the ranks of the masked.
I'm not sure about your reasoning of the Blood protecting her ( I tease Fel about the Human/Faey/Kindori Thing for a Reason <Grin>....Because i guessed the DNA link Early in Subugation (About chapter 10) But Fel is Evil ....and he Denied it.. )
I really really don't see the Strike team Idea either. So far we only know for sure that the fox wants Toby and the Loreguard Captian to be in haven.....the rest it would seem are just Tag alongs think of them being the same as every ensign assigned to an away mission on Star Trek .
hoppy wrote:
but it doesn't explain her rank, and autonomy/authority(as in she can take her command off to investigate a only slightly unusual person(crystal cutters pretty common and he only seems lucky) when they are investigating the death of a squad of lore guard and the theft of their equipment; a direct affront to the loreguard/masters power.)
Her rank as captain could be a lot like most mid evil ranks were .....a lot like nobility
But as you can see in the Quote below She is all something a bit special she is a detective, an investigator...and her comanding officer gives her leave to investigate Kyven further. your right they were investigating the death of a squad of lore guard and the theft of their equipment back then but they aren't now. they have no idea the Two are actualy connected.
in Chapter 5 Fel wrote:There was something teasing her about that man, and it wasn’t just his sleek, handsome body and handsome face. It was the way he looked at her. She’d glanced up and caught him…ogling her. She was actually used to that, since she was a passingly handsome woman and her work kept her in shape. But there was something strange about it. She’s not gotten more than the barest of glances, but his eyes were, well…strange. Captivating, but strange. The sunlight was in his face, making his skin glow and all but illuminating his eyes—
She gasped. His eyes had been glowing!
That was what was strange about it! She remembered it quite clearly now! It was just the briefest of glances, and the sun in his face made it very, very hard to see, but she was a detective, an investigator for the criminal investigation office of the Loreguard, and she was trained to notice small details. He owned an alchemical device the likes of which she’d never seen before, something that made his eyes glow like that, and he’d used it when she wasn’t paying attention to him, using it to…what? Look at her? Check her out? His eyes hadn’t been on her face, that was for sure. He was looking down, looking at her chest.
He was ogling her.
Well, not that that didn’t flatter her a little bit, but it was still just damn strange. What did that device do? Who had built it? It wasn’t illegal to own alchemical devices of unusual or non-standard design, but the Loreguard liked to know what was out there, how it worked, and who built it.
Now she was very curious. She’d never heard of an alchemical device that one could hold in the hand that affected the eyes. There were special goggles that could let one see in the dark that were alchemical, but they had to be worn over the eyes. Whoever had built it had to be a genius of an alchemist.
Avannar. He had to get that in Avannar. She looked over the scene again in her mind, with her unique ability to recall what she’d seen recently in great detail, a trick of memory that she could use on any memory that was less than a day old. She focused on his hand, and saw that the device had been brilliantly, almost immaculately clean, and had no scratches or mars that came when one had owned a device and carried it around with him for weeks and months. That thing was new, and he’d been to Avannar, a place famous all over the world for the advancement of its alchemists. Someone in Avannar had built that thing, and not told the Loreguard, was selling it under the table.
She had no idea what it did, but now it was going a little beyond curious and was becoming a matter of honest interest to the Loreguard. She needed to find out what that device did, and who had made it for him.
And in the course of her investigation, surely, she’d learn more about that mysterious man.
She turned over his report form and began to sketch him. Danna was an accomplished artist, it was her other true skill outside of being a very good investigator, and she often used it to earn extra money by selling her drawings and paintings. She could have been a professional artist, like her parents, but she was more interested in investigating, learning the answers to things, than she was drawing and painting. Her eidetic memory, coupled to her natural artistic talent, gave her the ability to reproduce amazingly detailed scenes and the faces of people on paper. That combination of talents was of use to her now, as she put down on paper an amazingly detailed drawing of the face and body that was still fresh in her mind, and would serve to keep that memory fresh by allowing her to look at it whenever she wished.
“We are working, Captain,” her commanding officer said with a mildly amused tone, coming over to her table, who had no citizen at it for her to question.
“This is work, Major,” she answered. “I have reason to believe this man has a unique alchemical device. After we complete this investigation, I’m going to look into it and see who made it for him.”
“Ah. Carry on, then.”
She’d look into it, alright. Then, when she found it, and found him, she’d use it to ogle him and see how he liked it.
And i found her whole name if it helps it's "Captain Danna Pannen"
boballab wrote:The Shadowfox I believe has been planning this for a long, long, time. I believe that she has been influencing humans that have Shaman tendencies to breed with each other for generations until you get to Kyv. Now she has the tool she needs to complete her plans. Thats right to her Kyv is a tool, a means to an end, but she is not completely heartless. The other thing is that she doesn't put her eggs all in one basket, that was why she had Kyv impregnant that woman before he really got into his training. That child is a fallback postion in case Kyv doesn't fulfill what the Shadowfox wants. I also believe that the Loreguard Captain is intregal to her plans and with Kyv's blood in her she will start seeing things, like a certain fox. I wouldn't be suprised to find out that the Captain's family has been influenced by the Shadowfox to bring about her existence. I find it awfully suspicious how even before Kyv "screwed up" using his sight on her, that she sensed something different about him. I think the Shadowfox has been doing her own selective breeding program and the Captian is the Shadowfox's selected "mate" for Kyv, but time will tell. Final thought to me you see two aspects to the Shadowfox in the story. The aspect that interacts with Kyv which is a character in the story and the aspect you see at the end of each chapter showing that the Shadowfox is the author of the story. In other words the Shadowfox = Fel. Both are sneaky, deceitful, manipulative and lead us around by the nose
I have to agree with you on a lot of this ......I'm just not sure about the Fox infulencing Danna's family line ...Kyvens ..sure she is his Totem after all
hoppy wrote:
She got those thoughts out of her head quickly. That man was a human changed into an Arcan, and finding out how it happened was of vital interest to the Loreguard and the Loremasters. She would track him down and find the truth. It was her job, she was good at it, and she loved doing it. She could find him easily, she had his blood all over her, and that blood would lead her right to him. So he could run as far and as fast as he wanted, because she’d be able to find him no matter where he went. His blood would lead her right to him.
And she would find the truth.
The shadow fox watched the human woman with calm, mildly curious eyes. She watched her as the woman looked down at her bloody hands, then carefully cleaned the blood into a handkerchief and tucked it into a pocket.
Captain Pennan having his blood and it leading her to him sounds like it means more than metaphor, and it seems to be her thought; maybe the lore guard has their own way of training individuals with high spirit potential, and she can track him by his blood. The description of her cleaning the blood "into her handkerchief rather that off herself would support this. This would also explain Pennans high rank in what seems to be a rather patriarchal organization. Of course the cigar could just be a cigar too. :lol:
The seeds, most likely, refer to plans of the shadow fox. I think it has some for the captain, if not the hunter.
Oh yes her saving his Blood means she has a way to track him using it ....thats of course why she saved it ....but the Comment about her having his blood inside her as well I think is going to be a Bombshell. the only refrence to this is in the Shadow Foxs thoughts......there isn't anything in the Whole climb or the time on the cliff top where it explains or suggests she swallowed or ingested his blood beside it being all over her. but the Fox Says it.....she has his blood inside her ???????

Almost like Fels Kimdori comment about Jason's Sister wielding his Sword

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment..I will not run
It is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
(bloodied hands)
And in our Dying, we're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

wow, lots of people online, with Fel's normal posting rate for Spirit walker so far, he should be putting out another one tonight.. hehe :P
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Cougar2k2 »

Hearly wrote:wow, lots of people online, with Fel's normal posting rate for Spirit walker so far, he should be putting out another one tonight.. hehe :P
Not that I'm doubting Fel's ability because we all know what he's capable of posting-wise... but we also know his other tendancies of torturing us posting-wise and inate evilness. Fel = :twisted: Wouldn't suprise me if its already done and with everyone online he decided to wait till tomorrow just because he can. :) Thats part of the reason I like him so much always keeps us on our toes and off kilter. There is that one hidden person online? Is it him?
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

Hearly wrote:wow, lots of people online, with Fel's normal posting rate for Spirit walker so far, he should be putting out another one tonight.. hehe :P
Yea it's interesting 32 people waiting <Grin>

opps 34 now we'll end up scaring Fel if he logs on <Grin>

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment..I will not run
It is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
(bloodied hands)
And in our Dying, we're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

Phantom wrote:I have to agree with you on a lot of this ......I'm just not sure about the Fox infulencing Danna's family line ...Kyvens ..sure she is his Totem after all
There is this little scene in chapter one:

He blinked and looked at the nine boys. They seemed to shimmer to his eyes, and then he saw a tiny little cat sitting on the workbench in front of one of them, staring up at the boy with curious eyes. The cat had long, silky white fur, and was surrounded by a soft blue nimbus. It reached out and put its paw on the boy’s wrist, and the boy seemed to calm down a little, his shaking hands becoming still.

This scene shows the spirits are influencing humans. Without the intervention of the cat spirit the boy probably would have failed his test. This points out that the spirits are not just interested in Kyven. So its not that far out there that the Shadowfox influenced Danna's family just like Kyven's or that she influenced Danna to join the Loreguard. Besides what is there to say that the Shadowfox would only be interested in one human, especially when it seems that it is her goal to bring equality between humans and Arcans. I believe that the blood being inside her is needed to help her see the light so to speak about the Arcan's and Shamans.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by zedd »

Phantom wrote:
...but the Comment about her having his blood inside her as well I think is going to be a Bombshell. the only refrence to this is in the Shadow Foxs thoughts......there isn't anything in the Whole climb or the time on the cliff top where it explains or suggests she swallowed or ingested his blood beside it being all over her. but the Fox Says it.....she has his blood inside her ???????

Almost like Fels Kimdori comment about Jason's Sister wielding his Sword
Could she be related to him, be family? I think not, given the interest in him, but everything is possible
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Wicketklown001 »

zedd wrote:
Phantom wrote:
...but the Comment about her having his blood inside her as well I think is going to be a Bombshell. the only refrence to this is in the Shadow Foxs thoughts......there isn't anything in the Whole climb or the time on the cliff top where it explains or suggests she swallowed or ingested his blood beside it being all over her. but the Fox Says it.....she has his blood inside her ???????

Almost like Fels Kimdori comment about Jason's Sister wielding his Sword
Could she be related to him, be family? I think not, given the interest in him, but everything is possible
If she's related to him, I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out he's been having naughty fantasies about his sister/cousin/whatever... would be awkward to say the least.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by TLGG »

I believe it was mentioned somewhere, I think that it was just after he met her that she was the first one to interest him in a while, it'd be a shame if they'd end up being related, it's the only love interest of the story!

Phantom, I know it's a long shot, but the main idea was about the three of them, a small, versatile and resourceful team, ala SG-1, not like those away teams with lots of people who only get shot, my idea was more ninja-style, using Kyven's and the shadow fox's motto.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Metatrone »

Phantom wrote: Who needs Cookies when you have Tin-Foil.......Besides Cookies are the Evil Minions of Web masters who
change Font sizes for fun Muhahahahahahaha

Yeah, well I tried tin-foil once, chewing it wasn't fun, but trying to stomach it was really bad... :roll:
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Elsh »

I've become too comfortable with the posting schedule pattern.

I was most certainly expecting a chapter last night, now I'm going through withdrawal.

By that I mean, thanks for 10 great chapters Fel...whenever you write the next one, I'll be here :D
Missing chapter 14, making my way through chapter 15 and awaiting chapter 16 of Spirit Walker.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by boballab »

Metatrone wrote:Yeah, well I tried tin-foil once, chewing it wasn't fun, but trying to stomach it was really bad... :roll:
I would think it would be trying to pass the tin foil that would be the worst part. I don't think preparation H would help with that :P
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by miraborn »

boballab wrote:
Metatrone wrote:Yeah, well I tried tin-foil once, chewing it wasn't fun, but trying to stomach it was really bad... :roll:
I would think it would be trying to pass the tin foil that would be the worst part. I don't think preparation H would help with that :P
Nah - you just need to eat enough tomatoes when you eat the foil (hopefully it's actually Aluminum rather than Tin) so the compound acids in your stomach will dissolve it before you have to worry about the exit strategy.
Elsh wrote:I've become too comfortable with the posting schedule pattern.

I was most certainly expecting a chapter last night, now I'm going through withdrawal.

By that I mean, thanks for 10 great chapters Fel...whenever you write the next one, I'll be here :D
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by gnume »

Elsh wrote:I've become too comfortable with the posting schedule pattern.

I was most certainly expecting a chapter last night, now I'm going through withdrawal.

By that I mean, thanks for 10 great chapters Fel...whenever you write the next one, I'll be here :D

to say the truth i did not go to sleep till 4 am (israel /tel aviv clock)
fel was logd in than but did not post :P
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by Fel »

I have finals in 2 weeks, that's why I'm not following a "normal" pattern. ;)

Nor will it be normal until mid-May, as I have to transition from school to work.
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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers

Post by miraborn »

Fel wrote:I have finals in 2 weeks, that's why I'm not following a "normal" pattern. ;)

Nor will it be normal until mid-May, as I have to transition from school to work.
Good luck with the finals and transition. We will wait... some more patiently than others... as your education is very important.