Lost & Found

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Re: Lost & Found

Post by arargh »

Phantom wrote:
iandb wrote:Sounds like "Educating the Capo" by the same author as "The Real Estate Connection" - kiwiwolf.

It is on SOL but hasn't been updated recently.
Also FYI kiwiwolf Posted these to literotica.com a long time before he started posting to SOL

http://www.literotica.com/stories/membe ... ubmissions

The Literotica site seems to have some (relatively) recent activity, two additional chapters that are not at SOL (as of this post).
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by Aightaight »

Back in June 2005 and Feb 2006 Sancria asked about a story called "The Persistence of Time" by Jim Cannon, a "crossover of everything from Nightbane, Highlander, Gargoyle, Vampire, Werewolf, and Faerie, as well as some plain magic and even Wraith".

I tried to find a copy back in 2006 but was doomed to failure - Jim's site "The Gargoyle Roost" is gone and The Wayback Machine did not archive the link to that particular story. :(


I recently did another search and found that it has re-emerged on the Net! :D
If you've also been seeking this classic, go to http://www.temporalnexus.net/multiverse ... /index.php

40 chapters are listed, but only the first 16 have valid links as yet. I'm not sure why - I never got the original so I can't say for sure whether the later chapters were even written. :?

Have fun, and if you know about the status of the later chapters, please tell me!
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by Edengrave »

Aightaight wrote: I recently did another search and found that it has re-emerged on the Net! :D
If you've also been seeking this classic, go to http://www.temporalnexus.net/multiverse ... /index.php

40 chapters are listed, but only the first 16 have valid links as yet. I'm not sure why - I never got the original so I can't say for sure whether the later chapters were even written. :?

Have fun, and if you know about the status of the later chapters, please tell me!

Thanx a lot for the link. I just devoured my way through the 16 chapters. Can't quite understand the reasons behind taking down such an excellent story, but I feel lucky I didn't totally miss it. will keep an eye out for the remaining 24 chaps
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by Ymarsakar »

It seemed that the author just dropped off the net.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by Phantom »

Ok got some brainteasers for ya

Humm i mean lost Storys A friend of Monbades is looking for

1st story

Its a MC story.

about a boy who developes mental powers. It starts on a school bus where he gets on and this old man gets on with him and he molests one of the girls in front of him. He then uses the power on the boys parents to get him to move in with him so he can be trained and betwen the two of them they get their own harems, well one day a woman takes over te harems and sets them free and makes a new harrem of males. She runs a cloathing store,

2nd story

this guy hits the lottery and buys a house in oklahoma. Then he kidnaps a girl to become his sexslave, but it back fires on him because shes been a slave to her mother. The father is a submissive to the mother and does what ever she wants She enlists his help to get her younger sister out. Well they go to check the mail from where she sent a letter to them and the parrents were outside the post office. So to teach the mother the error of her ways, he kidnapps her. The older sister is on the way to collage when he kidnapps her.

The third one was called Metamorphasis he is sure of that. Got some more info on this story. Its about a djinn.
I checked sol and its not there.

If you have any of these stories email me where to get them or if you have them email them to me so i can send them on to him




the Second story has been identified .......................

The Second one is "Memoirs of a Predator" by The Lurker at EWPUB.ORG.
http://www.ewpub.org/scripts2/libraryfr ... ?auth=lurk

Any ideas on the others ?

And in the fury of this darkest hour
I will be your light
A lifetime for this destiny
For I am Winter born
And in this moment..I will not run
It is my place to stand
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands
(bloodied hands)
And in our Dying, we're more alive-than we have ever been
I've lived for these few seconds
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by borsic »

Hi all,

I am searching or two books I read in my youth - probably what set me on the path of SF/F. I read them in the early nineties in a small public library, so I have no idea what year they were published - neither do I recall authors or titles...

The first one was a science fiction novel. The hero was one of a band of mutants on an post-apocalyptic earth. He, was more or less "normal", except for his telepathic and telekinetic powers. Pretty soon he left his tribe, and discovered a huge bunker-city, where civilisation still thrived. But this city was ruled by a tyrann, like a police-state. The tyrann lived apart, in a shielded command post. Many had tried to breach his security, and died. The hero however manages it during the end of the book.

But it turns out that the tyrann is actually benevolent. A race of advanced wasp-like aliens wanted to conquer earth - their only weakness was that they were more susceptible to radiation than mankind. So this guy keeps the surface of the earth irradiated with the help of a huge stockpile of cobalt-bombs, because he has calculated that the civilisation of the aliens will collapse in the future (future being a couple of thousand years or so). He keeps civilisation going in the bunker, and when somebody manages to reach the command center, he gets to take over as tyrann...

The second book was fantasy - it was a series or maybe a trilogy. The protagonists were a brother and sister. He was supposed to become a mage, she a fighter. Only he wasn't interested in magic but she was. Furthermore it was forbidden for women to learn or practice magic. So she disguised herself as a boy, and went of to the school o magic, while he went on to become a fighter...
The book mainly focused on her, I think, and how she managed to keep her secret and learn magic.

So, anyone ever heard of these?
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by Wicketklown001 »

borsic wrote:Hi all,

I am searching or two books I read in my youth - probably what set me on the path of SF/F. I read them in the early nineties in a small public library, so I have no idea what year they were published - neither do I recall authors or titles...

The first one was a science fiction novel. The hero was one of a band of mutants on an post-apocalyptic earth. He, was more or less "normal", except for his telepathic and telekinetic powers. Pretty soon he left his tribe, and discovered a huge bunker-city, where civilisation still thrived. But this city was ruled by a tyrann, like a police-state. The tyrann lived apart, in a shielded command post. Many had tried to breach his security, and died. The hero however manages it during the end of the book.

But it turns out that the tyrann is actually benevolent. A race of advanced wasp-like aliens wanted to conquer earth - their only weakness was that they were more susceptible to radiation than mankind. So this guy keeps the surface of the earth irradiated with the help of a huge stockpile of cobalt-bombs, because he has calculated that the civilisation of the aliens will collapse in the future (future being a couple of thousand years or so). He keeps civilisation going in the bunker, and when somebody manages to reach the command center, he gets to take over as tyrann...

The second book was fantasy - it was a series or maybe a trilogy. The protagonists were a brother and sister. He was supposed to become a mage, she a fighter. Only he wasn't interested in magic but she was. Furthermore it was forbidden for women to learn or practice magic. So she disguised herself as a boy, and went of to the school o magic, while he went on to become a fighter...
The book mainly focused on her, I think, and how she managed to keep her secret and learn magic.

So, anyone ever heard of these?
Never heard of the first one, the second one however sounds a lot like one I have read except the genders were the other way around, it was the girl that wanted to be a fighter (knight actually) and the boy wanted to be a mage.... I'll see if I can find it real quick, I believe the first book of the series (it had 4 or 5 books total) was the girls name... Alanna or something like that. I'll be back in a bit with more details if I can find it.

edit: ok I found it fairly easy, The one you're looking for (assuming I'm right and you got the genders reversed) is the Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce. The first book was Alanna: the first adventure.

Here's a link to more info on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Song_of_the_Lioness
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by borsic »

By golly, I think you are right!

Thank you so much - I loved that book when I was little. It will be nice to see how I see it now that I am all grown up ;)
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by gesit »

[quote="borsic"]Hi all,

I am searching or two books I read in my youth - probably what set me on the path of SF/F. I read them in the early nineties in a small public library, so I have no idea what year they were published - neither do I recall authors or titles...

The first one was a science fiction novel. The hero was one of a band of mutants on an post-apocalyptic earth. He, was more or less "normal", except for his telepathic and telekinetic powers. Pretty soon he left his tribe, and discovered a huge bunker-city, where civilisation still thrived. But this city was ruled by a tyrann, like a police-state. The tyrann lived apart, in a shielded command post. Many had tried to breach his security, and died. The hero however manages it during the end of the book.

But it turns out that the tyrann is actually benevolent. A race of advanced wasp-like aliens wanted to conquer earth - their only weakness was that they were more susceptible to radiation than mankind. So this guy keeps the surface of the earth irradiated with the help of a huge stockpile of cobalt-bombs, because he has calculated that the civilisation of the aliens will collapse in the future (future being a couple of thousand years or so). He keeps civilisation going in the bunker, and when somebody manages to reach the command center, he gets to take over as tyrann...

as far as i can remember it this was a story written by KH Scheer a german writer, with the titel die verzeifelten, not all to clear about this though,,, it's been a long time ago and i can't find the book anymore
hope this helps
c u

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Re: Lost & Found

Post by borsic »

Thanks a lot, gesit! I'll be on the lookout or it...
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by DaBear »

I am looking for a book i read about 10 years ago. In it a group of scientists think that they found a way to go to another universe and sent one of their number through with a robot and some supplies to explore.

The interesting part to teh story is that in this world the more you used something the better it got at what you were using it for, the ultimate 'Practice makes perfect' scenario. The most comfortable clothes were the ones made centuries before. They fortify their walls by walking around them and hitting them with clubs etc...

If this sparks anyones mind please let me know.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by hoppy »

That's The Practice Effect by David Brin
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by furry_wolf2001b »

Sounds really weird.
Do people live really long there because of that effect?
Seems like they should.
What about aging?
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by hoppy »

furry_wolf2001b wrote:Sounds really weird.
Do people live really long there because of that effect?
Seems like they should.
What about aging?
no, basicly as you use something it becomes better for what your using it as. Of course if you don't use it it degenerates. It hinges on understanding, and living things are very complex.
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Re: Lost & Found

Post by ralbloke »

Hi All
Thanks Fel for keeping me amused and engrossed for ages.
I am not sure this is the right place... I am looking for an author called Terriblethom who used to be on Storonline but now isnt, he had a couple of good stories, Shamus journals and Oh Hell No!, anybody any idea of his wereabouts.
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