Everquest or Everquest2?

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Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Terris »

As Fel is always speaking about Everquest, I was considering giving it a try. The only question is, should I try Everquest or Everquest2?

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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by slater »

world of warcraft.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Wicketklown001 »

it depends on what you want from an MMO.

EQ 1 has a ton of content at most levels (a by-product of being around for 8 (or is it 9 now?) years) but EQ 2 has better graphics.

I never really played eq 2 so I can't actually say whether the game itself is better than the first but I did play EQ1 for a long time so I can say that while the graphics may seem a tad out-dated it has stood the test of time and kept a solid following of customers for a reason.

Simply; it's a very good game. As it has evolved it has become progressively easier on new players, so if you're looking for something that has a good learning curve I'd say EQ1 is the way to go(some say it has been dumbed down but I disagree).

My opinion is skewed towards EQ1 mostly because of the 2 it's the only one I've played, so perhaps someone with experience in EQ 2 can give another outlook.

Of course my favorite online game isn't either of these, it's Dungeons and Dragons Online.

Most people don't seem to like it but I like it because it's not as grind-happy as some other games are. The XP is all quest based rather than mob based (in other words you don't get xp for killing mobs, though you do get a bonus at the end based on how many you did kill).

That and I'm an avid DnD fan so it's got an appeal for me there too. Add in an active combat system that takes into consideration player skill as well as character skill (i.e you can actually move out of the way of an incoming attack) and you have a game that is sufficiently addictive and interesting to keep my attention.

Ok I'm done rambling on about a slightly off-topic game.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Wicketklown001 »

slater wrote:world of warcraft.

eeek no not that horrid excuse for a game!

Ok, I'll admit my opinion is a minority (judging that WoW is about 10 times more popular than EQ ever was) but I absolutely hated that game.

It's cartoonish, an absolute grind to get to the end game, and it is populated by immature people that feel that if you aren't at the end game and raiding 20 hours a day, you aren't good enough :roll: (at least the majority of the ones I met were like this, though I admit I have met a few that weren't).

Also the fact that it is so poplar is a problem (for me anyway) because there are so many people that play, it takes away from the sense of community.

People in other MMO games I've played tend to be a little more aware of their in-game reputation because if you were rude, and obnoxious people won't play with you and let their friends know it too.

But in a huge game like WoW people can afford to be rude because even if you alienate some people there are always a ton more who haven't heard of you. You can tend to get lost in the crowd easier in a game like WoW.

All in all the game itself isn't that bad but the people in it and the cartoonish graphics made me give it up after 3 months, and when I went back to it later to see if it had gotten better, it was more of the same.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Lochar »

EQ1, Saryrn server. I'll give ya a leg up to start with.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Fel »

I play EQ1, Maelin Starpyre server. Main's a Vah Shir shaman named Binter. ;)

Gee, I wonder where I got that name from.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Fiferguy »

I was turned off a long time ago to MMORPGs because of all the immature people. I've started playing either one player RPGs on Xbox or PC or playing small scale ORPGs through private networks.

Currently, Oblivion is on the top of my list, but Fable 2 looks really good too. :twisted:
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Andygal »

I played everquest very breifly a loooooong time ago. But it lagged my computer a lot, maybe I should give it another try....

I play text MUDs a lot too. Current favourite is Lusternia.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by montie1123 »

LOL i played EQ1 for about 5 years before it got to be more work then fun. heck at one time i had 3 accts and 3 comps running becuase i hated PUGs and wanted to run the lil group missions they added.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Starstryker »

Hehe, I tried out Eq2 on their island demo thing, wasn't bad, played D&D throughout the beta stage, also not bad, but alas, I am addicted to EVE Online atm and have been for about a year and a half now, is fun, and no instancing, so if you say something stupid, you just might get 30k lols.

Also, is pretty fun flying around in spaceships and blowing people up.

Also is fun when wars start, you have not seen a real battle till you have 800 people in a system, and somebody sets off a doomsday device......


P.S. is also a 14 day trial you can try out
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Blyker »

each game has its plusses and its negatives. I loved eq1 when it came out and played it until as someone above said it became more work then fun. I got called out of bed in the middle of the night to start raiding and raiding went from one night a week to 7 days a week over the course of a few expansions.

I played Daoc at the start but they nerfed my ranger there so hard i went back to eq1 and never looked back at daoc again.

After that i played Planetside not a mmorpg but an mmofps wich still is a great game though i cant play it anymore because its not vista compatible...

I played Horizons after that, no content but the crafting was very special and the server rivalry to see who could open some of the new content first was great, also the building of houses was great. But no high level content so i went away.

Then i played D&DO great hack and slash but it was going down populationwise when i started so not a lot of grouping going on.

Played eve online wich made no sense at all to me even after i got past the very steep learning curve.

Ofcourse i played wow wich imo is a very nice game. The cartoon style was voted for years ago by the warcraft community. I consider wow as a good entry level into mmorpg gaming.

Im currently playing LOTRO wich i realy like its a lot like D&DO and in it i had for the first time since i started eq1 in 99 that i was like wow! Walking around in the old forrest made me experience the same feelings i had as when i started my ranger in Faydwar in eq1.

As you can see i never tried any of the other soe games, i seriously dislike the company after tehy took away my baby shamans surname 4 years after it was gm given and they refused to give it back not even after i wrote Brad himself!

If i could ever do a wish and it had to be game related i think it would be to make me tabula rasa so that i wouldnt take my experience of older games into a new one. As i said still the first adventures i had in eq1 rate as my most priced mmorpg memories. Nothing beats getting lost in Faydwar ending up loosing your corpse because you couldnt find the camp with the rats near the great lake anymore (wich was 2 zones away but i didnt kow that). Nothing beats going into butcherblock for the first time and fighting those giant beetles with a group of 3 and barely surviving. Nothing beats the elation and adrenaline when someone shouted CRUSH TO THE ZONE!
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by storyreader2005 »

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the MMO that you only have to buy once, Guild Wars.

I don't play that often so "no monthly fee" is just about the only plus that counts to me.
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by J-Man5 »

Blyker wrote:
Im currently playing LOTRO wich i realy like its a lot like D&DO and in it i had for the first time since i started eq1 in 99 that i was like wow! Walking around in the old forrest made me experience the same feelings i had as when i started my ranger in Faydwar in eq1.
What Server and char name do you have Blyker?

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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by michaelsuave »

storyreader2005 wrote:I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the MMO that you only have to buy once, Guild Wars.

I don't play that often so "no monthly fee" is just about the only plus that counts to me.
Thats not true, if you purchased the original, you still needed to purchase the update that allowed the raids. And the lack of new content for significant periods of time just made me bored. I loved that game, I even used to be a writer for the gwvault at ign.com, but it didn't change enough, and I thought the characters were just too canned.

I play LOTRO now, where they are so many different areas that its insane. Where you can play as a character, as a monster, and where you can lvl higher than just 20 (guildwars limit*). Heck, they aren't even going to add in Mordor until 2013 or something, and the graphics are not cartoony. The economy isn't blown out of proportion, and the crafting system is as advanced as you want to make it (as in you can advance your character, or not, its not a must but it does help in some ways*). Ok, thats my rant...
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New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Everquest or Everquest2?

Post by Blyker »

J-Man5 wrote: What Server and char name do you have Blyker?
Laurelin en-rp european server
Char names