afrigeek wrote:What? With all the druids, priests, sorcerers and wizards in Sennadar not to mention her being a close friend of Tarrin Kael?
I find it surprising that this could happen to an entire colony of faeries and not only that but a full half of them. I remember something about her colony having priests, wizards, druids etc and I am surprised that the priests who could heal disease never interved.
Unless there is another plot in there about something deliberately set off and spreading quickly before it could be contained.
It can EASILY happen when you remember that ONLY Priests can cure diseases, and there are no Priests among the Fae-da'nar. There are only Druids. They were powerless against it.
Sarraya and her colony were the first to contract the disease, and they died very died quickly, in a matter of days, far too quickly for her to realize what was happening and try to get help. The disease killed half of all the Faeries before Fae-da'Nar finally sought help from the outside to stop the disease, or it would have killed them all.
Sure, it's harsh, and it sucks, but life isn't always fair.
I could be even more cruel and tell you that Sarraya herself was the one that brought the disease into her colony, bringing it from Shen Lung. To humans, it's like the flu. To the Faeries, it was a killer.
Just another guy from the shallow end of the gene pool.