Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

tantalus wrote:I think the barrier was created by the mi'shara charged with hiding the firestaff -- as there are only 2 powers strong enough to do that; entropy or an elder god. It could have been Mother Wynn -- who could alter reality.
I think it was the elder gods, remeber the First Mi'shara, lost the staff after he hid it for it's first cycle, then Val used it, and then Spyder hid it there...
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Fel »

The Ward hiding Sha'Kari was created by the Elder Gods, but after they were done, Ayise wiped the memory of it from the other nine, even Shellar. It was a secret too dangerous for anyone but Ayise herself. Loose lips sink ships, after all.

Kimmie's eyes are blue because it's a distinctive feature that belongs to Kimmie and Kimmie alone. In a way, it separates her from the other Were-cats, a physical and visible difference that represents her much different mentality.

It's metaphor. I love metaphor. ;)
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by wildph »

So... I gather it's been like, 50 years for Tarrin, off doing the GoG's dirty work.

That's a lot of untold story... and in a different world/universe too, the plotline is truly wide open, could go anywhere.

Any bets on when/if we're gonna get a new book series filling in the gap? (after a suitable break in time of course)

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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

wildph wrote:Any bets on when/if we're gonna get a new book series filling in the gap? (after a suitable break in time of course)
It's up to Fel, ofcourse - but I doubt it. I believe only short stories in the Sennadar universe from now on.
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by giddiani »

Ok, I know it was supposed to make you think, but who did Niami shake hands with at the end of the book? Was it Terrin's shadow that somehow made it into the afterlife? What happened, maybe I am not a deep thinker but it just went right over my head.
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

giddiani wrote:Ok, I know it was supposed to make you think, but who did Niami shake hands with at the end of the book? Was it Terrin's shadow that somehow made it into the afterlife? What happened, maybe I am not a deep thinker but it just went right over my head.
Tarrins Shadow (the divine part of Tarrin's soul) became the elder god of Pyros - that much was explained in the last two chapters.

Given the description of Niami's "disc" plane in Nirvana, then it's fairly safe to assume that it was the god-Tarrin that visited Niami.

'course, It could be Fel just messing with us (again), and it's really an excerpt from some other portion of an untold tale... :)
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

This question may sound silly, Tarrin being an immortal cause he is were and mi'shara. An idle thought.

The elder god of Pyrosia and Tarrin are two different entities now, sharing the experience that defines Tarrin until they were separated in Pyrosia. In the short term, they will behave the same but in the longer term, with different set of experiences, there will be a divergence. But Tarrin will die, one day but his divine soul of an elder God, will never die.... will they merge... or Niami will keep bringing him back.

Hmm, him being elder God of Pyrosia will he be made to answer to GoG. That part is never put to test. Will he inherit the behaviour of creating havoc in crossroads especially the abyss.

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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Mizriath wrote:This question may sound silly, Tarrin being an immortal cause he is were and mi'shara. An idle thought.

The elder god of Pyrosia and Tarrin are two different entities now, sharing the experience that defines Tarrin until they were separated in Pyrosia. In the short term, they will behave the same but in the longer term, with different set of experiences, there will be a divergence. But Tarrin will die, one day but his divine soul of an elder God, will never die.... will they merge... or Niami will keep bringing him back.

Hmm, him being elder God of Pyrosia will he be made to answer to GoG. That part is never put to test. Will he inherit the behaviour of creating havoc in crossroads especially the abyss.

Um, I thought they said in the earlier books, that Were Cats will live forever unless something kills them...
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

Were-kin are mortal - they just regenerate quickly. Do enough damage, with the right weaponry (silvered swords, for example) and you'll kill one.

Katzh-Dashi are non-mortal, but (I think) not an immortal either. Mortals cannot ever learn/wield more than one type of magic (attempting to do so will drive you mad and/or kill you).

When a Katzh-Dashi crosses-over - they lose their mortality, and thus can wield both priest magic (as a priest of Niami), and Sorcery.

I think the only exception is the innate connection to the All that were-kin have - they don't have any concious control over that connection however. Therefore you can have non-Katzh-Dashi Were-kin learning (say) Wizardry as Kimmie does, and yet still be able to have the same healing capability.

None of this is fact-checked, just from memory - so the standard E&OE clause applies :)

Edit: Not mi'shara - katzh-dashi, oops.
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Fel »

Were-cats, and all Were-kin in general, are considered "non-mortal," in the same category as katzh-dashi. They're not exactly mortal, but not really immortal. If they were really immortal, they wouldn't die.

I tend to use the term "ageless" when dealing with these folks. They age, but don't grow old. They don't die of old age, but can be killed through violence or accidents. They're not mortal compared to John the Smith, but not immortal when compared to Doug the Younger God.

The stricture against learning more than one order of magic ONLY applies to true mortals. Anyone who can escape that classification can learn more than one kind of magic without Ayise striking at them.
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Mistra »

...i can't help but notice Fel didn't anwer the question ofwere-cat on Niami's plane, i'm not gonna press it though, if it's for some short story in the future i wouldn't wanna spoil the surprise. If it's not...Please fel, tell us, i'm dieing to know.
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Fel »

I didn't think I'd have to answer that one. ;)

That was the Elder God, Tarrin's other half.
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Hallmist »

Now that Fel's done with the book, I don't feel so bad asking:

waaay back in the day on the previous incarnation of this message board, Fel, you posted a short story (what it was about is escaping me at the moment). But at the end of it you had Ayise say something about the god of forgiveness being able to command the gods of death where the others could only request. And you promised us a story of how that came to be.

Well now that you're done with Demon's Bane, could you regale us with that story? Pretty pretty please?
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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Texfire »

Fel wrote:I didn't think I'd have to answer that one. ;)

That was the Elder God, Tarrin's other half.
One could almost think the main reason you had his divine soul split off from the mortal portion just so you could give Niami a companion without cheating the Were-cat females. :)

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Re: Chapter 14 Discussion/Spoilers

Post by Fel »

Hallmist wrote:Now that Fel's done with the book, I don't feel so bad asking:

waaay back in the day on the previous incarnation of this message board, Fel, you posted a short story (what it was about is escaping me at the moment). But at the end of it you had Ayise say something about the god of forgiveness being able to command the gods of death where the others could only request. And you promised us a story of how that came to be.

Well now that you're done with Demon's Bane, could you regale us with that story? Pretty pretty please?
Sheniia is the goddess of mercy and peace, not forgiveness. ;)

The short of the story is that Sheniia did a service for both the gods of death and have mediated disputes between them, and in return for all this service she procured vows from them that they cannot deny her when she asks them to not interfere when a soul is attempted to return to mortal life. It's one of the very rare instances when a Younger God has direct power or control over an Elder God.

They don't have possession of the soul in most of these cases. They only have direct dominion over a soul for the time they're bringing them to their final reward/punishment (they also keep possession of any mortal who is agnostic or atheist, since that soul has no god to go to), but since they are the ones that brings the souls back, they can stop any meddling mortal from trying to undo a death already done by refusing to complete the transaction. The soul is summoned from the other world, and then the gods of death take possession of them and don't give them up.
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