Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

michaelsuave wrote:So my question is:

Who would win, tarrin mortal mi shara, or Tarrin Elder God of Pyrosia? Tarrin's taken on gods before and won, and now we know he has the whole will thing, but does the divine half of his soul have that whole will thing also? Now that would be the fight for the ages... or should I say sparring match... :twisted:
It's not a fight I would want to see...both would know each other's limitations, and it would probably be a stalemate... Except that Tarrin, as a mortal, wouldn't really have any chance against an Elder God. Even Tarrin, with all his extra Mi'Shara stuff can't stand up to that kind of power. Besides, he LIKES the idea that it's himself...sort of...that is taking control... But I bet the other Gods are a little shaken up right now. My question is this: what is the effect on the Multiverse of the "Mortal God" suddenly not being so mortal?
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by TStyle »

storyreader2005 wrote:
Hearly wrote:Ok after re-reading Chapter 13 for the 6th time or so.

Fel I think I found a mistake..

Ok, Tarrin destroyed the Fire Staff which destroyed the Sword of Fire because it was also it's "creation" well, just like it destroyed the Shadow, shouldn't Tarrin's Divine soul been destroyed also as it was a creation of the Fire Staff?
Nope, not a mistake.
Demons Bane - Chapter 7 wrote:The part of him which was mortal was pulled inexorably into the Soultrap. That which remained, the power of the All attacked once again, enacting change. Though the divine soul could not be changed into a mortal soul, that divine soul could itself be transformed into something similar to itself. The taint of the Firestaff was stripped from it, forever destroying the link between Tarrin and that artifact.

Tarrin was no longer a child of the Firestaff. Instead, the power of Ayise seared through him, transforming him into one of her children. And being one of her children, Ayise and the Elder Gods had no reason to oppose him.
This has been discussed before -here- and while I still stick by my opinion as the call didn't come from Fel, Lochar has made a ruling on the matter.
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by afrigeek »

michaelsuave wrote:So my question is:

Who would win, tarrin mortal mi shara, or Tarrin Elder God of Pyrosia? Tarrin's taken on gods before and won, and now we know he has the whole will thing, but does the divine half of his soul have that whole will thing also? Now that would be the fight for the ages... or should I say sparring match... :twisted:
It depends on where the fight took place. The strong will is a gift of entropy given to the Mishara Tarrin so obviously the God half of him doesn't have it in as much measure as Tarrin the mortal.. however on the other hand, Tarrin would have no hope of defeating his divine self if the fight was in pyrosia or on the divine Tarrin's home plane. If he needed the firestaff to protect him against the One, who is a younger gog, then how about when faced with a god who doesn't need worshippers to exist?
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Fel »

What is it with your people and your need to make everyone fight everyone else? ;)

If you want to get ultra-uber technical, mortal Tarrin would lose against the Elder God, because he's an Elder God. Tarrin's body would fail eventually, while the Elder God would have limitless power.

Tarrin's will allows him to surpass mortal limits, but there comes a point where the body fails even when the will continues. I think that limit has been demonstrated in the books a few times, though Tarrin extended that limit as the books progressed, as he learned how to will the body to continue as well as the magic...even without knowing.

On a side note, Eron shares this aspect with his father, but not quite as strong. His ability to cancel magic is an aspect of will, and it was just enough to make the Firestaff obey...mainly because the Firestaff didn't see him as a threat and actively rebel against him. When the time comes that he'll need to stop Jasana, he'll need both his power and a measure of his father's will in order to defeat her.

And before you ask, yes, Tarrin could theoretically learn how to use Eron's trick, but it would take a long time, and he'd be nowhere near as good at it as Eron is.
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Mistra »

hey Fel, what are you typing this for, you should be working on the next chapter :p nah just kidding, i waited half a year for these 3, i can wait some more, but on a side note, do you know what you just did, people here will now start asking if tarrin couldn't negate the power of a his god-self with that trick of eron...or they'll come up with something else
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

My question is, when are we going to see the Eron-Jasana battle? If I was guessing, I think that Jasana is going to throw a fit when she finds out that Tarrin is going to go work for the GoG for a while, and she's going to lose her temper, and that's what's going to start the battle.
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by afrigeek »

Fiferguy wrote:My question is, when are we going to see the Eron-Jasana battle? If I was guessing, I think that Jasana is going to throw a fit when she finds out that Tarrin is going to go work for the GoG for a while, and she's going to lose her temper, and that's what's going to start the battle.
I belive it was said that she would cause danger to Sennadar not pyrosia which means that this is not likely to be the cause as she is going to find out about Tarrin working for the GoG well before she ever sets off for Pyrosia and she is still stuck there for a bit until a suikun is born on Pyrosia well unless Tarrin the Elder god interferes and causes a suikun to be born ASAP.

Talking of conduits and suikuns... Should we expect more conduits to spring up and the weave to get richer with each additional suikun born in Pyrosia till they get to seven?
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

afrigeek wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:My question is, when are we going to see the Eron-Jasana battle? If I was guessing, I think that Jasana is going to throw a fit when she finds out that Tarrin is going to go work for the GoG for a while, and she's going to lose her temper, and that's what's going to start the battle.
I belive it was said that she would cause danger to Sennadar not pyrosia which means that this is not likely to be the cause as she is going to find out about Tarrin working for the GoG well before she ever sets off for Pyrosia and she is still stuck there for a bit until a suikun is born on Pyrosia well unless Tarrin the Elder god interferes and causes a suikun to be born ASAP.

Talking of conduits and suikuns... Should we expect more conduits to spring up and the weave to get richer with each additional suikun born in Pyrosia till they get to seven?
That would probably be dependent on the Elder God Tarrin. As the only Elder God around, he dictates the magical enviroment. That, and the weave was created by the mortal Tarrin and only is able to go to Tarrin's max. Maybe more Sui'kun would extend that power limit. Who knows.
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Eurasier »

I am looking forward to see which icon Tarrin-the-Elder-God-of-Pyrosia will choose - a firestaff, a sword, or maybe a werecat armed with one of these - or something entirely different:?:
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Edengrave »

I literaly have nothing to say
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by GloriousShamash »

A couple of items:

I think Ayise and Niami are probably delighted at the idea of Tarrin as an elder god on a neighboring world. Ayise always liked him--just wasn't too sanguine about a child of the firestaff. An elder god there would tend to prevent this sort of mess from happening again. And since Tarrin in both forms has solved most of Ayise's most dire problems she owes him big time.

I am curious about Tarrin's druidic magic on Pyrosia. I would expect it to be stronger than normal due to a natural affinity with his other self.

If I remember correctly, Ayise was originally in charge of all aspects of Sennadar, magic included, until she produced the other elder gods with what's-his-face-Mr-Time-God. So Tarrin would be in charge on Pyrosia as well until he gets around to procreating. He'll probably be biased towards Niami's method.

Finally, I want to know what happened to all the souls trapped on Pyrosia. Will Niami get them back?
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Fel »

You won't see the icon of the Elder God, or see him make any kind of contact. Sorry. ;)

He keeps his distance because to show favoritism to the katzh-dashi would be unseemly, even though he's currently supporting the Weave. He's only doing that until a god dedicated to magic can be installed. The Elder God doesn't want to be the patron of a mortal order, since it's a conflict of interest with his overall duty to the Balance (and before you bring up Niami, remember, she's from a world where the Elder Goddess there divided her power, which allows the Elder Gods there to take active part in mortal affairs). He'll give that job to someone else.

To answer your question about the sui'kun and the Weave, yes, more sui'kun will increase the power of the Pyrosian Weave, but it will never be as powerful as the Weave of Sennadar because Sennadar is a Prime and Pyrosia is not. It's a one sui'kun affair, delicate and vulnerable, and there's not much power to it if you go too far from Pyros. The Weave is just spread out too thin to have any kind of power that matters outside of enforcing the rules of magic the Weave represents. Remember that Niami helped Tarrin build that Weave, and when she did so, she established all the rules for magic, Sorcery, and the Weave into his creation that exists in her own. There will be more sui'kun born than just the one that will allow Jasana to go home.
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by kabalman2000 »

Hmmm... It seems Fel has left us a clue on the forum. A very specific statement that chapter 14 will be the last chapter of DB. It may be unintentional, it may be wrong, it may be something that has been there but I just noticed, but it is there. Very interesting.

Let's see how long it takes everyone to find it. I mean, what fun would it be if I just pointed it out. :D
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by Hearly »

kabalman2000 wrote:Hmmm... It seems Fel has left us a clue on the forum. A very specific statement that chapter 14 will be the last chapter of DB. It may be unintentional, it may be wrong, it may be something that has been there but I just noticed, but it is there. Very interesting.

Let's see how long it takes everyone to find it. I mean, what fun would it be if I just pointed it out. :D
Maybe, but he's also been teasing us, he's logged into the website like 3-4 times today.. every time I saw it, I was thinking he was gonna post chapter 14 :P
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Re: Demon's Bane Ch 13 (Spoilers)

Post by afrigeek »

kabalman2000 wrote:Hmmm... It seems Fel has left us a clue on the forum. A very specific statement that chapter 14 will be the last chapter of DB. It may be unintentional, it may be wrong, it may be something that has been there but I just noticed, but it is there. Very interesting.

Let's see how long it takes everyone to find it. I mean, what fun would it be if I just pointed it out. :D
You're late to the party. I saw this clue right after I read the post which was a while ago. I assumed it was obvious which is why I would suspect that Jasana's fit is not likely to be in this book. It may be in another book.
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