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Tarrin's first Suikin experience

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:11 pm
by J-Man5
In chapter 2 of the Questing Game Tarrin re-grew Kern's arm after it had been smashed off by a cannonball. It was mentioned at how easy the Weave came to him and responded to his wishes at the time. Was that because he was so focused or was it due to some help from the Goddess? I think it was because he wasn't really thinking about it that things came more like the art that Spyder spoke of later. It came from Tarrin's heart and anything that comes from the heart is beautiful.


Re: Tarrin's first Suikin experience

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:30 am
by michaelsuave
J-Man5 wrote:In chapter 2 of the Questing Game Tarrin re-grew Kern's arm after it had been smashed off by a cannonball. It was mentioned at how easy the Weave came to him and responded to his wishes at the time. Was that because he was so focused or was it due to some help from the Goddess? I think it was because he wasn't really thinking about it that things came more like the art that Spyder spoke of later. It came from Tarrin's heart and anything that comes from the heart is beautiful.

ahh, j-man's a romantic. :) anyway, when tarrin's friends are hurt he the weave seems to want to do what his heart wants. Take for example when miranda and siska were killed and he stopped death from taking them. Sorcerers are part of the weave, but Suikin seem to live the weave, and the weave lives in them. They are in both part of the other, that is why they can travel through the veins/threads of the weave, live in the heart eventually, and why tarrin can use the weave just as he uses the rest of his brain cells, to capture memories.