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Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:55 am
by tigger
Have you looked into doing your books throught I for one would buy a copy of all your books if you did this.


Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 2:48 pm
by Metatrone
Make a search for "firestaff" ;)

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:10 pm
by Peter_Koopman
Metatrone wrote:Make a search for "firestaff" ;)
Did you just do what I think you did? I sure as hell hope Fel posted those, not you? :shock:

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 11:47 pm
by Lochar
*blink* It is there...

Fel, did you post it?

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:27 am
by MommyDoom
Lochar wrote:*blink* It is there...

Fel, did you post it?
Woah.... damn, I hope Fel's the one that put them up there. I'd hate to see his post when he finds them if he didn't do it. I may get up in the morning and find my computer has melted.


Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:17 am
by Spec8472
MommyDoom wrote:
Lochar wrote:*blink* It is there...

Fel, did you post it?
Woah.... damn, I hope Fel's the one that put them up there. I'd hate to see his post when he finds them if he didn't do it. I may get up in the morning and find my computer has melted.

No, Fel didn't put them up there -- [s]Scuttle did[/s] -- months ago.

I've reported it to Lulu before, but they're ignoring me. I also told Fel about it, but either Fel didn't get it, or was too busy, or something...

Edit: They're different cover pictures than I saw before... But I'm pretty sure they're the ones that Scuttle was talking about having printed.

Second Edit:

This was posted to the Mailing list, back in May.
I sent it on to Fel the same day.

From: John Dovey <>
Date: 09-May-2005 07:53
Subject: [FelBooks] Hardcopy

For my OWN use I have put the first book of the Firestaff series at
I was wondering whether the author would permit me to leave it there for
others to use and/or would mind me putting the other books up as well?
The cost is the cost of printing etc..

Third Edit: This email address doesn't match the one for Scuttle... I looked at the IRC logs and it was Scuttle that mentioned the site, and talked about formatting the book for printing... my mistake. :/

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:43 am
by Shadowhawk
Spec8472, another source for your mistake might be the fact that backcover at has the same image of crossed swords like Scuttle used for the cover for the books he printed, see Image:Book-1.jpg at Sennadar Wiki.

To admins or tigger: could you change the title of this thread to something more telling, for example: "Doing FelBooks throught" or even "Question for Fel: doing books through", or "Question about printed version of Fel books". TIA.

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:22 pm
by Scuttle
Hm, I have gotten the Firestaff-books printed through Lulu, but I have not made the books "public", I did it for myself only and I do not plan on making my entries on Lulu public.

I do have some good designs on the interiors of the books, so if Fel or anyone else is planning to do official entries on Lulu I would be more than happy to collaborate with them. My books are professionally done in InDesign and looks pretty darn good if I may say so myself :)

Oh, and the Firestaff-books you find when you search on Lulu are not mine, when I asked Fel if I could do prints I told him it would be for my own personal use only, not for selling.

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:31 pm
by Metatrone
Well, I did't put them there either. I found them by a google search when I was searching for book 5(which is not at since I didn't bother to read the message board at first.

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:00 am
by tigger
I have to agree with MommyDoom on this. This is Jame's work, I for one find very low that someone would do this without his consent. I asked the question after seeing another authors post saying that he was going to put his books up there. I went to check it out and then post the message here. I have a friend of mine the can't sit in front of the computer to read as it gives her a very bad headache. She has read the first couple of chapters and would like to read the rest but can't in less she prints it and the ink and paper would cost as a small fortune. I thought this would be a good solution. I will not buy them intil I find out if James posted them there.


Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 11:50 pm
by Scuttle
How about we create an "official" version of the books that are suitable to be printed, then if Fel feels like Lulu is the way to go we are ready.

I'm gonna put my "to-print" pdfs up so you people can see what they look like...


Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:04 am
by Texfire
I'd wait until the author weighs in before you do anything. He might be, rightly so, incinsed about the infringement of his copyright. It's his work and he's kind enough to share it with us, but he's made it perfectly clear that he is not releasing any rights to it.


Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:00 am
by matrix

here is the link for his book.

any one of the admins please get fel's attention to this.

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:43 am
by Spec8472
matrix wrote:

here is the link for his book.

any one of the admins please get fel's attention to this.
See my post just up the page a little bit... After where it says "Second Edit"

Re: Question For Fel: printed versions of Fel books

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:32 pm
by ampws
I downloaded Fel's works and read them all in one marathon sitting. Seven books and odd chapter's (after editing of course - some of us 'still' speak the Queen's english).

I liked them so much I too did a search and found the Lulu site with Fel's work. I was almost ashamed when I contacted the adminstrator to request release so I could print my edited works to realise that the works had been put up without permission.

There are to few people who really appreciate the effort that goes into creative work. Then to find that someone's dream that has taken form in print and shared with others has been, to put it crudely ripped off. I was heartily ashamed for whoever did it and my sympathy goes out to Fel.

Saying that I feel that Fel's only recourse now that the work is out there is to release 'authorised' versions - IN PRINT.

I feel sure that there are publisher's out there not mention - AHEM *BAEN* - ing any names who would be glad to assist Fel.