Theroy on The War With Demons

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Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by RedManX »

DemonLord that was summoned by TheOne is one of many/few (not shure exactly but know he isnt the only one) Demon Lords that exist witch means ot me that he cant control the entire demon poplulation.

Tarrin is a God of Fire weather he choises to acept that fact (he may not have the mind of a god but lets all not get sucked into his self deprivation and not think of him as such)and a wizard of emence power (this is how he is able to cast the spells that he is able extreame power makes up for lack of skill)

ok now we have a tidbit of background information on our characters my question is,

could tarrin not just summon an overwelming army of fire elementals to counter and eleminate the demons.

i feel that yes he could becouse of some of my assumptions i have made wile reading the book.

The DemonLord has a vast but limited number of demons whom he commands ( he cant command every demon becouse he isnt only lord) Tarrin on the otherhand is a god of fire and as such has complete control over this element

As stated in sword of fire wile preping for fight between dura and one soilders, if tarrins opens a gate to the fire elemental plane and bids all the elementals near threw only thing that will happen if they are killed in meterial plane is they will be slightly weekend and sent back to elemental plane.

When a Demon is killed in an meterial plane they are barred from returning for 100 years

These last 2 facts alone ammount to tarrin wining if its army against army for when a memeber of the demonlords army dies it cannot return to this universe where as when one of tarrins dies it can just come right back a little bit weaker and a whole lot more pissed.

now a thought, tarrins elementals gain a bit of power every time they are summoned, acording to my understanding this is some kind of ambiant  absorbtion of magical energys of the meterial plane, Now if this power absorbtion happens wile locked in a construct made by sorccerer and notactualy having there bodys there imagine the kind of power gains one would reseave from actualy visiting the material plane with there natural "body".

now wouldnt this make fire elementals from across the elemental plane jump at the chance of this rewards of power increase? it was stated in earlyer books that fire elementals where power mongers that would kill each other for a chance to be called to serve a sorcerer.

i have lots more thoughts on this but as you can see my thoughs are all gammbled up, so i'd like to hear what others think before continueing on with my wandering thoughts and horrible spelling/grammer
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by Shadowhawk »

Elementals gets power from being on Sennadar, with it's Weave, and only when Summoned by Sorcerer. There was discussion if Tarrin as God of Fire could ask/compel Elementals to help - I'm not sure if Elementals wouln't risk being killed or weakened. But now that Weave is on Pyrosia... but the Tarrin ain't.
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by artreus »

and most demons are immune to fire ....
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by RedManX »

<ShadowHawk>Elementals gets power from being on Sennadar, with it's Weave, and only when Summoned by Sorcerer

as i remember reading they get power no matter who summons them weather its a sorcerer or not, it is mearly that when summoned by a wizard/druid they are slaves to the wizzards will unless they can kill that wizard/druid (where apon they gain even more power wich makes them want to do such). where as with a sorcerer it is a mear request and more politly done that makes them prefer this method

<artreus> and most demons are immune to fire ....
It is true that most demons are immune to fires burn i.e. they cant shoot fire at them to burn them todeath. But it has been proven that they are not immune to the phisical effects of fire. e.i. an explosion is still guna blow them backwords but not going to burn them. now could they not make the fire an extreemly sharp phisical item i.e. sword like apendiges or what not to cut or hammer like apendages to bash

i know this is prety much a mute point currently in the story as we are past this but possabily if tarrin ever has further need to battle a demon lord

also could he not make said gate and travel to the elemental plane as he does have a purly fire form (his divine form used between shapes wile shapshifting and wile battleing theone) and arange such help on a purly request as tarrin would not enslave elementals
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by Hearly »

Actually, he did have a discussion with his fire elemental, and said he didn't want to rely on the "god" power, but that he had that option in the background...
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by Lochar »

hearly wrote:Actually, he did have a discussion with his fire elemental, and said he didn't want to rely on the "god" power, but that he had that option in the background...

IIRC, his Fire Elemental told him that if he summoned them as a wizard, he would be bound as a wizard is.  With the Fire Elemental wanting to kill him.

If, as a God of Fire, he ripped open a portal to the Plane of Fire, they would have to answer his call and come through the portal and fight on his behalf as  God.

The question is, is a Demon that is immune to fire, immune to the created by a denizen of a different plane?

Is a demon on Pyrosia immune to the fires of a Sennadar dragon?
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by RedManX »

i guess the fire question comes down to is a god immune to fire or is he immune to heat? is he immune to all the phisical effects of an explosion? will the explosion rage around him without directly effecting him at all or will an explosion knock him back and mearly not burn him?
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Re: Theroy on The War With Demons

Post by Shadowhawk »

At least those demons which need to breathe can be harmed by fire side-effect: deprivation of oxygen, thusly dying of asphyxation. Perhaps carbon oxide poisoning could also play role with some demons... And the physical force behind fire blast did kill some demons, IIRC.
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