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Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:29 am
by MommyDoom
Okay, we all know that Triana tasked Tarrin to come up with a 5-layer Druidic spell... and Tarrin went beyond that and came up with a Druidic means of Teleportation that he proceeded to teach Triana AND Sapphire.  Well, in Chapter 12 of Weavespinner Sapphire seems to TELEPORT.
"Sapphire, I need your help," he said immediately. "In fact, we may need the help of every dragon you can find."

"What is so serious as to need that?" she asked.

"Val has raised an army of Goblinoids and Demons, my friend," he told her. "An army large enough to conquer everything on this side of the Desert of Swirling Sands." He blew out his breath. "And they've kidnapped Jasana."

"WHAT?" she demanded hotly.

"Demons working for Val attacked the Tower and took Jasana," he told her. "They've done it to force me to give them the Firestaff."

"We will see about that!" her voice was hot, almost infuriated. There was a long pause. "It is an attack on clan, Cyrus! Clan comes first! Tarrin, where are you now?"

"We're in the Tower. Our Goddess is organizing a massing of forces to face Val's army, but I'll be leaving soon to recover my daughter before the fighting makes it impossible for me to get to her."

"Where in the Tower?"

That question took him a little aback. "We're in a guest apartment," he replied. "Jesmind's was destroyed in the attack."

"What level? Which side?"

A little confused, he looked at the others. He honestly didn't know the answers to those questions. "Where are we?" he asked them.

"Ninth level, north side," Allia answered.

He repeated that to Sapphire dutifully. "Alright. Put the bell down, my little one, and back away from it. I'm coming right now."

Not sure what was going to happen, Tarrin put the bell on the floor and backed away from it. Mist grabbed Eron by the tail and dragged the curious cub away as they did the same, giving the little crystal bell a very wide berth. Jesmind looked at him in confusion, but he could only shrug and look at the bell. He had no idea what was going to happen either.

There was no sense of magical buildup, no hint or sign that it was coming. One second, she wasn't there, the next she was, standing over the little bell in her human form in a lovely violet brocade gown, a look of tightly controlled fury burning on her face. She looked around, then her eyes locked on the Were-cats. Eron scrambled behind Mist, seeking protection behind her legs, looking up at the angry dragon in fear and curiosity both.

Can anybody explain this?


Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:32 pm
by hawkstarr
I always took that as it wasn't a Druidic power as much as a Dragon one.  Who (besides Fel ::Grins::) says that Dragons don't have their own innate abilities such as teleporting? They are a magical creature.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:06 pm
by HarryS
hawkstarr wrote: They are a magical creature.
In Firestaff Book 4 - "The Shadow Realm" - Chapter 19 Fel wrote:
Tarrin almost fell down in shock. The dragon was casting a Wizard spell! He knew the sound of those words, he heard Kimmie mutter them all the time!
I couldn't find anything about other magical abilities of dragons but if the bell uses wizard magic to call the dragon there might be a wizard spell of teleportation too.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:38 pm
by Lochar
I also read somewhere that while she knows the teleportation spell, dragons are slightly too big to fit the max size for the spell.  I'm guessing that the bell either got around the size limitation, or she is able to teleport herself in her human form.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:43 pm
by Hearly
I always figured it had something to do with the bell and not so much her magic ability.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:39 pm
by Lochar
Yeah, a preset magical item that would teleport her to it.  That'd make sense.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:53 pm
by Shadowhawk
lochar wrote:Yeah, a preset magical item that would teleport her to it.  That'd make sense.
And please do remember, that Saphire teleported in her human form, so the restrictions on size were not existent.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 8:28 pm
by Lochar
shadowhawk wrote: And please do remember, that Saphire teleported in her human form, so the restrictions on size were not existent.
Alright, theoretical time then.  What happens to all of the other dragon mass when she Polymorphs Self?  And is the teleport spell based on mass or volume of the object(s) being teleported?  If it's volume, a simple shrink spell like what happened with Kimmie and Phandebrass would be easy enough to get around the limitations.  If it's mass, and that mass is still somehow represented even in a smaller or changed form, then the teleport shouldn't work.  I'm gonna have to pull out D&D books now. LOL

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 12:06 am
by MommyDoom
Humphf.  I'm not really happy with any of these answers.

FEL!  Are you done with your test yet?  Saw Fester over the weekend and he was bummed to hear about your first results.  He's moving at the end of July but said he would try to hang out on IRC and chat with you soon.


Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 1:28 am
by Fel
Sapphire used a Wizard spell to Teleport, one that humans have not yet learned.  It's a "dragon-only" spell.  In fact, you could call it a "Sapphire-only" spell, since she created it.

Remember, dragons are Wizards too, and they DO research.  Someone who's been alive as long as Sapphire would certainly come up with some spells nobody has ever seen.  ;)

The bell was indeed enchanted to teleport Sapphire to the bell.  The word you're fishing for is a succor item.  Again, something that only a dragon could have made, since the spell that created it is one only dragons know.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:01 pm
by rick
If I may add my two cents ,I`m sure Sapphire was glade to learn a Druidic verison of teleport .If remember  correctly  Wizard magic takes more out of a caster then Druidic magic does.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:07 pm
by Lochar
rick wrote:If I may add my two cents ,I`m sure Sapphire was glade to learn a Druidic verison of teleport .If remember correctly Wizard magic takes more out of a caster then Druidic magic does.
Also, the more powerful the Wizard spell, the longer it takes to cast it.

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:58 pm
by Shadowhawk
Also, the spell Saphire used requres the magic device (bell) present in the place you want to teleport to. Sorcerers and of course Druidic (because based on Sorcerers) Teleportation, both short (local) and long (to grounded places) don't require this.

I wonder what are limirs of Wizards Shadow Step. I think (guess) that it is more or less equivalent of short range teleportation. If I remember correctly there was mentioned that there is no Wizards' version of Teleportation, but Wizards have portals.

Hmmm... is there a Priest Teleportation?

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:28 pm
by Lochar
Phandebrass, or Kimmie can't remember which, said that there is no real limitation to Wizard teleportation.  It's just that the less well you know the area, the farther off course you'll land.  The bell gives Sapphire a point of focus, and it's a created spell.  With strict limitations to it, it should be realatively easy to move to it.  That and Fel said it's a succor spell, which are fast casting must get there now spells.  That's a first type of movable succor I've seen.  Normally a succor spell is tied to a certain location.  Hmm, either way. *grin*

Re: Question about Duidic Teleportation

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 2:19 am
by Fel
It was Phandebrass.  What he said was that the further the landing area, the more of a chance you're "off target" and miss.

Missing is bad.  It usually involves instant death.  Not even Phandebrass will use the spell (yes, he does have it) because it's just too dangerous.

Mind you, that came from PHANDEBRASS.  If HE thinks it's that dangerous, you can imagine how other Wizards feel about that spell.

This is why 99.99999% of the Wizards out there do not use Teleportation, even if they knew the spell.  Gate spells are much more reliable and just as useful, they simply have the same general restrictions as Sorcerer's Teleportation...the requirement to be familiar with the landing point.

Wizard Teleportation, patterned after Sorcery, was just too unstable and dangerous, so they devised an alternate method to do the same thing...gate spells.

That .000001% that does use Teleportation?  Well, don't look for them too hard, because they're dead.

Sapphire's spell works much differently than the standard concept of Teleportation.  It's actually more like a gate-type spell in how it operates, you just can't see the entrance portal.  That, and she's required to be intimately familiar with the landing other words, she must be grounded to her arrival point.  The portal kind of "grabs" Sapphire and sends her to the landing point, making it appear that she simply disappears.

The succor spell works like Teleportation, but because the spell works backwards,, grabbing from somewhere else and bringing it back instead of sending something somewhere else, it gets around the danger of landing inherent in all other forms of Wizard Teleportation magic.  The magic's coming from the landing point, not the sending point, so the succor item can bring the target safely in with absolutely no chance of missing.

Sapphire knows a stand-alone version of this spell which succors anyone or anything to her present location.  It only requires that she has a piece of the object or person she's targeting with the spell.

It's the basis for the spell she enchanted into the bell.  Any item that has an magical effect was made by a Wizard who knows how to do the same thing with magic.  After all, if he didn't, how the heck did he make the object in the first place?  ;)

Yes, before you ask, there WAS a piece of Sapphire in the bell.  That's how it succored her.

Tarrin still has that bell.  And it still works.