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Book 3-Honor & Blood-Timeline-WARNING, SPOILERS!!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:48 pm
by MommyDoom
Chapter 1: General recap that happens at the beginning of all Fel's books. Tarrin and Sarraya are fleeing from their pursuers. Sarraya mentions Tarrins fetlocks and his increased height. Tarrin kills 2 Demons and destroys 6 Zakkite flying ships.

Chapter 2: Tarrin talks to Triana. Tarrin stops at an inn and eats an entire lamb. A wizard, sorcerer and a mercenary track him there but no blood is shed in the confrontation.

Chapter 3: Back into the sandstorm. Tarrin finds an injured woman and her daughter. He heals the woman and tells her that her daughter should be sent to the Tower for training.

Chapter 4: Tarrin disguises himself as an Arrakite trading to try to get across the border into the Desert. They are discovered and Tarrin kills a Troll in order to escape the Inn. Shiika's daughter, Anayi, saves him and takes him the rest of the way to the Desert.

Chapter 5: Kerri institutes her new form of government, Parliament and cows the nobles into accepting it. Sarraya begins teaching Tarrin about Druidic magic and he Conjures his first apple.

Chapter 6: Tarrin experiences his first dream sent by Fara'Nae. Tarrin is attacked by his first kajat. Tarrin tries to conjure water. First encounter with Var, who Tarrin defeats in a fight. More dreams.

Chapter 7: More dreams. Tarrin is attacked by a kajat, which bites his leg off before he can kill it. Wakes up to find Var.

Chapter 8: More dreams. First encounter with Spyder and the fight that causes Tarrin to cross over.

Chapter 9: Kravon raises Jegojah again and we see the Doomwalker that Faalken has become.

Chapter 10: Tarrin saves a Selani (first encounter with Denai) from a pack of inu. Tarrin decides to allow Denai to travel with him as his guide.

Chapter 11: Var rejoins the group. Tarrin realizes that though he can't USE sorcery, he is always in touch with it.

Chapter 12: Tarrin begins to accept and trust Denai.

Chapter 13: Tarrin and the group travel through the Great Canyon, on the way to the Gathering at the foot of the Cloud Spire.

Chapter 14: Tarrin climbs to the top of the Cloud Spire, where the Aeradalla live.

Chapter 15: Tarrin manages to use sorcery again. He finds the magical source that supports the cloud city and heals the maimed Aeradalla. Tarrin finds Ariana and she gives him a lift down the mountain.

Chapter 16: Tarrin and Sarraya begin to travel. [second name for sarray's husband, danzig.] Jenna crosses over.

Chapter 17: Tarrin finds the ruins of the Dwarven city Mala Myrr where he chooses to fight Jegojah. Battle with Jegojah and Faalken. Tarrin sets them both free.

Chapter 18: Jegojah tells Tarrin that he is now a Revenant. He also tells Tarrin of the ki'zadun plan to attack Suld and destroy the Goddess' icon. Tarrin contacts all his friends and they prepare a plan to defend Suld. Var and Denai rejoin Tarrin and pledge Selani support in the battle.

Chapter 19: The Goddess explains the origins of the races. Tarrin talks to Andos, king of the Aeradalla. Jegojah leaves. Var leaves to join his clan and bring them to the battle. Tarrin and Denai and Sarraya travel on towards the Sandshield.

Chapter 20: The reach the Sandshield. Tarrin sends Sarraya off with Denai to find her people and then tells Sarraya to go to Fae-da'Nar and tell them about the upcoming battle. Tarrin gives Denai his manacles, which Fara'Nae converts to rings. Tarrin conjures an elemental to take him over the mountains.

Chapter 21: Tarrin begins to travel across Arkis, encountering MANY trolls. He spends a few days on a farm in cat form. The Goddess tells him that the passes are melting and he Wards the farm and leaves.

Chapter 22: Tarrin arrives in Aldreth. Tarrin kills the 16 Dal soldiers in Wylan's inn and hunts down and kills the remaining 5. Tarrin meets Jasana.

Chapter 23: Tarrin and Jesmind fight. Tarrin releases Jula's bond to Triana and gets his own back.

Chapter 24: Tarrin Wards the village. The Goddess informs Tarrin that Jasana must accompany him to the Tower.

Chapter 25: Ariana rejoins the group. The other Werecats, Rahnee, Jeri, Singer, Thean, and Kimmie arrive. First encounter with the Druid Sathon, who brings the Centaur, Mikos and a Faerie, Alix. [third name for sarraya's husband].

Chapter 26: The group goes into Aldreth and meets up with the rest of the Woodkin and human army. Werecats Shayle and Nikki join them. The army moves out and heads toward Watch Hill. They attack the garrison at Watch Hill and anihilate it.

Chapter 27: The leaders of the army meet to devise a plan to retake Torian, Duke Arren's home. On the way to Torrian Sathon begins to instruct Tarrin in Druidic magic. Jesmind and Rahnee fight over Tarrin. The army reaches Torian and Tarrin realizes that it's an ambush. Tarrin destroys Torrian.

Chapter 28: The Gods spare the people of Torrian.

Chapter 29: Tarrin gives Duke Aren enough gold to rebuild Torrian. Tarrin then summons and Air Elemental to fly them to Suld. They arrive in Suld to find there has been fighting inside the Tower. Tarrin and Jenna talk to Spyder in the maze and she informs them that she will be teaching them Sorcery.

Chapter 30:

Chapter 31: First lesson with Spyder. Tarrin and the group begin to study the Book of Ages to discover the location of the Firestaff.

Chapter 32: The group discovers the location of the Firestaff.

Chapter 33: Second lesson with Spyder. Sarraya reaches Suld.

Chapter 34: Tarrin takes Jesmind and Jasana to meet Janette and her family. Tarrin gives Jasana her first instruction in Sorcery. Tarrin begins to read the Book of Ages. Preparations for war. The ki'zadun army arrives.

Chapter 35: The fighting begins with Triana's summoning of the huge Earth Elemental. The Goddess faces Val with Tarrin, July, and Jasana encircled. July crosses over. Tarrin defends the Goddess' icon and uses Priest magic. The Firestaff reveals itself to the world. Kerri crosses over.

Chapter 36: The Suld army begins to battle the Undead and they retreat back to the Tower. Tarrin battles the Marilith outside the Tower and Banishes her. Jegojah kills Kravon. The ki'zadun army turns and flees.

Chapter 37: The group makes plans to set off immediately to find the Firestaff. Jenna is appointed to the Counsel as the Mind Seat. The Goddess gives Tarrin three Shaerams to give to Jesmind, Jasana, and Jula. Tarrin gives the Book of Ages to Jenna.

The End. :)

Re: Book 3-Honor & Blood-Timeline-WARNING, SPOILERS!!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:10 am
by Weresmilodon
mommydoom wrote:Two sorcerers and a mercenary track him there but no blood is shed in the confrontation.
Actually, isn't that one self-thaught Sorcerer and one Wizard? Along with the merc.

Re: Book 3-Honor & Blood-Timeline-WARNING, SPOILERS!!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 12:14 pm
by MommyDoom
weresmilodon wrote: Actually, isn't that one self-thaught Sorcerer and one Wizard? Along with the merc.
Probably.  I'll verify Monday.  Thanks!!


Re: Book 3-Honor & Blood-Timeline-WARNING, SPOILERS!!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:09 pm
by Weresmilodon
No problem. I just remebered something to the effect that the sorcerer didn't want to go up against Tarrin, because he could feel how strong Tarrin is, while the wizard wants the Book enough to do it. Something like "Just think about what we can learn from it!"

Re: Book 3-Honor & Blood-Timeline-WARNING, SPOILERS!!

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:34 am
by Journeywoman
mommydoom wrote:Chapter 8: More dreams. First encounter with Sarraya and the fight that causes Tarrin to cross over.
I think that should be Spyder.

Re: Book 3-Honor & Blood-Timeline-WARNING, SPOILERS!!

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 12:44 am
by MommyDoom
journeywoman wrote: I think that should be Spyder.
You are ABSOLUTELY right.  Will fix it tomorrow as it won't let me edit it from home.
