Error List

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Error List

Post by canisd »

This is nothing against Fel or his writing but I think that it might be a good idea for a central list of mistakes to be made so that when he does get round to editing the story these problems could be taken care of.

(This could also let people see that they are not imaging things when they read that story and think "weren't they ..... / didn't they do/find ..... earlier?")

(This also as much for me as for others because I keep thinking of things like this every time I re-read the finished books)

To begin with some that come to mind:

1) The fact that Kerri finds out that Haley in Quest but is surprised about the fact in Honor
2) Chockstick and Turnkey are green in quest but red later on (correction: they went red-green-red)
3) Chap 5 of quest Binter suddenly becomes Sisska
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Re: Error List

Post by Wildcat »

These were mentioned at various times before, but I'll put them here again.

1) Kimmie says she's been turned for 20 years instead of 120 (Fel gave the correct age on the boards, but I'm not sure it's fixed in the manuscript yet) in Honor.

2) Sarraya's husband's 3 names. (I believe two of them occur in Honor, don't remember the third. Edited 4/25)
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Re: Error List

Post by Hallmist »

So as long as we're keeping this error list, i think it would help future editing if the specific place the error is were reported.

For instance, if Sarraya's husband is mentioned 3 times, how bout reporting the books and chapters in which those mentionings occured.  OR if you dont remember, post it anyway, so the next time someone re-reads, they can update your post with the book/chapter/page.
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Questing Ch. 19

"You're married?" he asked, looking down at her.  
She nodded with a smile.  "A hundred years next summer solstice," she replied.  "Aldio is a sweetie."  

Honor and Blood Ch 16

"You know, you've never talked about this mysterious husband of yours.  Does he mind you being out here with me?"  
Sarraya grunted softly.  "Oh, yes," she said firmly.  "But that's one of the reasons I'm here.  I love Danzig, but he's terribly possessive, and he has a fit when I perform my duties as a member of the Druids.  

Honor and Blood Ch 25

"My wife, Sarraya," he smiled. "She visited the colony a while ago and asked me to come plead her case to Sathon personally. My name is Alix."
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Re: Error List

Post by canisd »

another big hole that occured due to the time it took to write was in Chap 8 of Tower it is said that the Kael Farm was burnt to the ground but in the Epiloge of quest the farmhouse and one barn are still standing but have been cleaned up and the second barn and brewhouse are being let fall down
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Axe Ch9.
"Your wife is the most powerful Priest I've ever seen, Koran," Tarrin cut him off. "She could put the High Priest of Karas in a dress and make him serve drunken sellswords in a tavern like a common barmaid."

Koran Tal laughed at that image, as did the others.

"Trust me. Any mortal who can banish a Demon like that marilith is not a Priest you want to cross. That takes the kind of power that only one Priest in a thousand ever manages to touch. Those kinds of Priests are the ones that their gods watch over personally."
Didn't Tarrin banish the marilith?
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Axe Ch. 18
       A suikun.  That wasnt lost on Tarrin, for more than one reason.  Long ago, Mother told him that there would only be two extra suikun, nine of them.  But this was a tenth, a third extra suikun, and one that wasnt supposed to be there.
Sometime before, when Spyder was training Jenna and Tarrin, she told them that there would be 3 extra, to represent the stability of the weave.  Does Tarrin not remember this, or is this actually the 11th sui'kun?
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Re: Error List

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Axe Ch. 18
       That evening was marked by a formal ceremony where the High Priest of Kikkalli formally anointed Faalken as the Crown Prince, a little ceremony filled with stately speeches in High Wikuni, the ancient form of their language, which sounded hauntingly like ShaKar.  Keritanima had never taught Tarrin that, because she didnt know it.  Only the Priests used it, and then only during religious ceremonies.
Didn't Kerri think that the High Wikuni in the Book of Ages she could translate since her father made her learn it, but the Wikuni corrupted the language?
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Axe Ch. 19
That, of coure, brought up another irritation.  Keritanima had named him and Allia as prince and princess, which was nothing more than an empty title with no meaningat least to them.  To the Wikuni, however, that was another matter entirely.  He was now an official member of the Royal house, and that caused the commoners to treat him with a strange, mindless kind of adoration, the same adulation they showered on Keritanima.  They had no idea who he was, but they were shouting at him with adulation and almost giddy cries of regard, and found this bit of hero-worship to be very unsettling.  Jenna dealt with it every time she left the Tower and went out into the streets of Suld, but it was the first time anyone had ever acted in such a silly manner towards him.
Didn't he get the adulation at the Raintree Tower in Abrodar?

You know, you guys have to be hating me right now, considering what I'm picking up. LOL
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Axe Ch. 21
    Youre leaving, arent you? Kimmie asked.

       How did you know? Jula asked.

       Hes moved all his things down here, and theres that Ward up at the entrance, she answered.  If he wasnt leaving, all of Jesminds stuff would be littered out on the front lawn.  It doesnt take much to piece it together, Jula.
How'd Kimmie know there was a Ward?  That's Sorcery, and Kimmie is a Wizard.
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Axe Ch. 22
This rash assault put Tarrin out of sorts for a few seconds, but not long enough to quickly use Druidic magic to eliminate all magic in the gate chamberDemons of that caliber had formidable magical abilities, and he didnt want that thing to teleport all over the place like the glabrezu did when he fought it for the Book of Agesand met it head on.
Sorcery is used to stop Demon's magic, isn't it?  Not Druidic?  I think Sarraya said that to use Druidic magic to stop Wizardry or Priest magic, it'd go way outside the bounds of natural magic.
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Re: Error List

Post by zedd »

Sorcery is used to stop Demon's magic, isn't it?  Not Druidic?  I think Sarraya said that to use Druidic magic to stop Wizardry or Priest magic, it'd go way outside the bounds of natural magic.
 If my memory doesn't fail me Druidic magic can stop all the 4 types of magic (priest, wizard, sorcery and druidic). I think Tarrin says so somewhere when explaining the strength and weaknesses of each type.
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

OK then, Sarraya told him in the desert that it would take abnormal amounts of power to stop Wizard or Priest magic that way, since it's not natural to the Weave.
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Re: Error List

Post by canisd »

here's the quote about that one:
"No, only the Weave exists in nature. We don't affect the magic, we affect the Weave. Actually, Wizard and Priest magic are unnatural in origin, so it would take more power to affect it than a Druid could manage. Let's not even talk about a Demon or some otherworldly creature. But that power has to get here through the Weave, and that's where we attack it."
SO you could say that he temp. stopped all magic flowing in the weave as he didn't want to move the weave as he had done Dala Yar Arak
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Re: Error List

Post by Lochar »

Axe Ch. 24
Tarrin couldnt Create Adamantite, as it was an other-worldly metal, and was as such beyond even Tarrins Druidic power to create.
After Tarrin transmuted the first set of Cat's Claw's in Adamantite in Weavespinner, he thought he could create it.
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