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Chapter 27

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 2:10 pm
by SoronelHaetir
I would have expected Kel to pick up the basics of flying far easier, what with his gliding experience. Things like turning especially. The endurance is another matter, there is only one non-magical way to build that.

I won't, however, be surprised if he can figure out a way for his newly enhanced aura to work on himself and help build wing muscle faster. And even if it doesn't work on himself there is always having another dragon do it. And earth dragons are community-oriented enough that would be easy to organize.

Also, great circles work for ocean navigation as well as air (not so much land both because the distances tend to be shorter and there are terrain features to go around). And on a globe if you can point yourself at your target that is naturally following a great circle route. It is only on a distorted projection like the normal Mercator that great circles turn into an arc. Given how much work an oar current is I would have expected that the water dragons would use any simple trick like that to make it easier.

Re: Chapter 27

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 5:58 am
That spike less elder, is he really physically capable of training his body enough for flight if tethered to a coven? Sure he is a dragon but if he is so old that he can't naturally produce tail spikes, what other limitation does his advanced age impose on him?

So the dragons will be doing some extreme training in gliding, swimming and other physical task. I wonder how the life aura will affect sea life, those kelp farms could get super charged. This could inspire the water dragons to attempt to improve their own limited flight abilities. Seeing what a previously flightless race is now capable of has got to make them reconsider a lot about flight. I could see a lot of magical items crafted to enhance an earth dragon capability in the water. The easier and longer they can stay in the water, easier to keep them training.
We know there are some spells that affect plants, so say the earth dragons craft amulets that cast spells aligned with a life affinity. They do have a measure of control for their life aura, so this would just be another way to use it. It might be enough to grant earth dragons something akin to healing.

Sure the magician search is seemingly dependent on the human nations, but so long as the dragons retain the formula for the amulets and the spells for searching out magic users, then for the time being most of the control is in dragon hands. While the hurricane was kinda the lesser part of the campaign against China, it was impressive enough to inspire the great demand for magicians and their services.
The next issue to solve is the large scale training of magicians. First priority would be to reach the draconic language. That runs the risk of the info getting to China, and them using it to full use their procured library. Luckily any dragon can be used to teach the language via the Internet. I can see dragons being assigned humans who have similar abilities or scale of power.
There is talk of creating a school. Locating it in any one country suggests biased. I originally thought they could set it up, where Camelot or Atlantis once stood, but politics would get in the way. Then I had a great idea. Antarctica is international territory correct, and a location there would be remote and secure. Magic could allow for an outpost to be viable. That way the place could be built by earth dragons, to enhance magical properties and practices.
They would also need to design and create numerous amulets. So a dedicated team of craft dragons would be needed. That would be a fortune in precious metals and materials. Since to enhance their amulets they must cast the spells themselves, could items that aid in the process be created for the differing magics that could be laid down on the object? The more secure the amulet, less chance of needing to replace it.

I bet America will ask if they would examin military parade grounds, so get more magician actually in service straight away. They could also examine open air arenas and stadiums. This sight based spell, could it be applied to lenses like the night vision one? That way when ever the dragons meet with human in person, they can examine every one looking for talent.

We know how plants and familiars are enhanced by the aura, but no mention for dragons, humans or magician in general.