Task Chapter 2

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Task Chapter 2

Post by SoronelHaetir »


How is Tarrin doing the shape-shifting now (i.e. into dragons). When his fire wings were returned late in Demon's Bane we were told they no longer held the ability to take on other forms. Yet now he seems to be able to do the actual shift in even less time than before. But we've also been told that using wizard magic to perform that kind of change is incredibly dangerous, because at least part of someone's connection to magic is tied to their physical body.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by SYED »

He does have access to sorcery and psychic powers. That might allow him to change shape more easily.

If this world is balance by doors to the positive and negative worlds, does that mean there is other elemental doors to balance the water one?

So on this world wizardry is far more powerful, I wonder how this could be best used. Would it be easier to develop new spells here. While necromancy would also be boosted here, necromancy is really dangerous, so any positive way for that negative portal can be used?imagine if a tower could be built on each of the portals. Use nature magic to shape the trees and plants into a singular construct, the negative one caused all those dust, what if they created a tower from bone as a form of necromancy. Channel those portal into using their energy on a direct application for this world.
The fairy created an amulet to link herself to her home realm, what if someone created a similar one for this world? It might allow a more powerful link to the powers of wizardy
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by mbeau »

Also, the God of Gods may have given him back that ability in order to effectively do his job.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by Kendog »

Do you think Niami (Tarrin's Goddess) knows about the God of Gods, and his presence on Sennadar, and is just keeping it a secret for the God of Gods? I find it hard to believe that, at least Niami, or even Tarrin's God self hasn't learned about it over the years that Tarrin has been working for the God of Gods.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by MartinK »

SoronelHaetir wrote:How is Tarrin doing the shape-shifting now (i.e. into dragons). When his fire wings were returned late in Demon's Bane we were told they no longer held the ability to take on other forms. Yet now he seems to be able to do the actual shift in even less time than before. But we've also been told that using wizard magic to perform that kind of change is incredibly dangerous, because at least part of someone's connection to magic is tied to their physical body.
After a thousand years in the service of the God of Gods, he is bound to have learned plenty of ways to get around more easily and get the job done, quite apart from how to kill someone more easily. He certainly learned new abilities quite quickly in his early years, at a time when he was still a young and foolish cub himself.
Kendog wrote:Do you think Niami (Tarrin's Goddess) knows about the God of Gods, and his presence on Sennadar, and is just keeping it a secret for the God of Gods? I find it hard to believe that, at least Niami, or even Tarrin's God self hasn't learned about it over the years that Tarrin has been working for the God of Gods.
Every single God of Sennadar knows who Tarrins working for. They are after all very interested in what he is doing and most would rather he never came back to Sennadar. To not only allow him to return but to even let him talk them into taking a whole ship out of their 'closed' world and return it after a few days - if they really had a choice they would never let that one go.

That the God of Gods has a presence on Sennadar, in direct contradiction, will be a secret from all local gods. It is supposed to be an undercover identity, what good would it be if the local Gods, who that identity is supposed to watch, know about it? Powerful Gods surely aren't happy to be reminded that there is someone so much more powerful to make their own power meaningless. And he is watching over their shoulder all the time! Well, no doubt he has used all that power to stay undercover. On the other side, i doubt the local gods would want to have more contact than necessary with the God of Gods. It's like your local police, doctor or dentist. Sure, they do a necessary job. But i'd rather have nothing to do with them if i can help it.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by SoronelHaetir »

Given the statement about how even a younger god like Kikkalli works for Him far more than Miranda (even while taking part in a direct assignment) I would say it is pretty much a given that the gods know where their existence ultimately derives from. I do think Cassiter is more of an open question. Cassiter seems more like a way to keep an eye on the mortals of Sennadar rather than the gods, or even a way to make his own existence more enjoyable. He is simply so much more than the gods of Sennadar (even the elder gods) that such subterfuge would seem rather pointless.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by Kendog »

SoronelHaetir wrote:Given the statement about how even a younger god like Kikkalli works for Him far more than Miranda (even while taking part in a direct assignment) I would say it is pretty much a given that the gods know where their existence ultimately derives from. I do think Cassiter is more of an open question. Cassiter seems more like a way to keep an eye on the mortals of Sennadar rather than the gods, or even a way to make his own existence more enjoyable. He is simply so much more than the gods of Sennadar (even the elder gods) that such subterfuge would seem rather pointless.
If I am remembering correctly, Cassiter told Tarrin at the end of Book 3 of the Dwarf Series, that He keeps His "existence" a secret to keep the gods from constantly bothering Him for "advice", not to keep an eye on the gods.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by Belgarion213 »

I was pretty sure they know about him. Now if they know he has a 'avatar' or whatever you want to call it hanging around? That's a different question.

Now speaking of Niami, I want to here what she's up to (from the end of Demon's Bane looks like Niami finally bagged her kitten, well Elder God Tarrin, and that would be interesting to see.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by SYED »

We know there is a God of wizardry, he was an outsider younger God who got a place in sennadar. Since this world is uniquely linked to the positive and negative realms, key to wizardry, then this could be an awesome place for him to make contact with. We know that Sorcerers are Niami version of priests, so what would be the priest version for a god of wizards.
For a younger God to be worshiped on multiple worlds have to be a big boost, especially considering the world in question.

How would Druids of such a world be affected by the two portals? I still like the idea of a wizard tower/s. One between the two door ways, or on atop or around each one. It might be tricky or dangerous but it could be very cool. I think tarrin was able to use Druidic magic here, so what if he travels to the nexus, just the positive or both and raise two towers. The positive would be the growth shaped and manipulated into a singular and living construct. The negative one would be a form of necromantic construct, to endure the negative energies. A tower of bones.
Currently one portal simply pumps the energy in, while the other drain, could they be altered to control the effect? Limit the raw power into a conduit, similar to the one in the sorcerer towers. My guess since there is no mention of the negative nexus, then it is literally on the other side of the world from the positive one. We know that such doors can not be fully closed just controlled.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by Belgarion213 »

I doubt that anybody but the Elder God of this world would be able to limit or control the energy pouring into or out of the world. Remember as Tarrin said, the gate to the positive tower is burried in plants and probably if you got to close you would either explode or probably die of cancers. The negative energy gate is so dangerous that matter itself breaks down in its vicinity. I doubt that any mortal is playing around with those things without direct divine intervention.

The distinction in Sennadar IIRC is that Eldar Gods don't need mortals and are more powerful...but are limited to one world. However the younger gods need mortals to stay gods but can visit other worlds all they want and so get a power boost that way.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by SYED »

I am imagining them as springs of power, and they would create a magical version of irrigation and canals and water ways to control and channel the energy. What if the elder god of this world and the God of wizardry worked together, as these nexus are in both of their spheres of influence. That with tarrin help, they could do something beyond mortal and divine capability.
I still hope for a living tower made from the plants supercharged by the nexus, the unsafe amount of energy could be channeled into spells, so just the supercharging and healing effect remains. I like the idea of a tower, as it would allow such a nexus to be protected, which ensures the safety of the whole realm.
I always liked the idea of a weave, could the presence of these nexus here, allow a pseudo weave to be constructed here. Use the nexus to create, artificially constructed lines of power. All spell in wizardy use some amounts of positive, negative or both energies. So create location that boost specific spheres of wizardry. It might create places good for necromancy, but it might allow for other sphere of beneficial wizardry magic. For Druids, it is summoning and conjugation and others. Sorcery had those spheres that had fire, water, air and earth, divine, mind and another. So depending on what sub sections of wizardry there could be many useful applications.s Say a kind of tower is impossible on the nexus themselves, could other to actions be built to make use of the available power.
Last edited by SYED on Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by Belgarion213 »

Honestly, it seems like a bit of a waste. I guess gods working COULD harness the energy...but why? Niami has the weave because she is the Eldar Goddess of Mgic (on Sennadar). The Eldar God on this world basically is probably just as powerful as Niami's mother is, at least or possibly hasn't split the oundless power they have. Thy have no particular need to create something like a Weave.

The Sennadar god of Wizards IS a god for more than just Sennadar but I doubt he has a portfolio in this world. More to the point the Eldar god would have no need to really draw him over here to do stuff, let alone Tarrin. Tarrin's great but...why would he be re-arranging the magic on this world? He did it before on thatother world to make it so that the Demon Lord couldn't abuse his power but there are no demon lords here and nobody is summoning them. More, there IS a eldar god so even ifa demon lord is summoned its no the same situation.

Trying to manipulate and play with gates to two of the most hostile places in the multi-verse is a pretty big deal for not much gain for the principle actors. I guess more control over magic is a possibility but it doesn't seem like the Eldar God of this world want's to bother.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by SYED »

To ensure the world is safe, eventually there will be forces interested in the nexus or the world itself due to them. So better to ensure they are secured now. And channeling the power to enrich and develop the make up of this realm. So demon, chaotic beings or other issues might come along, having a well developed magical infrastructure in place and wizards to fight to defend it, would be increadibly valuable.
This world seems to me the closest you can get to a material wizardry plane. The positive and negative realms are deadly to mortal life forms, but this world has free access to them, so acting as a loop hole. The energy needs not be drawn in, it is already present. It is near direct access.
If the wizard God was introduced here on such a world he has a close affinity to, it would really give him a boost, and so interest on this world being well maintained.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by Fel »

Tarrin's shaepshifting powers: they're not magical, they're not psionic, they're actually the ultimate expression of his power as a mi'shara. In a way, Tarrin is disconnected from reality now, no longer technically part of it, and that means he can bend the rules far more than before. He's not shapeshifting as much as he's deciding to be something else. It's also how he enters the Core. Nothing in reality can enter the Core without assistance, but Tarrin isn't OF reality anymore.

But, he CAN shapeshift via his psionic abilities, which is how he takes on different appearances, like Rex and the Ranger in the circus. It's one of the many things that Wynn, Sashi, and even He taught him. Shifting by changing reality is a lot of work, so Tarrin uses his psionic skills when it's less work to do so. Shapeshifting psionically is easy if you don't change very much, but VERY draining if you change drastically.

Cassiter: actually, he IS there to keep an eye on Sennadar's gods, as well as everything else. Sennadar is one of the seven Primes, so he pays much more attention to what goes on there than he does in other worlds, just usually not in "person" as it were. But when things get serious, he does bring an Avatar there to keep a much, much closer eye on things, like, say, an Entropic artifact going where it was never meant to go and threatening the entire multiverse. Cassiter appeared on Sennadar the instant the Firestaff made its way into the world, and he's been keeping a very close eye on things ever since. He wasn't a wikuni at first, naturally, but he's been on Sennadar for some fifteen thousand years.

The nexuses: Their existence does in fact make Wizardry VERY powerful on Verria (Polin's world), and their existence is entirely natural. Also, they're not things that ANYONE plays with, not even the gods on Polin's world, due to the threat of utter annihilation present if said monkeying somehow disturbs the balance between them. The two nexuses are perfectly balanced in size and power, which is the only reason the universe that contains them is still in existence.
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Re: Task Chapter 2

Post by SYED »

So the nexus have to be left alon, but I am personally hoping for epic magic, possibly wizardry or any magic at all.

If the the. Nexus are so dangerous, then at the very least they need to be monitored and defended. Just because they are dangerous, does not mean there won't people foolishness enough to to mess with them?