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Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:01 am
by Fel
It's been a while since I've got you guys up to speed on things, so here we go.

First off, the new chapter. I'm about 3\4 done with it and hope to get it finished soon. I know it's way late, but my "I should have more time to write" turned out to be a double-edged sword. I HAVE had more time to write...which I've been spending sitting in front of my laptop staring blankly at it.

After I made an utterly ridiculous error that cost me 7 pages of work, I got frustrated on top of aggravated. Writing Path is harder for me than other works, not because of its dark nature, but honestly because it's more "epic" in scope (multiple large armies moving sumultaneously) and I've had to do a lot more background work learning how armies from the corresponding historical eras fought. I do try for believability. ;)

Between the rougher go of Path and me moving on from my chaotic and insane first half of the year, I think I've been suffering from minor burnout.

We're going to fix that.

So, after I finish chapter 6, I'm going to table Path for a little bit, give myself a short break from it. I'm NOT just dropping it, I fully intend to finish it. I just feel that with my struggles with chapter 6, I need to step back a short while and redeploy my little internal mind army men. In the interim, I'll be doing a chapter or two on either Fox and the Hawk or Earth Bond, which for me will be more like taking a little break from "serious" writing.

To think of it, I should have done this in the first place. You guys are a LITTLE familiar with the epic fail that was the first half of this year for me. Between work problems and family problems and car problems and my house being robbed, maybe trying to move from that straight into Path, which is not easy content for me to write, wasn't the best idea. I should have decompressed first or something.

So, to review:

-Path6 will be completed, and hopefully soon.

-I'll be TEMPORARILY tabling Path so I can take a break from it while also regathering myself so I can come back to it without feeling like writing it kills my brain cells.

-As "filler" while I take a comparative vacation, I'll be doing a chapter or two in Fox or Earth Bond.

I think that about sums things up. Hopefully doing something different can refocus me in Path. Guess it's just burnout, but nothing I can't fix by just stepping back a little while.

This is why having more than one story in the queue can be a good thing. ;)

And pardon the typos, posting from my phone, cause I'm too lazy to turn on wifi on my laptop.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:57 am
by Blacktiger
You just relax a little, unwind and spend time on something else.. I know how burn out syndrom feels like.

Take good care of yourselves and return to Path when you feel, you are ready to do more chapters!

By the way, did any of your stolen property get returned?

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:18 am
by kyli
Thanks for the update and I hope you can relax a bit. I really love your books and whenever a new chapter comes out I drop whatever book I'm reading, no matter how good it might be, just to read that chapter.... except for fox and the hawk. For some reason, I never got around to reading it. I'm going to have to remedy that soon. I'd really love to see more of earth bond though but just pick whichever story helps you relax best. So thanks for writing some of the best books in existence!! 8)

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:54 pm
by Eurasier
Sorry to hear about the block. Hope, though, that you will be able to complete chapter 6 of Kyvens rampage before the pause - and I look forward to the continuations of the other stories when you are ready!
Starring at blank screens isn't productive at all. I reaĺly would like to be able to combine it with yoga or something alike, but this has never worked for me. Maybe an automatic switch to light-therapy (instead of the pause-screensaver) in the dark time during winter would be a nice app?

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:06 pm
by Elorie
Here's a vote for Fox, and more than just the two...

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:16 pm
by gesit
just take good care of yourself m8
i'll take any story you can give


Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:21 pm
Hey man, take as much time as you need - after the last six months you've had, I'm sure we can all sympathize.

Now as to what you plan on doing next, my vote is for:


Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:33 am
by MartinK
Yay! Earth Bond, thats nice, happy and mysterious. But i also liked the Fox chapters. Its a world that's still largely unwritten, so much still open to being written down.

Ok, on second thought, i'd prefer Fox. Its a story that gets written chapter by chapter whereas Sennadar, Earth Bond, Subjugation has been written in books. Feels like it would be more holiday-like. Besides, my favorite part of a story is the building of something, be it world building of the author or the creation, invention or building of items, social groups, buildings, castles, cities or some such. :-)

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:55 am
by Exskie
Its been a while, my vote is for Subjugation or Kit....

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:14 am
by Blacktiger
Subjugation or Earth Bond please !!!!

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:48 am
by calista241
Subjugation or Earth Bond gets my vote.

We love your stories Fel!

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:59 am
by slain
Hi All

My first post to the forum.

I just felt I had to put forward my vote for Earth Bond.

Fox is still really good but in the case of Earth bond I really, really want to know what happens with the Chinese, what else they get up to, how the dragons respond, how other countries come into it, the learning of magic by humans etc.

Fel you are probably my favorite author and I have been reading your works for years(Axe of the Dwarven King had not been finished when I started reading). Of all your works I still think the Tarin Kael Series is the cream of the crop but that could just be because it is complete (though new stories about his kids would be sweet) with Earth Bond coming a close second though it does feel like there is a lot more story to come.

Thanks for all your work over the years and hope there is much more to come.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:06 pm
by Banner
While I'm not rich, is there any kind of a bribe that I could offer to get you to work on Earth Bond for a while? Really like that story, and I find your take on Dragons to be fun and original.

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:31 am
by ramouton
I too vote for Earth Bond. Although the next in the Subjugation Universe would be great too...

Re: Yeah, so....

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:19 pm
by J-Man5

Any chance to return to your group of Austin based furries? That was a fun bunch of folks.
