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Equoid - (Laundry Files Series) - MLP Fans pay attention.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:45 am
by Spec8472
Technically this belongs in the Good Reading section, but it's worth pointing out seperately.

Charles Stross has a series of books called The Laundry Files. Very good read, the lot of them.

I only just stumbled over [Equoid](, which is a free-to-read novella (about the length of one of Fel's chapters).

I'd recommend it for anyone over 20 with an interest in unicorns or My Little Ponie - it might make you think again just where those... things... came from. :twisted:

As with the rest of the series - it contains content which is probably not recommended for those under, oh... 16 or so.

Relevant quotes:
Being the object of attention of a pair of equoids—pardon me, Police EMOCUM Units—is a chilling experience. Have you ever been to a zoo or wildlife sanctuary and attracted the attention of a lion, tiger, or other big cat? You’ll know what I’m talking about. Except equoids are horse-sized: two or three times as heavy as a (thankfully extinct) saber-toothed Smilodon, four times the weight of a modern Bengal tiger. They aren’t quite in maximum-size Tyrannosaur territory, but they’re not far off, and they’re hot-blooded carnivores. When they focus on you, you simply know that they’re wondering how you’ll taste. It’s a shuddery sensation deep in your gut that makes your balls try to climb up into your belly and hide (if you’re male), and your ringpiece contract (regardless of sex). As they look at me I freeze and break out in a cold fear-sweat. They freeze too, heads pointing at me like gun muzzles.


Resting on a stand next to one of the stalls is what passes for a saddle—one with a steel roll cage with wire mesh front and sides, and a police light bar on the roof. Obviously, riding an EMOCUM Unit is not a happy-fun experience. In point of fact, they exude danger so strongly that I’m wondering why the police didn’t ask the saddlery to add machine gun mounts to the rider’s safety cage—it couldn’t be any less subtle.

“Who the fuck are they planning on deploying these things against?” I ask hoarsely; “An invading Panzer division?” Visions of the carnage after Dudley deploys his EMOCUMs for crowd control at a friendly away match overload even my normally-overactive sense of humor. These beasts are no laughing matter: you don’t mock a main battle tank, either.