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Re: Jenna

Post by Spec8472 »

Fel wrote:Someone born with natural aptitude in Sorcery or Druidic magic COULD accidentally go down the wrong path if they learn Wizardry or Priest magic first, becoming sealed to that order of magic.
Right, now I remember.
There were teams being sent out by the Tower after the weave was restored to 'seal' newborn sorcerers from accidentally learning another form of magic until they grew older, I think.
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Re: Jenna

Post by mbeau »

Belgarion213 wrote:There are now 10 Sui'Kun, seven who represent 1/7 of the weave, and then three apart.
They (Spider, Tarrin, Jasana) are there to ensure that the weave remains stable. They are the backups that will ensure that, should one, two or three of the other Sui'Kun get killed/die, there will be one that can step into place and support the weave.
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Re: Jenna

Post by Belgarion213 »

Exactly. Sui'kun DO generate more energy IN the weave though (though mostly this is while being consumed, and I'm not sure what three 'Sui-kun's worth of energy 'extra' means. (That said, how that pans out is a bit murky because of the whole 'Jenna/Jasana/Spyder' being active before the weave is completely resorted so what that 'extra' energy does is a bit up in the air. The Elder Gods let Niamia have 10 Sui'Kun to stop another breaking, but that's still basically 'half again' as many central stabilising agents on the weave, so the weave might get even MORE intense...but probably won't.
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Re: Jenna

Post by Kacoo »

I just read back over the parts about the breaking and from what i see druids were not affected by it just on the basic princple that trianna(tarrins were cat mother) crafted i think 12 and 15 layer spells in the 950 odd years before suikun were starting to be born again where only spyder was alive as a suikun that was in crossed over.

and from what i remember each suikun represents a major conduit of the weave(which i think of as main arteries of the goddesses power into sennadar) so its their existence that opens sennadar to a greater access of niami's power rather than them putting more power into the weave.

and the presence of Tarrin, Spyder and Jasana allows 3 main conduits to remain on sennadar even if all of the other suikun die which allows enough energy for beings such as dragons and magically enchanted objects to exist without blowing up which caused all of the trouble in the original breaking because only the powerful/people in charge had those objects they died so it would be like killing every noble and king as well as most of the worlds most educated.

PS i love how much this topic has continued beyond its original premise its always great when this happens
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Re: Jenna

Post by SYED »

THe druid powers being less dependent on the weave would explain how that ruby which blocked sorcery remained in tact. I wonder if the making of object infused with druidic magic is only possible with a restored weave. I wonder what other things can druid objects do? Are they only passive effect, or can they do active magic as well?
Does the amulet that allowed access to the all/weave out side the plane count as a druid artifact?
There are said to be three main druid spells, summoning, conjuring and a third i can't remember? say they were bound to an object, could they they be used by others? CAn the artifacts help with multi level druid spells?
\the weave contains lots of knowledge, does that include druidic magic? is there a record of every druid spell ever used or created in the weave? We know they can suppress the weave, can they do any thing else, like augement it, read/travel via it?
druids and sorcerers are just altered priests, so I wonder if they both have access to priest spells that allow them to do things their main orders of magic cant?
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Re: Jenna

Post by Javna »

SYED wrote: There are said to be three main druid spells, summoning, conjuring and a third i can't remember?
That would be creating! As in creating stuff from nothing, the other already exist in the world.
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Re: Jenna

Post by SYED »

What were the rules for those 3 Druid spells, Creating, Conjouring and Summoning? I can't Remember which book or chapter they were explained in.
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Re: Jenna

Post by Fel »

Conjuring brings something from somewhere else to the druid, which fits into the parameters of his wishes when he casts the spell.

Creating creates a new item rather than take an existing one from somewhere else. It's more energy-intensive, and usually isn't done unless said item is rare/valuable/needed by its potential former owner.

Summoning brings a specific object to the druid. It's limited to items that he owns, has touched, or can see. It's the least energy-intensive, but it's limited by the fact that the spell has very restrictive aspects.

These three spells are generically referred to as "conjuring" even though they're not all the same. This is one of the most basic Druidic abilities, which every druid can do. In a way, these are the "cantrips" of druidic magic, what every druid learns, and conjuring is usually the first spell taught and the first spell cast. Virtually all druids can use all three versions of the ability, though the results are limited by their strength--mainly by the size or mass of the items conjured. The stronger the druid, the more he can conjure. Very strong druids can skirt some of the rules as well. A Hierarch-level druid like Triana could summon an item she doesn't own, because she can put enough punch behind the spell to overcome the restriction.
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Re: Jenna

Post by Evodavich »

All magic in Sennadar is priest magic just cast in different ways

Druids are priests of Ayise
Sorcerers are Niami's priests
Wizards god is a multi deminsional god not on Sennadar
and priests are for the other gods

Ayise and Niami are the only elder gods with priests.
The all is Ayise just as the weave is Niami. The all is as so what makes the plant live, all beings on the plant have a small piece of the all in them as well (so that Ayise can kill them at any time if she wishes)

The all is the weave and the weave is the all in a way thats why Tarrin is so powerful and the second time he becomes a were cat he nows this and reachs for both makin him more powerful. The weave gain power by there be in more sorccers because the more there are the more power namai gains from whorship and cause she can shipon thou her children. Sui'Kun are for all intens avatars of namai and thats whus there are 7 - 10 of them, 7 for the spheres and 3 spares but at the same time the 3 spares are the most powerful of the 10 so that means she has 3 powerful beings that she can use for her gain
Last edited by Greymist on Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Fixing spelling and capitalization.
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Re: Jenna

Post by Evodavich »

Sorry forgot to add this druids and sorsccors dont need wizard and perist magic cuase thay have spell that can do anthing a wizard and perist can do exepet a few things
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Re: Jenna

Post by Wolfee »

Evodavich wrote:All magic in Sennadar is priest magic just cast in different ways
Ayise and Niami are the only elder gods with priests.
The all is Ayise just as the weave is Niami. The all is as so what makes the plant live, all beings on the plant have a small piece of the all in them as well (so that Ayise can kill them at any time if she wishes)

The all is the weave and the weave is the all in a way thats why Tarrin is so powerful and the second time he becomes a were cat he nows this and reachs for both makin him more powerful. The weave gain power by there be in more sorccers because the more there are the more power namai gains from whorship and cause she can shipon thou her children. Sui'Kun are for all intens avatars of namai and thats whus there are 7 - 10 of them, 7 for the spheres and 3 spares but at the same time the 3 spares are the most powerful of the 10 so that means she has 3 powerful beings that she can use for her gain
I think I'll have to disagree with both of these statements. Fel has simply never delved into the other Elder Gods in any detail... pretty blanket statement if you ask me.

As to the 2nd paragraph the God of Gods stated that it is Tarrin's determination to over come, to win out that gives him his incredible strength. As to why the 3 spares are the strongest I'll have to disagree again. Spider is so powerful because she has so much skill, she has practiced for millennium. Not only that she has worked for thousands of years with less power available to her than Terrin and Jezanna have had access to for most of they're short careers. We've already covered that it is Tarrin's determination that gives him his strength and Niami's tweeking. Jezzana is simply the way she is by matter of birth. The first non-human / non-Sha'Kar (or Sha'Kar off-shoot) who was a sorcerer from the womb...