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Spike Tethering, whole new playground

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:52 pm
So every human magician linked will negate more mass. The thing is what hapens if another dragon is linked, they could also enhance the mass negation or they could do something else. I am hoping that they could share their passive magical skill, the elemental immunity, possibly even their bio thaumic abilities, breath weapons, the chromatic sensory ability, the sonar ability and possibly other abilities. We know that ED can't be magicians like the others, but the dragons have plenty of magically augeemented abilities available, and we know that the chosen of Gaia are able to wield magical power through such means. Say it is possible for an ed to gain every magical ability, they would be a match for any magic user. What would recieve in exchange? Could it bolster their magical abilities so all dragons could become fully fledged magicians, or expand their abilities in fields of magic? how much do we know about dragon life expectancy and healing ability, could be important.
I wonder if clear spikes are produced natually, is there a way for an ED to grow a tail full of a specific type of shanker. Does they type or position of the spike affect the magical tether?
The tether was a passive one, what would happen if made active? We know Ed can use magical objects, so could those linked act as them, thus granting a skill to the dragon. Say prisma was linked, could kell gain her float ability?
We know that tethering restores humans to the peak if health, why not search the hospitals and old folks homes, the dragons are said to regenerat limbs, so could humans get restored bodies. Those that have lost their loved ones, or R they too carry the magical ability, so great way to expand their numbers.
With the jet pack plans, they don't necessarily require as many humans to be capable of flight.
I t is said that humans re magians, one out of evry hundred. If we say a population of seven billions, turn there would be 70000000 humans with any magical potential.