The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

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Child of Niami
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The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by SYED »

SO we have had Spirit and shadow walker, so we know the next story will be walker as well. My guess is that the next story could either be [b]Dream Walker[/b] or [b]Element Walker[/b]. In the first story, he manipulated spirit energies, then in the next he shaped shadows. Dreams would be a great step from illusions, and we know there are elemental spirits. I thought Alchemy walker was possible, but it doesntt sound as great.

We know alchemy is a kind of giant illusion, so does that mean Kyvern would have an advantage there? so illusions of devices would work almost perfectly or simply powering the devices directly? Of couse those devices fuelled only by black crystals, would be denied to him. We know that shaman can make crystal, but are there shaman devices instead of alchemy. Could they imbune a crystal with a specific spell, so each time its drained, it could be recharged? Will his illusion based skills, could he make shaman devices?
What if an alchemist creates a device to work like a shaman shaping spell? First make one part of a item your self, plave it on the copier, then feed in the material it is composed, which is changed into replica of the base peice. Would things mass produced in this manner be alchemy worthy. So an alchemist needs to build a device and a copier themselves, then can go into easier mass production.
When crystals are drained, are they destroyed or simply empty? Could drained crystals be recharged? We know that kyvern is too weak to create, but could he recharge them? The shadow fox is said to be a creature of illusion and healing, but he only know one healing spell. He is doomed to become a monster to the human race, but he is able to heal, I would learn as much healing as possible just to feel better. He would never be a healer of the power of clover, so if he cant directly heal, he can at least get people onto the road of healing.
The shadow fox said she would give him three spells all he ever needs, the illusion skill, the ultimate fear, and the life drain spell. Funny thing is these spells seem to match the shadow weave which allows illusion, necromantic and enchantment spells. I wonder if kyvern could create his own versions of those 3 schools of magic. Instead of necromancy, it would be a more entropic type spells. Ones that take instead of give.

Why are white crystal so different, and why can no shaman make them?

Do we know if the people of Noram know that Alamar links to the great lakes via the river?

SO there are 5 armies- Loreguard (L), the northern army (N), the south east (SE) and western(SW)armies as well as the Arcan forces, the seige defenders under Danna (DA) and the Raiding forces run by Kyvern(KA).
THe DA will be establishing fortifications and defences, blocking and holding the Crystal mines from the human armies. THe longer those army are held at bay, the more often the shadow walkers can raid their heavy alchemical weapons to add to arcan forces. If heavy alchemical gear is removed from human armies, then the armies can still fight but a war of slugmatches, whittling down the forces. The N should be smaller than both southern armies, but I think they are at least larger than the loreguard remain. When the arcans leave the mines, they will shatter the mines with grounders. That way, the human armies would have to rebuild it all. They also need to make sure the loreguard cant rebuild it self, they would never have left the city without resources or assets? While gear is great, they also have their libraries of what they know which would be a big advantage. Will Dana make arcan special forces? those that go out into the night and raid and kill the human camps.

The shadow fox fears the creatures in the shadow realm, and could not go into the grounded area that protected the loreguard rooms. I wonder if the shadow creatures can be harmed by black crystals?

I wonder if the KA will take over naval forces, so able to raid the coastal human settlements? Arcan Corsairs ruling the ocean blues? I always thought that Haven had to be on the shores of one of the great lakes, so I wonder if Haven could open up trade with those city states. THose peaceful people may be easier to realise arcans should not be made slaves. Would Haven offer those amish people sanctuary in their lands?
ALso dont the great lakes have water access to the gulf of mexico and the eastern coast.
KA while creating a very mobile force, does not necessarily need such a bloody war. If they simply steal lots of material needed for the economy to crack. SUre a good deal of the martial forces are going to deal with the Crystal War, but there would be some that remain behind. What areas had already lost their arcans? There may be masked still gathering or stealing arcans from other lands. If he attacks some big farms, he could amass arcan very quickly, so likely over whelm most forces left behind.

Those mercenaries that were just let go, get word to them that the king of carin is looking for troops and is unlikely to send them to fight the arcans, so they get good jobs.

WIll they make their own navy and merchant marine so able to carry out trade with the human nations more likely to trade. Set up embassies and ambassadors, linking them with alchemical communications. While they dont trade with local human nations, some gifts and trades with the distant traders so help make a potentially useful contacts.

Kyvern thought up device, is something that would terrify loremasters, as well as aid his war. a device that could aid shaman or arcans. That would give them a reason to hide it from the world. Kyvern was able to channel his spells through alchemical devices. Could this augement his magic? SAy his device wipes out the crystals or simply collars in the area, a bunch of freed arcan or alchemical weaponry wiped out, it would be a huge tactical advantage in his battles. Non crystal weaponry is limited currently, so if most fights, a force of arcan could deal with most human militia.
Has any one ever made a list of the different shaman, shadow or alchemical magics seen in the story so far? SO every alchemy device shows a new shaman spell, while any spirit magic, could be made into an item. If alchemy can copy any thing a shaman does, does that not potentially mean crystals could also be made?

THose rat monsters in the sewers, they are only found in that city, so likely created there some how. Why not move some of those to swamps just to cause trouble, they seem the perfect match. I wonder if there are alchemists that attempt to create or augement new monsters. There are 5 crystals that can be fed to them to make with spirit energy.
I wonder if the other spirits will make their own totem shaman, or arcan form of the monster breeds?
CAn magic be used to clean the irradiated lands of new york?

Carin has a pass into arcan territory, and is in between the free territories and Geovan. Using this position, when they are strong after the other countries are weakened, they could move in and retake south carin as well as the free territories. As they could acquire alchemical and briton weaponry from the arcans, while in a better financial position. Get control of a good sea port, and use that to start trade with those in europe, they could open whole new markets so become rich and powerful. Being the only unruined kingdom will be worth alot.
Kyvern can shadow walk and make contact with the rulers over the oceon. Tell them about the war and the truth of the real history of noram. The spirits can give knowledge, so I wonder if they can aid in the return of the ancients knowledge? That would help change the society of the world, replace the need for alchemy, by giving them another option. I wonder if alchemy can help advance technology, like create the best battery to power the devices. We know that they are far more advanced in non crystal tech. so get together and build a school using that knowledge over her to rebuild the 12 kingdoms
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by CoatOSilver »

I always thought the next (or maybe the last) Walker will be Reality Walker.

With the setup that reality, at least partly, is a commonly accepted illusion it opens up a whole bunch of options and potential conflicts. Especialy if some other party, maybe the loregarde or the kings, realize the power of belive we get in a truely universe shattering setup.

And belive is not necessarily bound to illusion, at least not magical illusion. The initial devices that pierced the spirit world were not magical, at least not in the eyes of the scientists that built them. So even "mundane" parties can have a shot at universe-shattering.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by SYED »

Humanity now knows that humans can become shamans, so all those that can sense, see or perceive spirits would be in danger of caught up in a new set of witch hunts. Kyvern's child by that prostitute likely has been born. SO will the spirits arrange for those spiritually inclined people are protected from harm?

Those shadow creatures, I wonder where the original came from. Were they all killed by the shadow fox, or brought there by something or someone else? What would happen if Kyvern planted those control collars on them? Could they be summoned like other spirits?
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by Fel »

The shadow creatures are the victims of a much nastier beast that Kyven has yet to encounter, one capable of reaching into the real world in a limited manner, but only under very specific circumstances.

As for the human Shaman, the children being born (and far more than anyone realizes) are safe because there's literally no way to know what they are until their power awakens, AND there are spirits nearby. The spirits can keep them safe simply by not coming close to them until the time is right. The spirits know who those children are, and they can protect them by doing nothing at all.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by TLGG »

Is there a way of reversing it? Getting them out of the shadow world (and i guess, thereby killing them), or just killing them at all? If there isn't, the shadow world's population can only increase, and in time, they'd become a danger to everyone. Scary.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by SYED »

There is always the grounder or disintegrate option, but it is unknown if or how these devices would react to use in the shadow realm.

I wonder if it is part of the shadow fox plan to make kyvern and her arcan children remove those monsters that threaten her.

The thing is when the special kids realize they are seeing things that no one else, animals, flashes of light, and strange visions, they will tell some one. rumors of the evil spirits of the arcans will run rampant. they may turn themselves in. To avoid this kyvern, or more likely his kind human female shaman associate would be sent to set the gifted on to the right path when it is time. If humans are weakers than arcans, does that mean they will all be totem shaman, and be trained for endurance? I wonder will the shadow fox also breed kyvern in his human form to produce additional human shaman? Boy will his wife be pleased with that plan.

If shaman feel different to each other, then concievable that could be tracked, thats nit cvonsidering that shaman may be detected as an alchemy device or spirit.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by kd7mvs »

The Shadow Fox has already bred Kyven in his human form, she did that when she had him lay with the prostitute in the first story; the prostitute was a near-shaman, their child will be shaman.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by Fel »

TLGG wrote:Is there a way of reversing it? Getting them out of the shadow world (and i guess, thereby killing them), or just killing them at all? If there isn't, the shadow world's population can only increase, and in time, they'd become a danger to everyone. Scary.
Yes. Kyven can yank the shadow monsters out of the shadow world, and that frees their souls and they "die." He hasn't figured out that he can do this yet.

It's also not a catch-all solution to the problem. The fewer of those things there are, the more frequently the big bad beast within can reach into the real world and kill mortals, dragging their souls into the shadow world to form more of the monsters. So, while Kyven can kill them off, it does little to solve the overall problem of the shadow world being dangerous. It DOES, however, give him the chance to kill off the smart ones, and the ones that replace them don't know his tricks.

Eventually, when Kyven learns exactly how the shadow world works, he uses it as a prison for the truly deserving, condemning those he sees as irreedemable to his own personal version of both hell and prison, with him being the warden. And since he's not entirely merciful to those he feels deserves no mercy, expect anyone he throws in there to be in there for a very, very, very long time.

Kyven is not afraid to be judge, jury, executioner, punisher, and even tormentor to those that deserve suffering for what they have done.
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Child of Niami
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by SYED »

Could he make deals or question those creatures? Depending on who they were before they were killed, they might have useful knowledge? If the shadow monster attacked those that were dangerous to it, it may have taken those with unique knowledge. They might have been scientists deeply involved in the alchemy and spirit research and projects.
So if killed or taken away means, they would only get replaced, the ideal method of dealing with them would be weakening or binding them. SO if they are collared, they would be restricted in attacking others. If crystals can lock in energy, can it lock in spirits? SO create sort of prisons.
Crystals can be shaped into lenses, so as they can be seen in spirit sight, could it aid a shaman powers? So crystal cutters are needed for a new branch of shaman magic as it supplies the altered crystals needed.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by CRYUnicornClear »

Mystic Walker might be a cool name especialy as Kyven masters the spirt world. If Kyven can create reality from illusion then the only limit to his power is how cretive his imigination is. I am patiently awaiting the next book but I now Fel is working on sucession now.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by soarerschild »

I like the title Dream walker, but I think it will depend on the course of action Kyven takes. Dark Walker, Death Walker, War Walker or Doom Walker (Kael Chronicles Reference) if you want the darker feel. Crystal Walker could work, so could Illusion Walker or Illusive Walker.
Quindo Ma
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by Quindo Ma »

You just had to make me do this.

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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by gmanjynx »

I lioke Dream Walker but I think it will need to have a darker twist to it since the premise is a war of terror.
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by Rakkel »

I would have to agree that the name would probably lend itself to a darker theme. Night Walker, Dusk Walker, or similar themes seem most likely in leaning with the topic, as it is going to be about the fall of civilization. Actually something of the lines of Revolution Walker or even Dawn Walker could work as well depending on how far along the story Fel was willing to take it, if the book progressed past the fall of civilization and into the building of the new one.
Child of Niami
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Re: The Next Walker (random ideas and thoughts)

Post by SYED »

I was wondering, is the shadow plane the only addition world, we have the material world, the spirit world that is home of spirits and the source of crystal energy. Now apparently there is a shadow world? So this makes me wonder if there are other elemental worlds, it would be cool. THey could all simply be sub domains of the spirit world. I wonder if the art of alchemy created an artificial plane, a crystal plane perhaps. COuld the art of alchemy create their own unique creatures or spirits?
THere only about 5 types of crystals, there could be more to be created, even more specialized. Instead of just energy, could spells be bound to a crystal? So those with differeing affinities , can use other spellsa?

Also, if energy from the spirit world can be drawn upon/crystalised, I wonder if energy from the shadow or any other elemental plane, can be drawn upon/crystalised? SO while kyvern is not strong enough to make spirit crystals, could he make shadow crystals or simply alter spirit crystals into shadow crystals?

How about Twilight Walker? I know it does sound kinda iffy, but there is potential?

Those humans with spirit potential, they are most likely favored by the spirits, so with the coming battle, they may not be in the safest place. So some could be rescued/kidnapped, so they are better protected.

SO the plan is to destroy human civilisation in the former united states, then rebuild it. SO remove the slaves, then destroy any inferstructure related to it. Haven if they truly wish to make sure that the humans develop well, have to start to make plans to help replace the slave system. THe humans across the ocean found a way, so copy their infrastructure. Start with carin, then use it to build alliances.