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Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:59 pm
by Tarquinus
Can someone right me just a basic description with as few spoilers as possible >.> I am one of those people that once I start reading something I can't stop. Whether I love the story or hate it I have to finish it. So I try not to read things unless I know what I"m getting into. Fel is one of the few authors I read without a description :) I'm hoping to add K Pelle to the list but one story I like just isn't enough to get there.


Re: Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:47 am
Imagine a bunch of people and a chunk of land - all moved backward through time (Something like Eric Flint did with the 1632 series). Let them keep some technology, but surround them with savages who may be their own ancestors.
Oh, yeah add in a few 'interesting' personality quirks just for the fun of it.

K Pelle aka dotB

PS: there are more of my stories available on my Yahoo group at; but most of the finished ones aren't Science Fiction.

For those reading this, I'm still fighting back to functionality from my back injury, but the Doc claims I'm making decent progress. As far as writing is concerned I can only sit down to type for a few minutes before taking a break and that's exceptionally frustrating.


Re: Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:04 am
by gnume
what about using speech to text program ?

Re: Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:07 pm
I've tried a few speech to text programs but they don't like my voice. I have a 'gravelly' tone and I think that throws them off, because no matter how many times I've tried to 'train' the programs they do an absolutely rotten translation of what I say. I've spent far too much time and money on them now and have simply given up because I'm left with a MASSIVE edit job when I use them.
I won't mention a brand name, but one quite expensive program was absolutely horrid. Even after going through the whole 'training program' in which you read a fixed text into the microphone it still only recognized about 70% of what I said. If the word had more than two syllables it insisted on creating at least two shorter and totally different words or else flashed a sign that read something like 'incomprehensible vocalization' which just left me almost speechless. One example I recall - it turned the words 'polysyllabic words' into 'polysynthetic warts' which do NOT sound that much alike to me! So I tried speaking the sentence more distinctly and it came out as 'Polly sold a brick works.'

Re: Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:34 am
by gnume
ah. heh.
but pity

Re: Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:49 pm
Sorry folks, I know it's been a while since I posted anything, but I've been having a rough time health wise and have had to take some rather powerful pain meds. When I'm on heavy meds, I simply can't write because my mind is on other things. I've just had a few treatments and things are starting to improve, but please be patient.

Thanks, KP

Re: Detour to otherwhen

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:53 pm
by gesit
just take good care m8,
we can wait!
all the best,
