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Shadow Walker - Chapter 19

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:09 pm
by lagomilo
Okay I'm confused Fel?!?!?!?!
I have a question for you?
Why hasn't Kyven told Danna that there is an assassin after her?
That's all, thanks for you time??!!!

Re: Shadow Walker - Chapter 19- Spoilers!

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:48 pm
by michaelsuave
I second the motion! :!:
There is no way that even in all the hubbub that he would forget to tell the woman that he loved, the woman that he is literally fighting a spirit for, the woman who he thought about while being a slave arcan and who he fought to get back to... no way that he wouldn't tell her about the assassin. I understand the argument of distraction from the injury and everything, but not stating that the loremasters were trying to assassinate your general who also happens to be his love interest just isn't that believable. The only other thing I could think of was that he wanted to tell the shaman and danna in private so the whole army doesn't freak out.
Not to be unfair, but I call "Jumping the shark!" :P

Re: Shadow Walker - Chapter 19

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:25 am
by DigitalMaestro
lagomilo wrote:Okay I'm confused Fel?!?!?!?!
I have a question for you?
Why hasn't Kyven told Danna that there is an assassin after her?
That's all, thanks for you time??!!!

Re: Shadow Walker - Chapter 19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:30 am
Kyvern should concentrate on stealing all the Briton rifles and cannons, as well as any manufacturing and tooling for them, as the crystals are running out, the non crystal weaponry will become a long term investment. SO destroy or capture, he could always go abroad and buy them.

WIll Haven offer the amish sanctuary in their lands, due to the coming wars they would be safer.

SO kyvern has done lot for the war effort, but he should also help the economy and long term system. He could steal the city treasury, as well as their libraries. SHaman can replicate any alchemy tool, so capture an example of each unique and advanced models.

SO once the city falls, the forces of HAven run to Atan, freeing the arcans as they go. Here they can hold back the HUman armies for a while, as well as ensure the mines are destroyed. How long would they have to wait for winter, also do they want the humans stopped from following them, or simply buried under snow.

WHat happens to a crystal if grounded, useless in a field, or totally drained, Kyvern could destroy all the crystals in enemy hands this way. Kvern could potential force the humans to the negotiating, by kidnapping their kings and giving them a choice.

So after the loreguard is dealt with, will the armies turn on each other or the arcan forces. The plan is to delay the human armies till the arcan can retreat and have their rear blocked by snows. If they cant reach the arcans, they are more likly to attempt to get crystals, they might believe with the distances involved, they can always go and collarthem when they capture the crystal mines. Kvern must know when the human armories are so could attack them very quickly.

Does carin have access to a river or the coast, be great for trade, once the crystal wars are over, they likly will be the ones who sell crystal on behalf of the arcans, likly to become the new home of human alchemy. COuld haven provide carin with enough defensive weaponry to hold off invaders.

Re: Shadow Walker - Chapter 19

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:45 pm
by crxbnt
Quite an introspective chapter, as well as the usual thrilling ride! I expect the next chapter will begin with the matter of Danna and the treat to her. That was why I thought this was a bit of a FEL standard, ending before the latest revealed juicy bits get visible to us! I certainly will be anticipating the next chapter even more than usual! Isn't that what FEL loves to do to us?
