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Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:14 am
by michaelsuave
I've seen people bring up politics on this site before, so I feel safe in saying that I'm really glad that Osama Bin Laden is dead and hopefully right toasty at the moment. Whatever you feel about the US and their foreign politics, I think we can all agree that this death is a good thing. I'll be interested to hear what, if any, further details are released. Cheers!

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:36 pm
by Spec8472
...and for anyone thinking of posting further racist jokes/etc: don't.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:21 pm
by Cougar2k2
All I will say is, it's about damn time and I certainly will NOT be loosing any sleep over his death.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:58 pm
by Hearly
Something seems a bit fishy (no pun intended) to me, Not saying he's not dead, but a Head shot killed him, and they buried him at sea?

How did they positively ID him? DNA? that takes more time than was available I believe from fox, operation started at 3pm est, and at 10pm est (ish) they were announcing it

How can you have 100% proof it's him, and also bury him at sea, why would you do that to begin with?

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 3:40 pm
by Greymist
I'm not one to usually comment on these sorts of things, but I do wonder both whether he was the only head of the snake, and the what reaction this will evoke. I mean, 9/11 caused a huge uproar in America (as well as not a small number of privacy violating laws), who's to say this won't cause something similar.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:44 pm
by Fel
Hearly wrote:Something seems a bit fishy (no pun intended) to me, Not saying he's not dead, but a Head shot killed him, and they buried him at sea?

How did they positively ID him? DNA? that takes more time than was available I believe from fox, operation started at 3pm est, and at 10pm est (ish) they were announcing it

How can you have 100% proof it's him, and also bury him at sea, why would you do that to begin with?
They buried him at sea for two reasons. First, because they didn't want a grave site to become a shrine for terrorists, and second, they actually honored Islamic traditions that state the dead must be interred within 24 hours of death. Probably more than he deserved, but they didn't want to outrage the muslims friendly to us by desecrating the body. That's a major no-no in Islamic culture.

As for proof, think about it. Would they dare tell the world they killed him and have a tape of him get released 4 months later showing they lied about it? They wouldn't say they killed him unless they killed him.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:19 pm
by garion
Spec8472 wrote:...and for anyone thinking of posting further racist jokes/etc: don't.

sorry spec

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:20 pm
by Phantom
Hearly wrote:Something seems a bit fishy (no pun intended) to me, Not saying he's not dead, but a Head shot killed him, and they buried him at sea?

How did they positively ID him? DNA? that takes more time than was available I believe from fox, operation started at 3pm est, and at 10pm est (ish) they were announcing it

How can you have 100% proof it's him, and also bury him at sea, why would you do that to begin with?
Actualy when your doing the DNA testing at a lab thats not like a local overworked CSI lab it can be quite fast


Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:26 pm
by Ferux
Glad he's gone but the real issue now is going to be the reaction from the various groups that held him up as an icon. The next 6 months if not longer will be very iffy I think.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:28 am
by Zor
While I wont miss him.
The things that happened today really dosent make me proud be to an American. I think it would of been a lot better to capture rather then kill. It would of qwelled some of the potental uprising.
What we did was show them that we could be like them.

Then we did it some more, back in the US. There was a lot of parting and celebrating, over someone being killed. If he was captured it would of been a lot more appoprate, or even if he killed him self, but thats a little grayer.
Think of it like this: If your best friend died, would you be vary happy of any sort of party next to the gaveyard, let alone over his death.
But I would place money on the fact that they did the same thing on 9/11

I think in the long run, we likely made things worse - we have more or less moved towards proving we are as bad as they are to atleast part of the world.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:28 pm
by Never_Fear
While I won't shed a tear over his demise, I wont be throwing a keg party either. Let's just hope DHS doesn't start slacking off thinking because Bin Laden is dead the threat is over I don't doubt they will be looking for more blood after this.
Zor wrote: The things that happened today really dosent make me proud be to an American. I think it would of been a lot better to capture rather then kill. It would of qwelled some of the potental uprising.
What we did was show them that we could be like them. .
You have to understand that it is a WHOLE lot more dangerous to capture someone alive than it is to kill them and here we are talking about some one who has sent out thousands of suicide bomber looking for their promised thousand virgins. I don't doubt he would have tried to take the entire task force with him if they had given him the chance.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:37 pm
by afrigeek
Fel wrote: They buried him at sea for two reasons. First, because they didn't want a grave site to become a shrine for terrorists, and second, they actually honored Islamic traditions that state the dead must be interred within 24 hours of death. Probably more than he deserved, but they didn't want to outrage the muslims friendly to us by desecrating the body. That's a major no-no in Islamic culture.

As for proof, think about it. Would they dare tell the world they killed him and have a tape of him get released 4 months later showing they lied about it? They wouldn't say they killed him unless they killed him.
Not to mention that it would require the republicans to cooperate on something that gives Obama positive ratings. No way would the administration risk some GOP leaning military guy blowing the whistle on a hoax, neither would the GOP senators and the like accept the news without asking for some verification. Being that none of them has questioned it, I do believ they got him.

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:26 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Also consider the problems of a false-negative from a respectable forensics lab. Which can happen. They probably did take more tissue than they needed so they have spare tissue which they can hand over to other labs for a confirmation in a few months time. But right now they need to stay on message.

I am reminded of a oneliner in a John Birmingham book 'Weapons of Choice' where a character discrbes a painting in the White House entitled 'Death of Osama Bin Laden'. At least now we know what it might look like now. :twisted:

Re: Bye Bye Osama

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 4:36 pm
by artreus
Fel wrote:As for proof, think about it. Would they dare tell the world they killed him and have a tape of him get released 4 months later showing they lied about it? They wouldn't say they killed him unless they killed him.

there hasnt been a tape of him for a few years as far as i know, so in my opinion its just as likely they are pretty sure he's dead ( old age, a random bombing ...), and now try to claim some glory for it.

besides, i heard the islamitic tradition prescribes burial under X feet of earth and only allows for burial at sea in case of dying while at sea ... so if that's their line, its only half baked ..