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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:53 pm
by Metatrone
Fel wrote: It would just take about 2,000 years to accomplish. You're talking about massive, wide-scale alteration on a planetary scale. Look at Karis; it took Cybi 600 years JUST to clean up all the radiation. And that is only ONE aspect of wide-scale terraforming.
How long do you think it will take to restore a working ecosystem? Besides the ocean isn't poisonous, just salty. :)
Nevermind I figured a possible scenario already.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:59 pm
by Astardis
Thanks Fel for clarifying those questions. :)

The idea to restore Karis to a healthy planet once more is the right one. First of all, it's the home of his ancestors and therefor has a personal and symbolic value.
In addition, it is after all a planet who had the right climatic, geological and magnetic factors to be habitable. Therefor, if the possibility exist, should be restored to it's former glory even if it just becomes some kind of natural preserve.
And the last factor - no one knows about it. It will be a great place to hide in desperate times or hide production facilities, information and such.

Earth might become the new official capital planet for House Karinne, but Karis could be a secret hideout.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:04 pm
by Sangoma
Metatrone wrote:
Hearly wrote:I think you just answered your own question, Secrecy, If the Faey knew it still existed, was Habitable, just with the Food Shortages (before they took earth/Before Legion started putting a big dent in it) they'd have come in and took it over, now with him Being head of the House, He wants the planet restored, He might eventually let them know, but With the Kimdori and Humans/Faey he trusts (Legion) he would make it a Secret base from which to help Earth.. Karis's Moon has a Shipyard, he can have it start building Ships, etc..

Also something that Struck me, The scout ship is coming back to Karis, I wonder what they considered a scout ship, watch it end up being something more advanced than any Imperium warship..

Also, he already has an Army and a Fleet of Ships at his Disposal, the Kimdori, if directed by Jason, they would go to war with Trilliane I think, as Fel has said many many times, they do not take the Initiative, but will so at the direction of others, Could you just see the Grand Dutches of Trilliane Crap her pants if a Fleet of Kimdori warships dropped out of Hyperspace...
No, no, I get the intentions part. But I mean why restore the equipment for a WHOLE planet with his Kimori maintainance army when he can probably fit his entire crew on the island or the moon base?

And I don't think the Kimori will be going into battle. They are active as long as restoring the house of their cousins is concern but I don't think they will meddle in the ruling of the Empire. It would mean a civil war if it comes to the interference of a third party in the struggle between two noble houses.
Several Kimdori clans actually lived on Karis too, it was a training ground for them. If Karis is fixed up they may return too.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 7:01 am
by Phantom
Sangoma wrote:
Several Kimdori clans actually lived on Karis too, it was a training ground for them. If Karis is fixed up they may return too.
Karis doesn't have to be fixed for the Kimdori .....the only reason they stayed way from Karis was their promise

The Kimdori are one of the two races that can live in radiation that others can't ....i couldn't remember if they were completely imune too it or not but the following quote answered that question.
From Chapter 17
How were the Karinnes and the Kimdori connected?
It was a bothersome question, because the Kimdori defined secretive. There was so little information about them on Civnet, it wasn’t funny. About the only information one could find about the Kimdori was that their homeworld was near the center of the galaxy, in a star cluster that was virtually uninhabitable by any other species due to intense radiation…yet the Kimdori thrived there, as well as other life that existed in the system. Kimdori were immune to radiation. There was mention that they were shapeshifters and that they had a pack mentality that caused them to organize into cells of family groups, but that was about it. No information about their society, their history, their culture.
as for someone question eariler ...about the box floating ...don't the Faey have some sort of tractor beam technology ? or maybe the Karinnes developed it in the past?
after all we know they have antigrav units ....jason used them to escape.

Now the question I have why did Fel mention the mech ? I mean it's not a reclmation robot's only one Exomech?..
There are three prototype warships at the lunar base, and within this facility there are two very old Nova fighters and a Karinne dropship, all three of which are unarmed. There is, however, a Gladiator E-mech, in the main hangar, which is armed and armored, but it is currently offline and in need of repair. The reclamation unit that failed on the island brought it from Zurya Prefecture when it was recalled. Karinne technology was much different from Faey technology. If you are to repair them, you must understand this.]
Also another thought that came to me jason's Key Faey Tech or Karinne tech ?


Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:03 pm
by Mizriath
What does perplex me in the chapter 17 & 18 is why the empress is so interested in Jason.

Granted if the ministry of Technology but for the empress to put her hand in is really more than just techno interest for an empress.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:32 pm
by Mizriath
Phantom wrote: Also another thought that came to me jason's Key Faey Tech or Karinne tech ?
I believe it to be Faey for the key was given by the Ministry. The Gestalt is the Karinne key could be the next thing that can interface with other computers.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:56 pm
by Quindo Ma
Mizriath wrote:What does perplex me in the chapter 17 & 18 is why the empress is so interested in Jason.

Granted if the ministry of Technology but for the empress to put her hand in is really more than just techno interest for an empress.
It's not so much the Empress herself that actually started the interest, it were other people a bit lower that first wanted to get their hands on Jason.

Why? Because of his absolutely uncanny ability for thinking outside the box, for outmanouvering what is thought to be some of the best field units of the Imperial Military, the Marines and later the Black Ops, and for inventing things that no one of them had ever thought about.
If he could do what little he did with a bit of sound, and a tiny bit of background in their tech, you can imagine what people will expect him to do once he's actually fully trained and much more knowledgeable of some of the more "secret" things the Faey have.

Research and Development is the actual department within the Imperium that wants Jason, and so by proxy, the Empress.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 3:37 pm
by Phantom
Quindo Ma wrote:
Mizriath wrote:What does perplex me in the chapter 17 & 18 is why the empress is so interested in Jason.

Granted if the ministry of Technology but for the empress to put her hand in is really more than just techno interest for an empress.
It's not so much the Empress herself that actually started the interest, it were other people a bit lower that first wanted to get their hands on Jason.

Why? Because of his absolutely uncanny ability for thinking outside the box, for outmanouvering what is thought to be some of the best field units of the Imperial Military, the Marines and later the Black Ops, and for inventing things that no one of them had ever thought about.
If he could do what little he did with a bit of sound, and a tiny bit of background in their tech, you can imagine what people will expect him to do once he's actually fully trained and much more knowledgeable of some of the more "secret" things the Faey have.

Research and Development is the actual department within the Imperium that wants Jason, and so by proxy, the Empress.
You talk about outmanouvering some of the best Faey units... Funny thing is they never beat jason to capture him ....they caught him because of something someone else set up for him. wasn't it Kumi that had the repeter link installed for him ?

They still haven't out witted or Beaten Jason Fox himself

But one more mystery to ponerd the exact mean of is these quotes
She pulled her hand up between them and opened it. Within her furry palm was the signet ring of the Karinnes.
“This is what I sent you here to recover, Jason. Nothing else. This is the greatest treasure on Karis. This ring gives you the fealty of the CBIM, and that is a powerful, powerful thing. It marks you as the lord of this planet. Everything here belongs to you, and to you alone.
“Indeed,” Miaari sniffed. “Call forth the CBIM, Jason.”
The shimmering hologram that the computer projected appeared beside them, and glowing eyes regarded the three of them unblinkingly. “Welcome to Karis, Mistress Kimdori. Why are you here?”
“As was permitted, a single scout has come to investigate the transmission sent from Karis,” she answered in a stately tone. “Part of our agreements to defend this planet. If you check Grand Duchess Koiri Karinne’s final instructions, you will see that my presence here is legal.”
Searching. Indeed, you have leave to investigate. I am relieved to not have to take action against you.”
I wonder what action that might have been. Well what Form it would take anyways. Cybi has yet to inform jason of what weapons she may personaly still have and control.


Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:31 pm
by Astardis
Phantom wrote:I wonder what action that might have been. Well what Form it would take anyways. Cybi has yet to inform jason of what weapons she may personaly still have and control.
We do know, that the Kimdori are a virus based species with shapeshifting abilities. We don't know, how much damage a Kimdori can substain until they can't regenerate those wounds.
How much mass does a Kimdori only need to be able to survive and regrow the lost parts?

I believe the only weapon which could be a real threat for the Kimdori might be a biological one, like the one the Moridori already developed.

The Karinnes helped the Kimdori with the weapon from Moridon, used Kimdori genetic material for research so it shouldn't have been very difficult to develop another bio weapon against the Kimdori.

On the other hand, I can't see a reason for the Karinne to do such a thing since they knew the Kimdori saw them as a part of their pack.

On to something else I noticed ... 8)
In chapter 18 Fel wrote:Now that the two of you are together and alone, I must ask this. My scans determine that both of you are of the 97th Generation, which gives you equal status within the house. So, which of the two of you would have higher rank within the house?
Let's see:

Both, Jason and Myleena are of the 97th generation of House Karinne. Myleena's branch of the house lived in a technologically advanced environment with modern medical benefits like longevity medicine. Jason's family had to endure a medieval society, plaques, famine and much worse like feudalistic empires and brutal nobles. (hmm oops ... never mind :) )

It's a bit hard to believe they are both the same generation after over a 1000 years on differend planets.


Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:55 am
by Hearly
Very Nice finish for that chapter, can't wait to see 19

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:02 am
by Fel
Astardis wrote:
Let's see:

Both, Jason and Myleena are of the 97th generation of House Karinne. Myleena's branch of the house lived in a technologically advanced environment with modern medical benefits like longevity medicine. Jason's family had to endure a medieval society, plaques, famine and much worse like feudalistic empires and brutal nobles. (hmm oops ... never mind :) )

It's a bit hard to believe they are both the same generation after over a 1000 years on differend planets.

Actually, it's quite easy.

I think I've mentioned it before, the segments of DNA that detemines what Generation they are have no corresponding segments in either Faey or human DNA. As such, those DNA segments transfer wholly and completely down the line from parent to child. Jason and Myleena have the same "Generational" DNA as their parents: they are both of the 97th Generation, because the Generational ancestors in their line were the last official Generation, the 96th.

Myleena's DNA is much different from Jason's because she's come down a line of Faey, and Faey DNA DID affect her telepathic ability, since it's a part of Faey DNA. It changed her genetic code, but not enough for her to be considered a different Generation; there wasn't enough change done to the important parts of her DNA to cause it.

Jason's talent, however, is exactly the same as his ultimate ancestor, Zera Karinne, because there is nothing in the human genetic code equivalent to that part of his line, so it came down trhuogh his line in an unaltered block. It has passed down through his human line, generation to generation, unchanged. That part of his DNA is literally the same DNA that the first human-Faey crossbreed in his line received from Zera, and has bred true through the line without mutation or alteration since before the Dark Ages. Genetically, that part of him is exactly the same as it was in Zera Karinne's human-Faey hybrid children.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:12 am
by Fiferguy
Very nice... I wonder, does the harmonic Tetryon shielding work on the MPACs that the Trillane's cruisers have? If so, it's a POWERFUL protection against the Trillane's Battle Fleet currently around Earth...

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:40 am
by Hearly
Fiferguy wrote:Very nice... I wonder, does the harmonic Tetryon shielding work on the MPACs that the Trillane's cruisers have? If so, it's a POWERFUL protection against the Trillane's Battle Fleet currently around Earth...

Good Question Fiferguy, I just can't see Trillane just standing there while Jason evacuates all the people from the mountain

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:55 am
by Fel
hush, you'll spoil it. ;)

Teryons are multidimensional energy units, reaching into multiple quantum states. They exist everywhere and in every state in equal capacity. I think that qualifies as a type of energy shield that can oppose an MPAC, because an MPAC projectile doesn't have any quantum states that are unopposed by the shield.

It'll still pack one hell of a punch, though. Stopping a metaphased energy weapon takes a tremendous amount of power, cause your shield generator has to power spike across a vast spectrum. That's a serious power drain.

So yes, the Scimitar's shields can't be penetrated by any weapon that is usually shield piercing, but stopping a shield-piercing weapon isn't something a shield can do all day. Even a teryon shield won't stand up to major punishment for long (the Karinnes were still in what you might call the first stages of teryon shield research). It'll overheat and go down very quickly.

It's not the shields that are gonna give Trillane fits,'s the armor. ;)

Compressed Neutronium Armor is crystallized neutronium (neutronium whose molecular structure is altered into a diamond-like tetrahedral crystalline form) that is exposed to a singularity, a miniature black hole. This exposure crushes it, reducing its volume by 65%, and completely closing any molecular anomolies that a weapon might exploit to breach the armor. It's like a hull made of something so hard that diamonds would shatter against it like glass.

This tempering process creates metal that retains the same mass, and is virtually indestructible. It also cannot be bent, changed, or otherwise altered, so the armor has to be pre-cast in an expanded (ballooned) form, shrunk down, and then fitted into place. So, some very exacting precision is required, and even this isn't enough to make this technology totally reliable. The failure rate in the crushing process is 30% due to the Heisenburg Principle, which states that it is impossible to predict the exact location of an atom at a particular instant in time. If too many atoms are out of place when the exposure begins, the neutronium doesn't crush uniformly, and the armor piece is ruined. This margin of error makes the crush unreliable, and creates quite a few failures. The Karinnes tried to reduce this problem as much as they could by supercooling the armor pieces before crushing to reduce molecular vibration, but even the Karinnes couldn't get something to absolute zero (the point where all molecular vibration stops, which would eliminate the Heisenburg Principle from the equation) and keep it there long enough to get that ultra-cold armor into the singularity compressor.

And DON'T pick this apart. Yah, I know you guys can probably throw a slough of "what ifs" at this, but this is SCIENCE FICTION, damn you, you nitpickers! It works that way cause I say so, and THIS IS MY SAND BOX!

Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:00 am
by Hearly
Fel wrote:hush, you'll spoil it. ;)

Teryons are multidimensional energy units, reaching into multiple quantum states. They exist everywhere and in every state in equal capacity. I think that qualifies as a type of energy shield that can oppose an MPAC, because an MPAC projectile doesn't have any quantum states that are unopposed by the shield.

It'll still pack one hell of a punch, though. Stopping a metaphased energy weapon takes a tremendous amount of power, cause your shield generator has to power spike across a vast spectrum. That's a serious power drain.

So yes, the Scimitar's shields can't be penetrated by any weapon that is usually shield piercing, but stopping a shield-piercing weapon isn't something a shield can do all day. Even a teryon shield won't stand up to major punishment for long (the Karinnes were still in what you might call the first stages of teryon shield research). It'll overheat and go down very quickly.

It's not the shields that are gonna give Trillane fits,'s the armor. ;)

Compressed Neutronium Armor is crystallized neutronium (neutronium whose molecular structure is altered into a diamond-like tetrahedral crystalline form) that is exposed to a singularity, a miniature black hole. This exposure crushes it, reducing its volume by 65%, and completely closing any molecular anomolies that a weapon might exploit to breach the armor. It's like a hull made of something so hard that diamonds would shatter against it like glass.

This tempering process creates metal that retains the same mass, and is virtually indestructible. It also cannot be bent, changed, or otherwise altered, so the armor has to be pre-cast in an expanded (ballooned) form, shrunk down, and then fitted into place. So, some very exacting precision is required, and even this isn't enough to make this technology totally reliable. The failure rate in the crushing process is 30% due to the Heisenburg Principle, which states that it is impossible to predict the exact location of an atom at a particular instant in time. If too many atoms are out of place when the exposure begins, the neutronium doesn't crush uniformly, and the armor piece is ruined. This margin of error makes the crush unreliable, and creates quite a few failures. The Karinnes tried to reduce this problem as much as they could by supercooling the armor pieces before crushing to reduce molecular vibration, but even the Karinnes couldn't get something to absolute zero (the point where all molecular vibration stops, which would eliminate the Heisenburg Principle from the equation) and keep it there long enough to get that ultra-cold armor into the singularity compressor.

And DON'T pick this apart. Yah, I know you guys can probably throw a slough of "what ifs" at this, but this is SCIENCE FICTION, damn you, you nitpickers! It works that way cause I say so, and THIS IS MY SAND BOX!
Wouldn't (quote from the chapter)
"It is powered by three singularity power plants"

Be able to handle the beating? I mean it sounds like that is a totally different power source than any thing Feays Use..

I thought at one point Jason said they use Bottled MetaPhased Plasma for power.

(picks, picks)
