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Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers - Chapters 1 through part of 14

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:14 pm
Basically what I'm saying is that the development of better weapons didn't change the way in which hunter/gatherers treated women. That is a societal thing and as I said there were variations in societies all over the world, but in general, men in hunter/gatherer societies hunted and women cared for the children. The reasons for that division of labour may have varied, but the facts remain, hunter/gatherer societies were sexist by nature, at least by our present society's standards.

While we are discussing technological advances, there are several major technological advances which affected both the hunters and the gatherers. One was the development of the flint point, because it probably involved the development of the use of flint as a fire starting device as well. The second is the development of the bow, used both as a bow drill for starting fires and one essential portion of the bow and arrow. A third would be the taming of wolves, as they were used not only as hunting companions, but also as camp guards and beasts of burden. a fourth would be the development of the travois and the sled. And the list goes on ...

If you really want to explore the technical advances of hunter/gatherer societies, I'd recommend that you read Jean Auel's "Children of the Earth" series, which I'm sure many of you have already read. If not, I will recommend her work as having an excellent archaeological basis, with the possible exception that she gives one individual the credit for developing so many advances in technology. If you aren't familiar with the books, they are listed here; and are extremely well written.

Re: Spirit Walker - Spoilers - Chapters 1 through part of 14

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 6:46 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
One thought about breast feeding that popped up.
You don't have to care for the child 24h a day in a group.
Plus a wet nurse(if thats the name) position fees up some one else able bodied.
Never mind the death rate of infants and small children.
Ranging for prey would take longer and longer as the local game would get scarce after a little while, so longer hunts would have to be made.
But i dunno how dependent they where on a semi permanent dwellings, maybe they moved constantly.
From popping out a child to not being able to hunt because of carrying the next will still leave several months worth of hunting time.
But then again i suppose it depends on the kind of food and the amount that are around, if you need to hunt to get some food and/or if there are any to be gathered.

Bleh i am rambling as usual probably. :P