Mist and her Cat's Claws

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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

lochar wrote:Actually, shouldn't Jal be able to harm Demons in Pyrosia as well?  The energy he is drawing is directly from one of the Elemental Planes after all.
But the manifestation of the energy (i.e. four elements: fire, water, earth, air and like like lightning) are native to Pyrosia (well, all material planes). So that is why I've said that Elemental magic is somewhat alien to Sennadar (especially because similar effects can be done using Sorcery I think). And Elemental magic per se is native to Pyrosia. So opinions may vary ;-)

BTW. thank you Xyron for reviving this thread...
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Fel »

lochar wrote:

Major battle scene, a la Tarrin vs. demon lord, or average battle scene, dragon Tarrin stomps on army?

Once the battle scene is done to your satisfaction, how much longer?

Oh, and question about the sword purposely showing up for Tarrin. If it is 5000 years old, who forsaw Tarrin's need for it? Most of the gods don't have prescience, seeing as how Ahiyia, Niami, and the rest needed Kikalli to see into the future of what Tarrin would be doing about his powers?

Kikkili came into being with the Wikuni, who were after the Blood War.
That, Lochar, is something that will be explained before all is said and done.

ETA?  Well, I'm page 15 now, I had to cut about two pages because I didn't like them, and I'm moving forward again.

Massive rewrites are a common occurrence when I'm writing battles.  Trust me, scripting a battle is NOT easy.  In ways, it's much harder than writing those one-on-one fights that Tarrin has been in that last like 6 pages.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Lochar »

So will it be done after the battle, or will you have a resolution afterwards as well?

15 pages?  I'm guessing another 3 or so minimum for your battle, and if there's a resolution more than just "Thank the Goddess it's over" type thing, I'm guessing 8 or so for that.

And your rabid fans out here do expect a decent resolution, either in this chapter or the next for that battle.

Good luck writing it.  You did great on the Suld battle, you'll do great here.
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by MechCraft »

The original duthak that first came to pyrosia would be able to hurt the deamons, but not there desendents the dura, because a younger god accepted them to the world of pyrosia.

the ironwood staff has its own magic and is a living thing even when cut from the original plant so it can be classed as other worldly in any plane because it has a magic that is resistant to the natural magic of the plane it is grown in or brought to. (would it be from the tree of life, because it lives when cut?)
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by Shadowhawk »

I have found the quote. Tarrin's Cat's Claws were originally made also of Adamantite. But either Tarrin didn't know it was otherwordly metal (later when talking about Mist's Cat's Claws there was said that the material had to be obtained with the help of Goddess, because Druidic magic coiln't Create/Conjure something otherwordly, at least not easily and without great danger), or the facts changed. He Transmuted them to the same unnamed black material his [long] sword is made of.

But maybe Adamantite is alien to Pyrosia... but the question reappers: how can he knew that? Or maybe everything that has origin outside the world (is not descendant of the material created when creating the world) is considered otherwordly and thus can hurt Demons? The rules aren't that clear...

"Weavespinner", Chapter 5:
Tarrin resheathed it,and looked at the other two objects. They looked like wristguards or bracers, but were long enough to be forearm greaves for armor. They were elaborately decorated with several different etched designs. He saw Sapphire again in those designs, as well as Allia's Selani silhouette, and an Aeradalla, and Keritanima's silhouette as well--the tail gave her away--and swirling roses and vines. And on the top of each of them was an etched form of the amulet he wore around his neck, the shaeram. Tarrin reached down and picked one up, and its touch made his fingers tingle strangely. The metal was blackish in color and almost ridiculously light, but somehow he could tell that its strength was without equal. Just the touch on them told him that. And there was something more...an energy that seemed to infuse them, something that made his fingers tingle and feel hot.

Jenna laughed richly. "Well, I guess I can see that," she winked. "I wouldn't want you going around knocking down walls. The repair bills would be ghastly." She chuckled with him, then put her hand on the bracer. "They don't blow things up, but their second function is a weapon," she told him seriously. "I made them so you'll never be unarmed. Mother told me to name them the Cat's Claws, and I think that tells you what they do."

Tarrin looked down at the two black metal bracers. "Claws come out of them?" he asked. "From where?"


"Don't worry about these," she told him. "They won't ever cut you. If you close your fist, they'll simply bend around your skin. You can even make them release from your fingers and stick straight out from the top of your fist if that's what you want. These are Adamantite too, so I don't think anyone's going to manage to cut your hand off while the claws are active."
And now the quote about Tarrin Transmuting the bracers (underlined text was added by me)> I have emphasized, either by bold or by using color the important parts. Hmm... I haven't noticed before that Tarrin's sword was monosword (sword with molecular width edge).

"Weavespinner", Chapter 13:
What he was doing stretched his powers of Sorcery to their limit. The Cat's Claws were powerful magical devices, and they would be perfect for his mate. He had no real need for them, because he had a weapon against which the Demons could not defend, and his magic made him their equal. But Jesmind had no protection from them, and what was worse, no weapon to harm them. He intended to change that. He focused all of his power on the Cat's Claws, and then reached deeply into High Sorcery, causing his entire body to limn over into Magelight, then have it condense down and form the concave four-pointed star that marked a sui'kun using his maximum power. He turned his full, true power against the bracers in his lap, his magic and his awareness sinking down into the black steel (i.e. Adamantium) of their substance, deeper and deeper, until he was at a point where the tiniest bits of their substance were made aware to him. It was at this level that he unleashed his power, weaving flows of such microscopic smallness that it would have boggled the mind of nearly any other Sorcerer, manipulating the very core of the substance of which the bracers were made. He had to go very slowly and very carefully, for the substance of the bracers also housed the weaves that gave the Cat's Claws their power, and he could not disrupt that magic. Magic of that kind was strong, but it was also very delicate and very carefully designed. If he interfered with the way the weaves worked with one another, they would break down and destroy themselves, and render the items powerless. So he moved with painstaking care, Transmuting the metal of the Cat's Claws piece by tiny piece, moving methodically through them a section at a time, changing the metal very carefully around the weaves without disturbing them. It was exhausting work, and the effort of it was very quickly and very steadily draining him of his energy.

It took nearly two hours, but when he was done, almost in a swoon from the effort it had cost him, he was very pleased with the results. The metal of the Cat's Claws had been Transmuted into the exact same kind of metal of which his sword was made, that same strangely light, almost indestructible alloy that was not natural to his world, because all of the metals of which its alloy had been made did not exist on Sennadar. Though it was a creation of native magic, he could sense that the metal of the Cat's Claws were now harmful to a Demon, able to breach their invulnerability and strike them true injury. Though created by native magic, the result was a substance that still had no native existence in his world, and as such still constituted a weapon not of his world where it concerned a Demonic opponent. Just as the Ironwood of his staff had been raised in Sennadar and still had the power to harm a Demon, so this metal, created in his world, still had the power to do a Demon injury. He had used his own sword as a guide in how that metal was arrayed at its basest level, an organization of the tiniest of all pieces of solid matter, all of which did not exist in the natural order of his world. He saw that it was this alloy's properties that gave the sword its incredible edge and hardness, a toughness inconceivable to modern metallurgists, a metal so strong that it would take magic to make it bend or even break. The sword had been created by some strange alien magic, shaped into the form of a sword and given an edge that narrowed down to a single line of those tiniest bits of matter that made up its substance, quite literally because that was the only way it was going to be done. No smith's hammer could shape this metal, because it required a heat so intense that no smith could survive the temperatues required to melt the metal. The metal would not even melt in a volcano, it was that strong. He remembered when it had gotten red-hot in the desert after his battle with Spyder, how he'd been afraid to pick it up because he feared the blade would bend. Now he knew that it had never been in such danger. Though the metal did become red-hot, it would have been just as strong as it was now. The sword itself was curiously non-magical, but the properties of the metal and the need to shape it with magic, a magic that allowed the maker to give it as sharp an edge as could possibly be given to the weapon, made it as good as one.
And at least the quote about creation of Mist's Cat's Claws... where is stated that Adamantite is otherwordly metal, contrary to what was said earlier. And if they were made of Adamantite, thery were not perfect replicas of Tarrin's Cat's Claws.  So that is an error on Fel part then...

"The Axe of the Dwarven King", Chapter 24:
The new set of Cats Claws were considerably more difficult, and required the direct help of the Goddess.  They would be perfect replicas of his, which was necessary because the formula for creating them was already known, and trying to change it would cost him months of research time.  Once he began on them, he could not do anything else, and it required sixteen days of constant work to complete them.  Where it had taken Jenna over a month and the help of Ianelle, Tarrin did it in sixteen with the help of his charm.  The Goddess had to do some parts of it, mainly the layered behavior of the claws when they were extended, and she also had to provide the Adamantite bracers.  Tarrin couldnt Create Adamantite, as it was an other-worldly metal, and was as such beyond even Tarrins Druidic power to create.

       But, after sixteen days of constant work, he placed the binding weave on the bracers and assensed them, and found that they were faithful, perfect replicas of his own Cats Claws.  These didnt belong to Mist, they belonged to him.  But he would let her use them for a while.
Last edited by Shadowhawk on Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
(Terry Pratchet, "Feet of Clay")
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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Post by RedManX »

about the comment on tarrens staff being made from  "The Tree Of Life" ...

it was explaned in the early books that tarrens staff is durived from iron wood wich grows in the forrest but is rare.