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Re: Error List

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:22 am
by Lochar
Already been picked at somewhere in this thread.  I don't think we had the first part of it though.

Re: Error List

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:59 pm
by Malcolm
Rereading the series I cought something I missed the first time. In Book one just before Jula drinks Tarrin's blood she tries to negotiate that she knows the identity of the person who is the leader of the ki'zadun in the tower- the "black mistress" - Chapter 20 pg 545

"Besides, with Suld compromised, all the remaining agents were scattering, in case their names did come up.  Only a select few, like the Black Mistress, were remaining in place, mainly because their names wouldn't appear anywhere, and their positions were vital to Kravon to keep track of their enemies.  Jula knew her identity, but she wasn't fool enough to repeat it.  Besides, with her leaving, it was one less danger to the Mistress' position."

"I know much, Tarrin," she said in a calm, reasonable tone, making no attempt to resist.  "I can tell you who's been trying to kill you, and who ordered me to capture you.  You can even go kill her, because she's right here in the Tower.  All it will cost you is letting me live."

By book 5 they still hadnt cought this person and that was with Jula's full support - am i missing something?

Re: Error List

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 12:44 am
by Lochar
Illusion and mind weaves.  They used those to make Jula think she knew who the Black Mistress was.  In reality, the person she thought it was turned out to be a good person who got killed.  Her image was used a week after her death, because the BM didn't know that she had died.

Re: Error List

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 9:53 pm
by Malcolm
Ok ran across that in book 2 - thanks for the heads up

Re: Error List

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:31 am
by Lochar
Not a problem.

Re: Error List

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:46 pm
by Shadowhawk
First Tarrin suggests that he will Transmute the metal/something into gold using Sorcery (couldn't he Summon gems like Sarraya for Arieala using Druidic magic?), then he just extract gold from the earth using large scale Sorcery (High Sorcery).

"Honor and Blood", Chapter 28 and 29

Modify: Quotes added (at the request of Lochar)
Well, I don't have time to build things back the way they were, so I'll just give him enough gold to rebuild the entire city, and leave plenty left over to get it started again."

"You can do that?"

"I'm a Sorcerer, Jesmind," he smiled. "Druids can Conjure gold, but a Sorcerer can Transmute any metal into gold. Didn't you know that?"

"No, I didn't," she said frostily. "I thought Sorcerers could just make fire and air and other elemental things."

"That's just one application," he said. "They don't do it often, because if you make too much gold, then it becomes less valuable. They also don't make it common knowledge, because people would be kidnapping Sorcerers to make gold for them. Few Sorcerers even know how it's done, to protect them from their own greed. But in an emergency, a Sorcerer can transmute enough metal to make him rich, if he knows how."
He had two things to do. The first he directed back behind him, weaving the flows into the large tent that had served him for the days he was here. He wove together a weave of Earth and Divine energies, and sent it down into the ground. He had thought about doing this last night, and it seemed relatively simple. The weave flowed through the earth, spreading out for longspans in every direction, and every time it touched gold, it triggered a response that caused it to surround the gold, infuse it with magical power, and then draw it back to the center of the weave's energy. That happened to be the tent. It would have taken a long time, if there had not been a surprising amount of gold in the immediate vicinity. He never knew that the northwestern corner of Sulasia was so rich in gold, but the Skydancer mountains, which were famous for heavy deposits of metals of all kinds, were probably the reason for that. Tarrin drained the entire surrounding land of every scrap of gold it possessed, causing it to draw up from the earth inside the tent, where it couldn't be seen. When he was done, the tent was ankle-deep to him--which made it shin-deep for a human--in small gold nuggets of every imaginable shape, enough money for Arren to rebuild Torrian and have plenty left over.

Re: Error List

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:58 am
by Lochar
Quotes Shadow?

And I think he did it that way as it was actually the most natural.  He brought it all to him, just made it to where it didn't have to be mined.

Sarraya created those gems and Transmutation would do the same thing.

This way, it preserves the balance of gold in the world, as that was a LOT of gold he pulled up.

Re: Error List

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:55 am
by Wildcat
It may have preserved the balance of gold in the world, but as he suddenly put a LOT more of it on the market, the value of said gold would decrease. How much, of course, depends on how they spent it, but the overall value of gold would've gone down. Remember that the value of gold doesn't include the gold that hasn't been mined yet, and that's basically what he gave them.

Re: Error List

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:33 am
by Shadowhawk
shadowhawk wrote:First Tarrin suggests that he will Transmute the metal/something into gold using Sorcery (couldn't he Summon gems like Sarraya for Arieala using Druidic magic?), then he just extract gold from the earth using large scale Sorcery (High Sorcery).
That is the explanation:

"Honor and Blood", Chapter 31
"Weave this spell," she said, and he felt her draw out flows of all six Spheres, then tie them in an intricate knot as she pulled an ordinary pebble from the black depths of her cloak, barely larger than a pearl. When she released the spell, it caused the stone to shimmer suddenly, then flare with a bright light. When the light faded, the small stone was gone, in its place was a sapphire the same size and shape as the pebble. She had Transmuted the stone, one of the most intricate and demanding tricks of Sorcery that could be performed.
So he coundn't Transmute then. I wonder why he was talking about it...

Re: Error List

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:29 pm
by Wildcat
I think he'd heard of it before then. I'm not sure why he would've made it sound like an option, though.

Re: Error List

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:25 pm
by Lochar
shadowhawk wrote: That is the explanation:

"Honor and Blood", Chapter 31
So he coundn't Transmute then. I wonder why he was talking about it...
He didn't know how difficult it would be at first?  Remember, a lot of what he did at first came as echos of the Weave, so at first he thought it would be easy, then he may have gotten part of the echo and realized it'd be a hell of a lot harder.

Re: Error List

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:04 am
by Peter_Koopman
First Dar doesn't like bathing with girls, but later he's suprised by the reaction of others. And even later he was amused by the reaction of others. (Couldn't find that last one)

Tower - Chapter 7
"I don't like doing it either," Dar told him.  "I think having to take a bath with the girls is the worst part of the day."

Tower - Chapter 17
"Is that all?" he asked.  "We have communal baths in Arkis.  I'm not used to that kind of a reaction."

Re: Error List

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:35 am
by Peter_Koopman
Instead of optimist, I see the word optomist used alot. I'm not a native english speaking person, so I'm not sure if it's a concious choice or an error.

optimist: One who usually expects a favorable outcome.
optomist: An optimist against better judgement.

Tower - Chapter 12
"You're so optomistic it makes me sick," he said with a smile.

Re: Error List

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:52 pm
by ohtochooseaname
I don't know if this has been mentioned before because I am unwilling to read through this section due to spoilers, as I have only read the first book.  That said, when Jasmind is under the influence of the collar, she cannot remember what happened, but Tarrin can.  Furthermore, it is never explained how the Tower got its hands back on the collar, for it appears that that collar is the same one used on Jasmind.  The easiest explanation is to say that it is a different collar with a different weave in it that allows the wearer to think better and be more useful, but also giving the wearer a memory of being controlled.  

Furthermore, and I don't know if this is intentional or not: there are two different times that Tarrin learns about the breaking in the weave, and he learns a different tale both times: one says that the priests attacked the sorcerers in the tower, and they left because they did not wish to kill those attacking.  Another says that they simply left because of the general discontent, and then the priests rose up.  

Re: Error List

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:54 pm
by Lochar
ohtochooseaname wrote: Furthermore, and I don't know if this is intentional or not: there are two different times that Tarrin learns about the breaking in the weave, and he learns a different tale both times: one says that the priests attacked the sorcerers in the tower, and they left because they did not wish to kill those attacking.  Another says that they simply left because of the general discontent, and then the priests rose up.  
Part of them left because someone had a preminition about the Breaking.  The Priests or someone did attack a tower and kill the sui'kun.