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Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:59 pm
by freethrow
Feeeed Meeeee. FEEEEEEED MEEEEEEE. JK of course, but I do admit serious longing. I know you are a busy guy, Fel, so please disregard my sickness. :)

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:51 am
by J-Man5
Nice pic. I laughed and realized the addiction to Fel's works seems that way sometimes. Well most of the time. Okay ALL of the time.


Ok Fel enough gaming and more writing. Sorry about work. Think about how relaxing it is to get those pesky stories out of your head.


Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:55 pm
by Doc Spratley
I miss the updates. I realize that real life takes precedent over fantasy, but it's nice to know we are able to immerse ourselves in that fantasy when able. I hope that Fel's muse reasserts itself and Spirit Walker continues his existence.

I also observe that the forum seems quiet right now....maybe everyone is patiently waiting for the next 4 or 5 chapters ( posted all at one time, hint)

Fel, keep up the excellent work. We anxiously await your literary offerings.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:47 pm
by Mansoor B. K.
HELP.............HELP.............this is the worst story drought in the history of the world . Fel our Guider ... where are YOU , as a matter of fact, where is every body ???? , nobody writes anymore , no new posts , its like suddenly every things is gone.
fel plz reply to all of us, who are dying to hear even a single word from you.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:56 pm
by J-Man5
Listen to the newbies complain about the lack of chapters. They have gotten spoiled. Not that I wouldn't mind a new chapter... There have been times like this in the past and you just have to deal with it. Fel has "Real Life" issues to deal with and an occasional EQ2 addiction to battle. In the end though it's better than what is on the bookshelves most of the time. If you get bored there is the links to good reading thread.

Feeling like an old timer talking about how bad it was going to school uphill both ways with snow 6 feet deep even in the summer.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:47 pm
by montie1123
LOl yea tell me about it, some times Fel gets the time and the drive to crank out chapters every few days then other times its months till we get one. Hell i would love a new chapter i would really really love a chapter of Fox and Hawk while we are wishing for things.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:35 am
by Lochar
Always fun to listen to it. How long was it between the end of the Sennadar series and something else? A number of months, if I remember right. :P

To those of you complaining, go back and re-read the eight Sennadar books. If you can find more than twenty new errors, we'll see about hunting down Fel to ask for new chapters. :lol:

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:44 am
There's there fact that eventhough there are no new threads, the number of views keeps on rising and rising, and there's always someone on the site. I've been one to ocassionaly wish too, but if you look at how much he's already written and at what pace, you can't complain about not having any more chapters, specially since he does it for free. I know I'd never be able to keep up like that (though I also know he's not human).

By the way, was there around here a link to that coke & mentos experiment?

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:21 am
by Barack
OK since PPL are bored. We can start easy, name the book and chapter then copy and past the sentence before and after. This is from one of Fels works.

"Then came the dizziness. The ceiling traded places with the floor, and he felt himself sway dangerously. "

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:51 am
by kd7mvs
Barack wrote:OK since PPL are bored. We can start easy, name the book and chapter then copy and past the sentence before and after. This is from one of Fels works.

"Then came the dizziness. The ceiling traded places with the floor, and he felt himself sway dangerously. "

twitch. twitch, twitch...

n n. nnn... nnott RESEARCh!!!!!

"Relax, calm down, it's not that bad, it's optional, not mandatory, think of it as extra credit..."

back to smackdown i go...

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:56 am
by dellstart
All you old hands out there-

Can you tell me, if this is the record for time passed between chapters? Its got to be a Olympic record or something like that. :twisted:

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:26 pm
by fortress
This is nothing compared to some of the original books, but it's well worth it due to the quality of his writing.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:41 pm
by FinalChapter
I think the longest was something like 4-6 months between new material maybe? We all became spoiled these last months when he was posting once a week. Re-reading the Tarrin stories always alleviates the pain though. 8)

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:55 pm
by Lochar
Barack wrote:OK since PPL are bored. We can start easy, name the book and chapter then copy and past the sentence before and after. This is from one of Fels works.

"Then came the dizziness. The ceiling traded places with the floor, and he felt himself sway dangerously. "
One of two places. Either the fight with the demon for the Book of Ages, or the fight against the red dragon when the wizarding magic was used against him.

And the more I think about it, the more likely it is the dragon fight.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 18.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:15 am
by nightwing1978
actually it also sounds like when jason passed out in subjugation from the kimdori/karinne virus