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Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:48 am
by Aightaight
Wow, 12 chapters in less than a month? :shock:

I'm feeling blessed... :D

Take your time, Fel - if you burn out then we'll have nothing left to read! :wink:

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:30 pm
by Sancria

I'm gone for a month and check back to see if new insurrection file is up and instead I get a brand new half novella!!

Kudos to you Fel, but take care not to stress out over posting, I'd rather get a chapter (a bit) later rather then not at all, because you are burned out :D

Keep up the good work, I'm consistantly amazed by the quality of your work.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:06 am
by dellstart
Sancria wrote:Wow!

I'm gone for a month and check back to see if new insurrection file is up and instead I get a brand new half novella!!

Kudos to you Fel, but take care not to stress out over posting, I'd rather get a chapter (a bit) later rather then not at all, because you are burned out :D

Keep up the good work, I'm consistantly amazed by the quality of your work.

Its true genius at work!

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 6:01 pm
by Blyker
When do the finals end :?:

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:04 pm
by alkiera
At least he warned us there would be a significant gap.

Also, in the US, the school term tends to run to late May. At my college, graduation is around May 25th, though it varies from year to year based on the rest of the schedule.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:09 pm
by Fel
I'll be done on Friday.

I start work on Saturday (I think).

And I'm working on spirit13 right now, because I need a break from studying. ;)

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:19 pm
by Mistra
...Fel, you just made sure i'm not leaving this seat and refresh this page every 2 minutes untill if fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. You truelly are the evil one.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:33 pm
by Fel
Dude, don't get too crazy. I'm up to page 18, and doubt I'll finish today, as I DO have to study. So dont' hold your breath.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:48 pm
by Mistra
one can always hope :p i've started my finals aswell so i was planning doing some work and pausing every couple of minutes to check, you usually only post till about an hour after i go to bed though. Usually makes me nearly miss my train cause i want to dl it to my laptop first ;)

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:57 pm
by Blyker
on a not related not, when is mardi grass in new orleans? I am gonna tour the southern us (atlanta/knoxvill to la ) later this year and i was reading about Mardi Grass in my lonely planet book. They talk a lot about the festivities etc, just one little detail they forget.... when is that damm party!

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:07 pm
by Fel
Mardi Gras takes place in the 2 weeks leading up to the beginning of Lent, and ends at midnight on Ash Wednesday. It culinates on Mardi Gras Day, which is also called Fat Tuesday, when Rex and Zulu have their parades. In the weeks leading up to Fat Tuesday, many other parade crews have their parades, the better ones closer to Fat Tuesday.

I highly recommend the Saturday before Mardi Gras, for that's the day Tucks and Endymion roll (have their parades), which always put on fantastic parades. They always have gorgeous floats, throw great stuff, and it's always a blast to attend.

It's already come and gone this year. If you want to go, look for Ash Wednesday on next year's calendar, and book your hotel room NOW, or you won't get one.

Ash Wednesday is 40 days before Easter.

If you go, follow these basic tips:

1: do not drive. Walk or take a cab. You won't find any parking places. Anywhere.
2: put your wallet in a safe place or don't carry it. Pickpockets are rampant in parade crowds.
3: on a similar tack, do not venture into any street or alley that does not already have people in it. If you see no one around you, you are in a BAD PLACE, and should immediately return to areas with crowds. Quickly.
4: obey the police. They're usually run ragged by then, and they're very short tempered. So be nice to them.
5: if you take a camera, make sure you have a wrist strap for it. And bring spare memory cards.
6: the wildest stuff happens in/around the French Quarter. If you're looking for some gratuitous nudity, that's where you do your skin hunting.

Re: Spirit Walker, chapter 12.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:14 pm
by Blyker
ah ok its the same time as carnival in Europe then. The basic tips below seem to be a bit in common troughout the US cities when i read my travel guide :) Well except for parking, i was amazed how much parking space there is in most city centers (also how little there is to do in them). Im used to european towns where the city center is the shopping/eating/drinking area.