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Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:26 pm
by Lochar
*blink blink*

Have you read Fel's posts here on the boards? Tarrin has to fight and subdue Spyder, otherwise she is required to keep going after him. And that cloak of hers allows for divine transportation, so nothing Tarrin could do could stop it.

And he's stealing a Solar's weapon btw. Something he can't even use. I figure it might look like his sword a bit, and he'll get the demon Lord to use it. If you can make a demon out of a god (Bodak) why can't you go the opposite way?

Mother Wynn 'her' Elder God Pantheon? We've not got confirmation from Fel that Wynn is the GoG. It's just as likely she's another subordinate. I remember Fel saying once that Tarrin does meet the GoG, but it happens so quick that if you blink, you miss it.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:26 pm
by 2p1k3
Please forgive me for my newbness then. However, I did not intend to imply that Spyder 'could not' follow Tarrin wherever he went if he did teleport. Though, since Tarrin has 'touched' the statue, it would stand to reason he could 'conjur' the statue and then run to Pyrosia and use the weave there to do what he needed to do. This would create minimal exposure to Sennadar while still accomplishing his mission... The Demon Lord already knows he is still alive and Tarrin knows that the Demon Lord knows; so its not like he is hiding from anyone.

I thank you for clarifying the whole 'item' business as I was unable as of yet to connect the dots between Bodak, the One, and getting the item from the Solar. Though if that works I think Tarrin is going to get another God rooting for him as he saves the One from a fate worse than death. He seems to collect followers whereever he goes. I also doubt that Dollana is the only one who 'could' give Tarrin the power of True Faith. One of my main questions that I am waiting to answer is why the 'faithful' that he has doesn't effect him. People like Kimmie, and especially Mist are a question mark in my mind. Afterall he 'did' do something for Mist with the purest of intents.

As far as Mother Wynn. She 'erased' her presense from the Crossroads in 'everyones' (except Tarrin) mind and her physical presense in the blink of an eye. Given the variety of people at the Crossroads I think that is a bit much on the power scale even for Niami or her mother. Otherwise she herself could just erase the memory from that Solar that he even had the item to begin with. Thereby 'not' turning everyone's mother and brother against Tarrin. My point is that Mother Wynn has exhibited more power than any Elder God. Afterall she was on Sennadar and not 'noticed' by 'anyone' along with the barmaid. If you wish to quote Fel then please do so but on the scale of 'badassness' Mother Wynn has done some things that are off the chart. She could be another Solar, Deva. Yet if all the solar had this level of power then I don't see how the Demons have taken over anything. Of course, there could be an explanation for all of this that is beyond my understanding but this is what logic dictates to me at least.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:33 pm
by Lochar
Not a problem.

But the problem with conjuring the statuette is that it requires using the All to do so.

And Aiyse controls the All, as it is an extenstion of her power. Tarrin touches it, it can VERY easily rebel and strike him down.

Not to mention Niami took it with her, so it may actually not be in Sennadar anymore, but sitting alongside the dwarven art that Tarrin asked Niami to take care of.

True, Mother Wynn has exerted more of an influence on Crossroads than anyone else has shown, but we still don't know if she's the God of Gods. I more think her to be a direct agent of the GoG that the GoG him/her/itself.

As for why even with all the power a Solar/Deva has, there must still be a balance. ;) No good without knowing what evil is. There are probably dozens of planes out there that the demons have taken over that the Deva have raided and released. It's just not consequensial to the story, so we don't know about them.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:11 am
by Dimwit
One thing that everyone's forgetting. Tarrin's dead. When Dolanna loses faith he MUST get a body, quick. Where's the only body? Upstairs in Spyder's place.

I don't think he needs to go through the gate, or at least as a corporeal being, since he won't be one. Tarrin's got a backdoor into Haven and he knows it.

BTW does anyone else think that Eron's walking around with the Firestaff? Would he give it back to his father and would that help or harm Tarrin?

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:35 am
by Lochar
Even if Eron is walking around with the firestaff, it won't make a whit of difference at the moment to Tarrin.

At the moment, Tarrin isn't an Entropic being, or an Entropy created God.

He's a mortal inspired God. Getting his body back and losing Dolanna's faith is going to require some exact timing, otherwise once he reenters his body, he'll be both Entropic being (Mi'Shara) and mortal inspired God. That's probably going to be the moment of faith breaking.

I don't think the Firestaff is going to figure into much at the moment.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:54 am
by 2p1k3
I think Eron is going to figure in later. Though I haven't figured out yet if he is working for the Gods or the GoG. Him vanishing says that he knows some sort of magic that none of his family has taught him.

I wonder what Niami did to the statue though. I remember it saying that it's eyes glowed for a second, as if she redid the spell on it... Though who knows 'what' she did to it when she took Tarrin's soul out of it to recreate him.