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Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:11 pm
by Hearly
Lochar wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote:
Lochar wrote:Well, then Mother Wynn and the barmaid were either more than they seemed back on Sennadar, or they were called for higher duty once they passed on.
Mother Wynn passing I can imagine. But what might happened to flat chested barmaid?
Considering the area? Troll attack as the Ki'ziduan were probablly VERY irked that Tarrin managed to make it past them, and might have went on a rampage back along the path Tarrin took.

Other than that? I can imagine a Solar or Planetar coming to her and asking her if she would like the ability to better her world and many others.

That's on the assumtion that the GoG's knows exactly who all the Mi'Sharas are, and he's been guiding some of this since the first book.
I would assume he has to have had a hand in Tarrin's continued existance, I mean the gods knew what Tarrin was when they allowed Niami to restore him, So did maybe the GoG talk to the other elder gods?.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:35 pm
by Lochar
Hearly wrote:
I would assume he has to have had a hand in Tarrin's continued existance, I mean the gods knew what Tarrin was when they allowed Niami to restore him, So did maybe the GoG talk to the other elder gods?.
Actually, the Sennadar Elders are known to be manipulative. Spyder doesn't know exactly what she is, and they were hoping to use Tarrin as another Spyder. Another Guardian. And they seriously didn't think that Tarrin would be able to re-ascend to godhood.

They assumed he'd be another very powerful Weavespinner to point in the direction they wanted him to go.

Of course, the only one who can actually point him like that is Niami, and it's more of a "here's where I'd like you to be. Would you go there? You're choice on how to get there."

Niami has to know exactly what Spyder and Tarrin are, and she treats them as family. She knows exactly what they can do, if they were pissed enough. But, really, if either fully embraced their Entropic side, I still don't think they'd attack the person they considered their Mother. Niami played them both, but loves them truly anyways I think.

The other Elders? Watch out if Tarrin decides to become a full Entropic. It is the only time demons and Deva work together, and I'm not sure if they'd be able to get to Sennadar in time to save the Balance there. *grin*

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:19 pm
by jrs772000
Okay I'm gonna have to throw my two cents in as well.
"He did," she answered evenly. "He's heeded the warnings, and knows what has to be done. He's already talked to Niami. Once the Sages get back to him, he'll get his ball rolling."

"And that's when the fur's going to fly," the girl said with an indelicate grunt.

"Has to be done, girl, has to be done," Mother Wynn told her calmly. "Things have to move forward. Sometimes when you jar the cart, something falls out and breaks."

"I know, it's just... I don't like chaos."

"Sometimes you have to create a little chaos in order to make a little law," Mother Wynn shrugged. "They'll all get over it eventually."
So far the idea that Mother Wynn and the barmaid being servants of a higher power (most likely the God of Gods) makes the most sense to me. Given how they acted and what they said after giving Tarrin the book ( The Blood War of Sennadar; a Study of How One Event Can Affect the Multiverse.), it seems clear that they are working for someone who wants to create a little chaos for the express purpose of making a little law. It's also clear that whomever they are working for isn't concerned about upsetting people or gods. After all "They'll ALL get over it eventually." The only being I can think of that would want to make a law effecting the multiverse would be the God of Gods.
I do wonder if Niami is right about everyone attacking Tarrin once he starts. Because if the deva attack him does that mean that Mother Wynn and the barmaid weren"t working for the God of Gods? It just seems strange to set him on his path then turn around and have the Deva attack him when he's doing what you want in the first place.[/b]

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:41 pm
by Solarstorm
Welll if that is the case then He really doesnt need to attack the Solar. He is only going to attack it to get something it owns and wont give up. If the God of Gods commands it the Solar will just give it to Taren. Thus no fighting Deva's or pissed off Gods. I think that Taren is suppose to be pissing everyone off. It is part of what needs to take place. So dont count on anyone to show up to help Taren here. He is what he is on purpose and is being setup to do what needs to be done. He has enough power to do the task and has been shown how to do it even though by a round about way so he doesnt realize he is being manipulated.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:05 pm
by Lochar
Solarstorm wrote:Welll if that is the case then He really doesnt need to attack the Solar. He is only going to attack it to get something it owns and wont give up. If the God of Gods commands it the Solar will just give it to Taren. Thus no fighting Deva's or pissed off Gods. I think that Taren is suppose to be pissing everyone off. It is part of what needs to take place. So dont count on anyone to show up to help Taren here. He is what he is on purpose and is being setup to do what needs to be done. He has enough power to do the task and has been shown how to do it even though by a round about way so he doesnt realize he is being manipulated.
Tarrin is being set up for something, what exactly, we don't know yet. But it's not always the end result, it's the journey that matters sometimes. The God of Gods could just order the Solar to give it to him, but if something like that happened, Tarrin would spend more time figuring out why it just handed it over, and checking it for traps than he would doing anything else.

Tarrin won't accept being manipulated very easily. He accepted what Mother Wynn said, as it was a shock to him to see her there. Not to mention she already knew his plan, so it worked that way.

Had he actually noticed it was the barmaid, I seriously think he would have not believed the truth. It would be too much of a coincidence. And Tarrin doesn't believe in those anymore.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:40 pm
by Were_Fan
Lochar wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote:
Lochar wrote:Well, then Mother Wynn and the barmaid were either more than they seemed back on Sennadar, or they were called for higher duty once they passed on.
Mother Wynn passing I can imagine. But what might happened to flat chested barmaid?
Considering the area? Troll attack as the Ki'ziduan were probablly VERY irked that Tarrin managed to make it past them, and might have went on a rampage back along the path Tarrin took.

Other than that? I can imagine a Solar or Planetar coming to her and asking her if she would like the ability to better her world and many others.

That's on the assumtion that the GoG's knows exactly who all the Mi'Sharas are, and he's been guiding some of this since the first book.
I have a gut feeling that Mother Wynn and perhaps the barmaid are a bit higher up the food chain than a Solar.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:25 pm
by Mark_Reed
It's too little too late, but I found the mystery girl as well. I don't have an online connection at home, so I walk to a local library. My foot was hurt so I haven't checked in the past two weeks. Anyway, that's all a side issue. I was curious about the dusty skinned mystery girl, so I looked it up. (For Fel's sake, since he expressed surprise that anyone would figure it out, it took me about 10 minutes. :P ) Here are the relevent quotes, since nobody has actually digged for them yet.

Demon's Bane, chapter 3
He looked up at saw himself looking at a young, swarthy-skinned woman with a slightly flat chest, wearing a simple woolen peasant dress, her long, straight black hair pulled back from her face by a kerchief folded down into a long strap tied into her hair. He hadn’t remembered asking for another book, but the mental state he was in, so distracted and interspective, he really wouldn’t be surprised if he had asked for it.
She seemed hauntingly familiar to him. Her face and her scent…he wasn’t sure, but he thought he’d met this woman some time before, but he couldn’t quite pin it down. Then again, he was very tired, and he was starting to feel like Phandebrass with his head so full of what he’d been reading that he was having trouble separating it from the rest of the world. She handed him a simple leather-bound tome, a tome with no title. She then smiled at him and winked, then scurried off between a pair of bookshelves and out of sight.
(same chapter)
She took no notice of anyone, and no one took notice of her. She didn’t look up regardless of who passed by her porch, nor did she look up when someone came up to her porch and sat down in her spare chair. It was a small, young woman with dark skin, radiant brown eyes, and straight black hair, wearing a simple peasant dress of dark wool. She was an attractive young lady, if a bit flat-chested and narrow through the hips, making her look slightly younger than she actually was.
Honor and Blood, chapter 2
Most of the men were quiet now, watching him stride in on his long legs, moving directly to intercept one of the serving women. She was forced to stop in front of him, barely reaching his chest, staring up at him with wide eyes and an open mouth. She was a pretty little girl, with pattern Arakite dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes. She was barely more than sixteen, with a chest not exactly equipped to being hugged by an open neckline, but she had a pleasing silhouette that made up for her lack of bust.
"C-Can I serve you, good master?" she asked hesitantly in Arakite.
"I want the lamb," he replied in fluent Arakite.
"It's not fully cooked yet, good master," she replied. "If you're willing to wait--"
"I'll take it as it is."
"If you really want it, good master. I'll have someone cut you--"
"You misunderstood me," he said in a calm voice. "I want the lamb. The entire lamb. I'll pay a fair price for it."
(same chapter)
Tarrin settled himself, readying to venture out into that stiff wind, with its blowing, stinging sand. But a sudden presence at his side made him look down. It was the pretty little barmaid, looking up at him with just a little bit of fear. She was holding up a scarf of red wool, with tassels at each end, offering it up to him.
"What is this?" he asked her defensively, his expression wary as his fear of strangers rose up in him with shocking speed. For an irrational moment, he felt the impulse to either strike her down or get away from her, but he remembered that she had been kind to him. She had talked to him when nobody else would, had smiled at him with sincerity in her eyes. No, he would not hurt this human. She was not threatening him then, and she was not threatening him now. She was afraid of him, but that was only natural, given what he was. That she would approach him despite her fear said much for her character.
"It'll keep the sand out of your nose and mouth," she replied with a gentle smile. There was absolutely no fear in her eyes now, as if she looked into his face and saw that he would do her no harm.
He looked down at her for a very long moment, his feral fear of her battling against a human feeling, a feeling of--gratitude? Compassion? Something about her struck at the human in him in a positive manner, making him not feel threatened by her.
She was giving him the scarf out of kindness. She expected nothing in return, not like the weaseling cons that had shown him a veil of kindness, only to hide the ugly truth of what they wanted from him beneath. She had nothing to gain from giving him the scarf. Her act was one of genuine compassion for him, a kindness to him. A sincere kindness.
It had been so long since someone had shown him such sincere kindness.
His rigid posture eased immediately. He reached down and took the scarf, her tiny hand absolutely swallowed up by his massive paw as he took it from her, and in that fleeting exchanged he felt her skin against his pad. It was warm, but it was calloused from her hard work. "I--thank you," he said brusquely, not entirely sure how to respond to her. As if he had forgotten what to do when faced with an act of kindness. The only thing he could think to do was reciprocate. "Here, take this. I don't need it anymore," he said, handing her the pouch of gold nuggets.
"What is this?"
"A fair price," he told her, looking down into hazel eyes that showed no fear. "It is a fair price."

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:35 am




Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:54 am
by Shadowhawk



First of all, please DON"T SHOUT!.

Second, there are many backup sites which hosts "Demon's Bane" (currently 3 chapters). You should have noticed the Announcement thread here Demon's Bane, Chapter 3 is out. (second thread from the top on this forum).

There are the backup sites with the "Demon's Bane" chapters
  • Sennadar Backup @ Attention: in the table there are links to chapters which are not written yet! See the "Last Chapter - Three" text above the table with the links.
  • My Backup Site, which is hosted on my computer and is not always up. If you see the image of the shaeram here:Image then it should be up (or your web browser caches aggresively).
  • FelBooks Group at Yahoo!. It requires first registration at Yahoo (free), then to read chapters it requires subscription to FelBooks group (also free). For now it has only 1st chapter of the "Demon's Bane".
  • There is also Lochar's backup site, but it appears down at the moment.
To admins: to avoid further questions like this, could you please make Announcement or Sticky thread with all the backup sites enumerated? Wel, there is now link at the top and at the bottom in the navbar to Sennadar Backup @, so maybe the problem lies with users...

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:11 am
Thank You
For the Head Up on this chapters,


Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:24 am
by Lochar
Shadowhawk wrote: [*]There is also Lochar's backup site, but it appears down at the moment.
Yeah, yeah. I need to boot the damned server back up and then update it. It's been a while, mainly because of family problems and such. I'll see what I can do about pulling the server back online.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:17 am
by RedManX

i know that this is off topic and i apoligize for it.
i just wanted you to know that the website in your post has touched my heart

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:19 pm
by Lochar
Thank you Red.

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:51 am
by Shadowhawk
Mark_Reed wrote:It's too little too late, but I found the mystery girl as well.
She is named Sashi ("Honor and Blood", chapter 2).

Re: Question (Chapter 4 Demon's Bane Spoiler)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:22 am
by Dimwit
The key question is when was Mother Wynn. If she was who she is now back in Book 1, then it can't be GoG.
There's no way that:
A/ He would be able to meddle on Sennadar's plane without at least the Elder Gods picking up his presence and;
B/ That he would have time to fart around on any one plane give the sheer size of his domain.
Of course, if she's only a simalcrum of the original Mother Wynn all bets are off. He would be more than capable of making a dupe for the core and he DOES meddle there as Fel has already established.

My feeling is it's Ayise who's Wynn... she's the impetus behind that meeting of the 5 elder gods and you don't think she'd meddle in it? Sure she would and I can betcha that she could do it without Niami catching on too.

As for the barmaid: not Ahiriya just because I don't think she's *that* involved but Fara'Nae is. A/ It's HER desert that the barmaid inhabited and B/ She is very involved with Tarrin. And she's close enough to Niami that she would be able to inform her mother on Niami's plans without Niami knowing about it.