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Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:27 am
by Abaddon
I actually wouldn't mind him doing that Apocalypse Troll sequel he mentioned. I always wanted to know what happened next.

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:11 am
by boballab
Abaddon wrote:I actually wouldn't mind him doing that Apocalypse Troll sequel he mentioned. I always wanted to know what happened next.
If you think logically about it there really isn't a story to tell after that point. Remember that she came from an alternate timeline not just in the future and they actually have a ton of Kanga equipment to bootstrap Human 1990's tech with. Also keep in mind that when Humanity did meet the Kanga in her timeline the Humans didn't have the tech edge but at the end of the book this universe the Humans were waiting in ambush. So basically it would be nothing but one slaughter after another as the Humans quickly surpass the Kanga tech wise and they will also be prepared for that last ditch effort they pulled.

Now the stand alone book that had future possibilities was the Excalibur Alternative. At the end of that book the good guys had the tech edge but they were seriously outnumbered by the Federation. However that book is set in a universe that David Drake owns and would need his permission.

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:23 am
by Abaddon
Hmm, yes, now that you mention it, Excalibur Alternative would be a better book to do a sequel on. I'm sure David Drake would be amenable for another book in that Universe, both of them have collaborated with other authors in common before, so it wouldn't be unheard of for them to do a book together.

Actually, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure David Drake has done a story for at least one Honorverse anothology. I'd have to go searching and I can't be bothered to check. :wink:

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:17 pm
by samuelmichaels
Abaddon wrote: Actually, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure David Drake has done a story for at least one Honorverse anothology. I'd have to go searching and I can't be bothered to check. :wink:
"The Grand Tour", of course. No need to exert yourself. :-)

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:27 pm
by Chasm
Is there someone else who thought that "All Quiet on the Western Front" is a pretty good description for "Shadow of Freedom"?
(Much happens, but at the end of the day the big picture has not changed, at all.)

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:07 am
by boballab
Chasm wrote:Is there someone else who thought that "All Quiet on the Western Front" is a pretty good description for "Shadow of Freedom"?
(Much happens, but at the end of the day the big picture has not changed, at all.)
The "you don't see a change in the "Big" picture" is not actually 100% accurate, for the most part it is, but not entirely. The reason that is so is that "A Rising Thunder" (ART) had a good portion of "Shadow of Freedom" (SoF) in it at on time (no, I'm not talking about the anchor chapters). When David Weber saw how big the book was getting (well over 200K words in size) he chopped some out for the follow on book. You will notice in SoF that the early story starts to flow then gets abruptly cut off and then jumped in time. That is the portion that was initially in ART that the author removed. Also SoF is suppose to show the events that take place in the Talbott cluster, at the same time the events in ART take place, so that both books end at the same place timewise. Where it did move the big picture on deals with the planet Mesa. In ART you are left with the impression that the Andies are going to take Mesa sometime in the future but you don't know when exactly. You also know that Albrect Detweiler is thinking of using the "Ballroom Option" in conjunction with speeding up Houdini. In SoF Mike when she finds out about Filareta, but not knowing about the Andies possibly going to Mesa, has not only jumped the gun and taken an entire SL OFS sector, which is a massive offensive move no one in ART knew about or thought possible, but is also going to go to Mesa immediately. Also in SoF Albrect makes the decision to use the "Ballroom Option" which neatly sets up the next new Honorvese book tentatively titled "Cauldron of Ghosts" which is suppose to deal with Torch and Ballroom angle. This means that it is possible to see either Mike or the Andies or both showing up and taking Mesa in the next book.

So the Big picture got pushed forward in 2 areas: We know that Mesa will be hit in the next month timewise in the Honorverse and that Albrect is sending in the compromised Ballroom cells to kill non inner members of the Onion while Houdini is going on. Notice that there is a possibility that when these "Ballroom" guys are there or show up the Andies rf Henke bag them and the people they are supposed to kill. Talk about a big part of the Onion that could be exposed including things like the existence of Darius and the truth of the Torch Wormhole.

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:21 pm
by grimlock157
I must admit to buying all his books compulsivly, though I find the later books to be getting a bit wordy.

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:09 pm
by Bester
What's wrong with wordy?

Re: For David Weber Fans

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:08 pm
by soarerschild
I love the Honor Harrington series, but it is getting a little too complex in terms of plotlines. There seems to be enough material in some of the latest books to make trilogies out of one book.