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Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:02 pm
by Mistra
thanks for the input fel, i made the feet wider, but can't really change the stance (i'm going to try and turn him into an animated model, and i need a proper T-pose for that) i hope this is more like what it's supposed to be.

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:25 pm
by kal
when you finish the animation make sure to post it for us, that sounds VERY interesting to me. hopefully all it takes is a you-tube video with a link for us to watch it.

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:45 pm
by Mistra
when i'm done with it i'll deffo post it on youtube, like i said, it's meant to become a portfolio piece, so i've got to get it out there so people can see it.

this is the latest version btw, he still needs a belt, his fur, his manacles and his brands, but i'm getting there (and i really don't know what kind of detail to put on the vest, i'm going with black leather with 4 buttons on it, unless fel gives me anything more specific on what he wore in the desert (not gonna put the visor on, at least for now,it's something that's easy to add later if i feel like it))

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:59 pm
by Mancala22
That's not bad, but I don't like the ears, when I imagine Tarrin, I image him with ears like the Na'vi from Cameron's movie Avatar. The ear you have now look kinda cartoonish or manga-like. You know, Fel himself said this in one of his post in Sennadar Character Sketches thread.

"-His ears are catlike, and on the top/sides of his head, directly over where his humans ears would be if he had them."

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:11 pm
by Byte Storm
"His ears are not overly large, but they are very noticable. They extend UP more than they extend OUT, but they do have tilt to them given they are set on the outside of the top of his skull."

That 3D graphic he drew perfectly places those ears, in my opinion.

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:52 pm
by nicolai
The ears look very good, although I would also need a direct front view to be certain.

The only other thing is that I've always pictured him as being more on the long and lean side, more like a basketball player or a swimmer (Michael Phelps, for example, has the type of physique I've imagined), rather than the more muscular build you have. That's just my mental image, though, and it has nothing to do with anything beyond that. Not sure what you've done with the legs, but they look much better proportioned now.

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:32 am
by Javna
Just a thought but could u post from different angles. Hard to see how it looks from just one side .

The image of him, i would go with bigger and thicker hands and feet. And the ears on top but more space between them. The tails length should be 1 & ½ length of the legs according to books and i would make it a bit thicker but like befor its just me =) .
The only ones opinion that count is realy Fels =)

OK this image is more Anime but the feet and hands is more of the image i get big, thick, and massive .

(image from ... t-girl.jpg )

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:49 pm
by Fiferguy
IMHO, I always pictured him more Scandinavian than what you've depicted, because of his Ungardt heritage. Fel tells us a lot of times that he takes after his mother in looks, and that's Ungardt. I see a lot of Native American in your image, and I just don't picture Tarrin like that. I also picture Tarrin with broader shoulders, but that's probably not what Fel has in mind. I tend to picture all main characters with broad shoulders, since that's what I have. :twisted:

Otherwise, really really cool image. I like it. :D

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 2:11 am
by lapland
I had to take a second look at the second picture. Too quick the first time and mistook it for porn. Looked like a MASSIVE erection instead of his stomach muscles. Did you check out the sennadar character sketches....Fel said they were VERY accurate.

As for yours looking native American......Don't you think that may be because they are redish in appearance, more than physical characteristics.

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:47 pm
by Fiferguy
lapland wrote:I had to take a second look at the second picture. Too quick the first time and mistook it for porn. Looked like a MASSIVE erection instead of his stomach muscles. Did you check out the sennadar character sketches....Fel said they were VERY accurate.

As for yours looking native American......Don't you think that may be because they are redish in appearance, more than physical characteristics.
I didn't even take color into account when I said that. I just see the high cheekbones, narrow chin, and see Native American. Most of the Scandinavians I know (and where I pull my Ungardt from) are much more square faced.

But that's the glory of reading. You can see what you want to see. :D

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:30 pm
by Javna
Found this when rereading Tarrin Kael Chronicles
Firestaff Collection Book 5 - Weavespinner page 172 wrote: His hands. Tarrin held up his arm and looked at his hand, comparing them. That furry hand was almost three times bigger than this one. Truly huge, and tipped with claws nearly as long as his little fingers were. So, that was what his hands had looked like.

Will give u a better idea of his hands

Re: Tarrin 3D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:19 am
by Dingo
Omg... no. Don't invoke the unholy furry movie in even the same FORUM that holds a reference to Tarrin.

This might help a bit with ear placement. It's a Mithra from Final Fantasy 11