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Re: Consortium Attack - Timing

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:15 am
by michaelsuave
The Quasar Fel is talking about is the quasar where the other end of the star gate is so it appears that people are still coming from the direction of karis, but really aren't coming from karis... sounds like a natural phenom (even though doesn't exist in reality*) made up from the mind of fel.

Back to the consortium, it sounds like they have another beach head in the same galaxy as karis. The consortium already had ships in the galaxy before their fleet got there, they had dropped probes in hyperspace around karis, they had been to talk to the urami several times over a period of time, and they were seen leaving the Urami home world and traveling to some where.

Sure would be nice if you could track the hyperspace disturbances that a ship makes... track the consortium back to their hidey holes. Whether its like tracks in the snow, or the distrubance of a fluid, maybe if the karrines and kimdori can get on the trail fast enough, they can track back to where the consortium came from or where their base is. They know how to make hyperspace probes now (if they didn't already*) so they could send one out to track the consortium. The karines understand hyperspace pretty well, and now they can combine the knowledge of the karinnes, with the new science of the stargates, along with the knowledge gleened from the consortium ships (transfering power through hyperspace*) etc. I'm looking forward to what comes next! :twisted:

Just some thoughts.

~Michael 8)

Re: Consortium Attack - Timing

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:28 pm
by Quindo Ma
What Fel means by stating the quasar couldn't exist in the real world was not that he made it up. It's because the only quasars known to humankind are billions of light years away from us. Today theories suggest that these QUASi StellAR objects are super-massive black holes that form the centers of most galaxies, just due to the age of these, they tend to be bigger.
Because black holes suck up any matter close to them, and because of the gravitational forces in play, all matter surrounding them tends to get accelerated to near-relativistic velocities (ie. almost light speed), and because of that, glows brightly. At the distances involved, it's easy to at first think it's a star and not a galaxy, hence the name.

Re: Consortium Attack - Timing

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:05 pm
by ampws
Personally I think Fel made a mistake he was thinking of a Nebula a stellar nursery full of clouds of gas and crud where stars are born. Very energetic environments full of all sorts of radiations.

Here's a thought for you nit-pickers.

The consortium has developed ways of beaming energy. Maybe the original purpose of the energy beaming project was not to beam power but rather the energy state members of the consortium. In other words instant travel for the energy state members (who I am assuming are the rulers and possibly immortal). The ability to also broadcast power also was a side-effect.

If they do have some form of instantaneous means of intergalactic communication then couldn't the technology be used to transfer the energy beings?

My computer is powered by the kinetic energy of coins falling out of my bank account.