Chapter 28, possible ideas and theories (spoilers)

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Child of Niami
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Chapter 28, possible ideas and theories (spoilers)

Post by SYED »

I am posting this due to the fact that the almighty Fel decided to post the start of retribution, when it was assumed he would finish off earth bond first. Number 28 I think was supposed to be the finale of this installment of our dragon adventures.

So the secret is out to the island. Humans and earth dragons can be magically tethered together. The bond gives humans youth and an expanded life expectancy, while the earth dragons can manipulate plant life and gain the potential for flight. So there will be a large scale hunt for human magicians,while the earth dragons go through an extensive physical enhancement program and a pseudo dragon flight school.
The thing is due to the physical changes, there will be a witness protection scheme for magicians. I had this idea that the dragons could set up something like a magicians guild for their services. Such a system would allow them some form of protection, and aid in hiding their identities. They would have to set up something to help educate magicians one large scale, a school of some type. The location will be tricky. I was thinking Antarctica, as it would be secure and it is not officially the territory of any one nation. I bet magic could make a viable habitat.

Long distance magic is the trickiest application, but I wonder if these tethers provide a loophole.

I can see that as hunters, Sky dragons could actually locate new magicians very speedily. Open air events would be a great boon to the hunters. So a steady stream of new students. Locating new magicians would be a valuable asset to convince the UN to work with the dragons. So when Kell goes to meet them, he should carry an item with the magician locating vision. Even if only a few there have the ability, the fact the dragons can easily locate them, would be valuable.

I wonder if the plant growth effect works on sea life, that would be cool. It could make hydro and aqua phonics into viable systems. Look at what happened to Kell sleeping burrow.
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Re: Chapter 28, possible ideas and theories (spoilers)

Post by SoronelHaetir »

I think the dragons had the right idea by starting with medium-sized cities. They most likely don't want to deal with the mass of people that would be involved if they were to drop in on a sporting event C.A.P. extraction style.

Even just being around that many people would be likely to generate lots of excitement, potentially even to the point where humans get injured in the press, I see dragons wishing to avoid that. Much better to approach individuals when they are alone - or at least in very limited numbers (as in family only). The dragons are going to have a difficult time if they insist that their recruits be single or married to another potential. They are already going to have a hard enough time finding enough after sorting on their 'good character' criteria.
Child of Niami
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Re: Chapter 28, possible ideas and theories (spoilers)

Post by SYED »

They can help sort the potential magicians using their truth spell. The thing is how does that spell work, if magic only works on what is real.