Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by Phantom »

fel wrote:Ayise can kill absolutely anyone on Sennadar with a thought who is native to that world.

INCLUDING the other Elder Gods. She created them, she can destroy them..
Damn i knew i needed to get that Vendari body guard

There is one problem i found with that.  In book 3 Honor and Blood chapter 34 Tarrin is reading from the Book of Ages and You wrote the following.

" And so, from the nothingness of the universe, the Great Creator spun into existence the First Gods.
He gave them will and power, gave them purpose and life.
He named them Ayise and Shellar, male and female, the great complement upon which all things depend.
To Ayise, the female, he granted the power of Creation, as is the power and blessing of the woman.
To Shellar, he granted the power of Time, so that Creation would have a beginning, and alas, would also know an end, which is the purpose of all Things.
'Knowest thou that thou art My creations, art My servants. This place is thine to create as thy will, with My
blessing. I shall return anon and see what thou hast created."

so can Ayise kill Shellar or not ?

I mean besides if they are like Married or mates then i'm sure she can kill him but you know what i mean... ;)
The only ones she can't kill are creatures who originated from other planes of existence and creations of the Firestaff.  Once it changes them, they cease being a child of Ayise, and become a child of the Firestaff.  Since she did not create them, she cannot destroy them.
Yea i went back and found that in Honor and Blood <bummer>
The idea that Ahiriya would somehow rebel against Ayise and stand with Niami is gallant, but completely infeasible.  The INSTANT that Ahiriya disrupted the Balance, Ayise would wipe her out of existence and replace her with a new Elder God.

And because everyone knows that, even Ahiriya, it makes threatening to do it utterly moot.
I see that now...
Oh well it was fun to think Tarrin could get other help. <Sigh crushed again>
The only god that can get away with openly defying Ayise is Niami, because what she represents isn't absolutely critical to the operation of the universe.  The world can get along fine without magic.

Niami would also be the most dangerous god for Ayise to kill.  She IS the Weave.  Kill her, and the Weave ceases to exist.  Needless to say, this is something that Ayise would do only as an absolute last resort, as it would result in utter chaos in the mortal world, and would also result in chaos in the pantheon as the priests of the Younger Gods lost all their powers.

That's how Niami is getting away with what she's doing.  Ayise can't kill her without risking completely throwing the mortals into chaos, and risking serious disruption of the divine order.  She's in a unique position, using the fact that she's expendable to the Balance but vital in other ways as a club to beat her mother over the head to get her own way
Wouldn't that also Cause another Breaking
and Kill all but those beings with little connection to the web Including killing the Dragons ?

In a way it would seem  that as long as the Weave survives Niami is Expendable.  but if her death breaks the Weave killing all those Beings too tied to the magic of it. wouldn't that disturb the balance in it's own way?

Humm maybe not Beings were created after the Blance so i guess they don't count... unless your a Younger God. =)

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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by Hearly »

phantom wrote: Wouldn't that also Cause another Breaking
and Kill all but those beings with little connection to the web Including killing the Dragons ?

In a way it would seem  that as long as the Weave survives Niami is Expendable.  but if her death breaks the Weave killing all those Beings too tied to the magic of it. wouldn't that disturb the balance in it's own way?

Humm maybe not Beings were created after the Blance so i guess they don't count... unless your a Younger God. =)

Yes it would, thats why Niami can act without really any regard for her mother's wishes as her mother cannot kill her without destroying the balance....

The balance as in it would kill all those with some connection to the weave and deny all Younger Gods there power.

Niami herself is not "vital" to the balance, but all the people whom would die when she would be killed would affect the balance...
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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by Phantom »

hearly wrote:
Yes it would, thats why Niami can act without really any regard for her mother's wishes as her mother cannot kill her without destroying the balance....

The balance as in it would kill all those with some connection to the weave and deny all Younger Gods there power.

Niami herself is not "vital" to the balance, but all the people whom would die when she would be killed would affect the balance...

I was figuring that
I guess if she was killed in a fight with Val the other gods just would have figured the deaths would have happened anyways.

As then they would have had to strike Val directly them selfs and that would have Destroyed Sennadar anyways so at that point the balance wouldn't matter.

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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by rick »

Fel , A point I think we all are forgetting is that ALL WERECATS BOW TO A STRONGER POWER THEM THEM SELF (please excuse the caps but I`m trying to make a point) "Aysia ia the Eldest" of all the Gods (read the strongest) as you youself said several times .Tarrin by his own were-nature  would bow to her will ,as well as being bound by his Aspects as a " God of Duty" and as a 'Protector of Sennadar" would Cause him to obay Aysia .(See the Firestaff transformation sceen in the next to last chapter in book six)
Why Aysia is having a problem with this is what I don`T understand?
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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by MechCraft »

there was a line right at the begining of tower of sorcery, between jesmind and tarrin where he got ticked off at jesmind. she replies "good im not going to teach a mewling sheep"

that is to say. a werecat will evertually challange a stronger opponet. the same thing happend with jula and tarrin, and jula and trianna.

whats to say that tarrin woulnt challenge ayise or the other gods.

lets not forget that the gods could put a geis on tarrin 'when they find him'..
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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by MechCraft »

another year older and the adventures continue.

WARNING WARNING Possible Spoilers

i had a thought.... what would happen if tarrin took up residence in the gods plain.

as it stands, tarrin has a gods soul, he created a shell body in the continueium to finish what he started. but he also has a flesh and bone body that goddess created from his braid.

would the other gods allow tarrin to do this?
he would be bound to the scriptures that the elder and younger gods agree too.

if tarrin did fininsh off The One would it upset the ballence?
is the ballence already upset and that is why tarrin is what he is?

i read this quote somewhere  "what one man calls luck another calles a plan."
is tarrins role in what he is doing shier co-incidence or is he following a higher plan we havent seen yet?

as kikalli once said "the winds of change follow him like a cyclone"

damn i must be feeling philisophical on my birthday. im glad it only comes once a year....
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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by Phantom »

WARNING WARNING Possible Spoilers also :D

mechcraft wrote:another year older and the adventures continue.

i had a thought.... what would happen if tarrin took up residence in the gods plain.
Interesting thought I don't think he can though...but who knows.. Besides Tarrin would want to be with his family and friends.  

Humm Strange thought If The One trys to do or influance something to hurt Jesanna on Pyrosia
would that be enough to cause tarrin to face him down matter where or how strong the one is..

I know he's going to do it anyways but ......
as it stands, tarrin has a gods soul, he created a shell body in the continueium to finish what he started. but he also has a flesh and bone body that goddess created from his braid.

would the other gods allow tarrin to do this?
he would be bound to the scriptures that the elder and younger gods agree too.
I think Being a Child of the Firestaff is always going to put him outside the scriptures... Remember Ayise can't just simply think or will him dead.  
if tarrin did fininsh off The One would it upset the ballence?
is the ballence already upset and that is why tarrin is what he is?
I would have to say the balance on Pyrosia Maybe (if there even is such a thing ) with the Elder God of Pyrosia vacating and Leaving  there are only younger god's The One is a younger God that Bullied his way to the head of the others.
As far as the balance on Sennadar i would have to say No.  but that could change  after all that what the Sennadar gods are afraid of.

i read this quote somewhere  "what one man calls luck another calles a plan."
is tarrins role in what he is doing shier co-incidence or is he following a higher plan we havent seen yet?
Humm reading that it seems almost like an Epsoide of the A-Team

Tarrin........................As Hanibal Smith
Haley or Miranda.........As Face
Azakar.......................As  BA Burakas
Phandebrass...............As Murdock

Dolanna.....................As the Reporter Whats her name

And Guest Staring    
Ayise........................ As  Col, Decker

He he he

Actualy Fel is the Puppet master and Tarrin follows his plan <G>

as kikalli once said "the winds of change follow him like a cyclone"

damn i must be feeling philisophical on my birthday. im glad it only comes once a year....
If you had been born on February 29th you would only have to worry once every 4 years ...

But you'd have to wait  64 years to get a drivers License
Or  84 years to be able to drink (US standards)

Well happy Birthday anyways

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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by Lochar »

rick wrote:Fel , A point I think we all are forgetting is that ALL WERECATS BOW TO A STRONGER POWER THEM THEM SELF (please excuse the caps but I`m trying to make a point) "Aysia ia the Eldest" of all the Gods (read the strongest) as you youself said several times .Tarrin  by his own were-nature  would bow to her will ,as well as being bound by his Aspects as a " God of Duty" and as a 'Protector of Sennadar" would Cause him to obay Aysia .(See the Firestaff transformation sceen in the  next to last chapter in book six)
 Why Aysia is having a problem with this is what I don`T understand?
Because Tarrin isn't controllable.  Aiyse can't kill him with a single thought, and to the gods, what you can't control, you destroy.  They learned that lesson the hard way from Val, and if you think about it, it ruined them against any other children of the Firestaff.  Had Tarrin come first and obeyed the rules, Val might have actually won because their guard would have been let down.  Now their guard is always up against a Firestaff God.
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Re: Keeping Score (Or the Gods on Tarrin's Side)

Post by Weresmilodon »

lochar wrote:Had Tarrin come first and obeyed the rules, Val might have actually won because their guard would have been let down.
I doubt that, if for no other reason then that Tarrin would never had let things go that way without a lot of noice and violance, and probably dragging in the other Gods/Goddesses by force if need be.
"I'm a male. Males are supposed to act tough."
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