Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

dustyx wrote:Actually, the best way for a were-cat to be able to be balanced in to the d20 system exists theres a couple of examples of the balances for stronger race in Arcana Unearthed (Variant Player's Handbook by Monte Cook) and a good example of Lycanthrope classes in a Dragon magazine.

Basically, you take the race and change it in to a class, if someone wants to access all the werecat abilities and whatnot, then you have to spend the levels and level-up in your race. It elminates level adjustment while still keeping it pretty balanced.

I think i will have to buy D&D to understand completly..
But i think i do an if i understand correct making aWer-cat in to a Class instead of a race make sence.

It will be a powerfull class but playble.
From the book enhancing you strenght was hard four a wer-cat Tarin hade to to extrem training to make his regenertiv abilty to tierd to intefear.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

Level Adjustment - Something used for Drow and Ogre when they are played by PCs or leveled up class enemies. The more powerful races generally recieve a racial adjustment.

And making it in to a class rather than a race is great in  the fact that players can choose to improve their class or racial abilities when they level up.

Hope that will help explain it.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

dustyx wrote:Level Adjustment - Something used for Drow and Ogre when they are played by PCs or leveled up class enemies. The more powerful races generally recieve a racial adjustment.

And making it in to a class rather than a race is great in the fact that players can choose to improve their class or racial abilities when they level up.

Hope that will help explain it.


It actualy do help..
Its kind of like Tarin improve his schape changing ability by turning human and cat four loong times thus when he leveld up he could stay human longer then "normal" Were-cats.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

....The real Problem....

The main problem creating a RPG world would be to make a compendium a campain book explaning and higlightning things that the players and gamemaster might like to remember.

Then almost a must would be some kind of techinical guide to ho have what.

The species are not that hard to make in most type.

The Wikuni is esy. If your PC is Strong, Hig Enduranc, And Size but has low on Dex then he might be a Bear or Elefanth Wikunii.
If he small hig dexterity he might be a squirel Wikunii.

And so on..

The race from the wild the fairys and kentaurs would most likly give us more of a challange.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

Let's see, what will be needed primarily is races, such as the Wikuni, Selani, Sha'Kar and all the other races, humans can remain the same with no problems.

We also need important sites (places for adventures like old ruins or whatever) in certain regions, and important characters.

We probably will need new spells and to work on and change some of the spell-casting classes.

We probably need some prestige classes as well.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

dustyx wrote:Let's see, what will be needed primarily is races, such as the Wikuni, Selani, Sha'Kar and all the other races, humans can remain the same with no problems.

We also need important sites (places for adventures like old ruins or whatever) in certain regions, and important characters.

We probably will need new spells and to work on and change some of the spell-casting classes.

We probably need some prestige classes as well.


I almost forgot about that...
The magic of Sennadar will be a bit hard to creat as it have a balance.
Sorcerer can blank Priest and so one...

And creating the rules of the diffrent types of magic will be intresting as they all are limited in sertain areas.

But i think that a weaw spinner should be of limit to normal players, maby as a revard you could become one on hig level game. OR in a skill base system after long campain.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

We'll also need a pantheon of gods, what they rule over and what not. Probably also a list of magical artifacts/weapons that have been lost to the sands of time. Stuff like that as well.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Tylhandras »

You do realize that part of what you are asking for has to come from Fel donn't you?  As to the prestige classes, we could almost alter current ones to fit the bill for those that would appear in sennadar.

Just a thought,
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Lochar »

For the Sorcerers, roll say a d100, and the higher to number, the stronger you are in a certain sphere.  Roll d10 to see if you have access to that sphere, 1 means no access, 2 and 3 is barely able to touch, 4-7 or 8 means average touch, 9 is above average, 10 means you're able to use that sphere for whatever spell.  Something like that. :-)
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

The strength in spheres thing is basically just being a specialist wizard which means you choose a certain school or sphere and gain more power in it but in return lose other spheres or schools. Or it could be done by giving people a certain amount of points to distribute to their power in spheres and let them choose where they are stronger or weaker. And this isn't my first time building a system, a friend of mine and I built a classless d20 system around a certain anime that we watch quite often.

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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by hatten_jc »

dustyx wrote:The strength in spheres thing is basically just being a specialist wizard which means you choose a certain school or sphere and gain more power in it but in return lose other spheres or schools. Or it could be done by giving people a certain amount of points to distribute to their power in spheres and let them choose where they are stronger or weaker. And this isn't my first time building a system, a friend of mine and I built a classless d20 system around a certain anime that we watch quite often.


I think it would be best if they can can put points on the Spheres and how strong they are in them.
But the number of points they can roll..

1-2...   10 points
3-4...    15 points
5-6...    20 p

and so on...

Thus leav the strenght of the Sorceres to chance. But give the player a chance to decide what he or she is good at.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Moovanian »

fel wrote:Heh, the world of Sennadar is based upon the world I created 20 years ago, when I was playing AD&D. There have been some pretty significant changes, but the heart of it remains. I started writing short stories about our adventures, and then I started writing the Firestaff series when the guys in my group told me that they thought the stories were pretty good.
I'm pretty new here (first post), but I have busted thru this Saga pretty quickly... I'm up to the Sword of Fire book. But enough about that.

Being a former employee of TSR (Pre-WotC buyout), this story took my interest from the start. But being the old time AD&D'er (well, 2nd edition), I was just wondering if Fel has ever put Tarrin down on paper and what his "character sheet" would look like.

Michael Huebbe
aka Moovanian

PS- Before you even start to ask, I was the Consumer Inquiries Manager at TSR. I was the person that answered all the letters and phone calls about rules, product replacement (missing parts), and other things TSR-ish. So if you called with a rules question, I probably answered it.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Lochar »

moovanian wrote: So if you called with a rules question, I probably answered it.
Never did call and ask, but a few buddies of mine were playing.  What's the likelyhood that my friend playing a warrior when we were against a literal army of orcs and giants makes a 01 prayer roll?  LOL  It was his first ever prayer roll for this character.  Unfortunately, we only got reincarnation, not saved. :-(  
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by Griever »

Personally, I'm all for the d20. White Wolf ... well, I've played a little, and it's too ponderous. GURPS could be considered. When it comes to mechanics I've always been in favor of the Warhammer RPG, but then again, that's just me.

With d20 we've already got some templates set up. Like spellcaster predispositions. A few tweaks here and there with the reliances (priest: Wisdom; wizard:Intelligence and Dexerity; sorceror:Intelligence and Charisma; druid: Wisdom and Charisma etc.) for spell bonuses. Mage spells could be imported from somewhere else, as could the basic priest ones, but sorcerors would have to have an entirely different mode of casting than mages. Druids also, come to think of it.

Just my two cents.
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Re: Firestaf world as a Rollplaying game

Post by dustyX »

The only real way I see of having the weave is through either a skill such as the Force skills in the Star Wars D20 system. The real problem lies in the form of making a weaving system. Though the best way would be to use the Vitality/Wound point system and as you go to create a spell involving fire and wind, you pay so much vitality as power for the fire and so much vitality as the cost of the wind.

That or take most of the mage spells, and give them a vitality cost for the sorcerer to cast which would be the most effective form because the amount of spells you can cast are limited.
