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Other good internet authors

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:21 am
by Orinks
Hey all,

I'm a new member of this forum. Just started reading the Sennadar books, am on Book 4 and absolutely loving it. Though I must say, Subjugation is more of my type of story that I'd prefer reading, so it'd be great if not only Fel could bring Tribulation soon but also start writing more Scifi.

Also, Fel, if you do happen to read this, have you ever considered making your books into Audio at Podiobooks? They pretty much distribute it like you do here but over at Podiobooks it's likely to get exposed to a wider audience. It'd also be the first time, if you did that, that a podiobook would be available online to read in text, most of them just give out the audio files.

Just wondering if there are some good internet authors out there doing what Fel does? I already know of Al Steiner, read most of his stuff and he won't be coming back for quite a while.

So, hopefully a new series with Subjugation will come out soon. It'd be interesting if that series would become as big as Sennadar. Also, I noticed that in Incerection and Unification, it didn't have as much going on as as in the first, Subjugation, didn't have as much plot in my opinion. The first book was quite long and had me entertained for a day or two, while I read the second and third books in one day.

Just wondering if you're planning on using the blog on the site? I wonder if anyone can update the Wiki on what exactly the books are about, plot summeries, for example, because my friend asked me what Sennadar was about and I really didn't know how to answer like a summary would like on a cover.

Spirit Walker seems rather interesting. Does that in any way connect to the sennadar universe? As in would I have to read all three series of Sennadar to get Spirit Walker?
Thanks all.

Re: Other good internet authors

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:05 am
by Orinks
Hi guys,

Sorry about the whole Wiki thing. Sennadar has the most complete information, but the other books don't.